‘The Jerusalem Post’ is helping to create a new intifada

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The once respectable once Zionistic Jerusalem Post, formerly Palestinian Post, continues to spread propaganda from terrorists and other anti-Jewish junk. I’ve signaled many of these instances before but now it has outdone itself by helping to spread a call to start a next intifada.

For several years now, the Palestinian Authority has tried to create a third intifada and it keeps failing at that. So did the first ‘Day of Rage’ it called for past Tuesday. One outlet reports that it was a ‘major flop.’ Well-known anti-Zionist AP reported ‘about 2000’ demonstrators just in Ramallah.

Not so the Jerusalem Post. It claims that ‘thousands participated’ all over the West Bank while others say it was much ado about nothing. Not only that, it reports that the PA President claimed that a Palestinian prisoner had died of cancer and that Israel was responsible and that Palestinians had now only one option left, to start a new uprising. Ridiculous, of course.

But how could this intifada begin if the press doesn’t report the slander and lies, the agitation and incitement? No problem, the Post to the rescue.

The Post reports that he “was arrested in 2002 for his involvement in terrorism.” Nice euphemism! Should we believe that he received three life sentences and an additional 30 years for waving a PLO flag? Not reporting that his family gets handsome amounts of money every month ever since.

Haaretz pretends that its anti-Zionist distortions are fair reporting because this self-hatred is published from Israel. The Jerusalem Post is worse. That is known (still) as a decent, right-wing newspaper. Reader beware!

A tree is known by its fruit. Only this tree has quite a variety of produce, so please don't judge the trunk after one helping.
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