The Privileged Life: The Flavors of Summer…and Homegrown Tomatoes

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” Psalm 34:8

“…what this country needs [is] homegrown tomatoes in every yard you see….” Guy Clark

Summer veggies and fruits are starting to arrive…delicate lettuces, colorful squashes, bright green herbs, juicy melons, blueberries, strawberries…and ripe red homegrown tomatoes. What a privilege to live in a world where good things grow! They’re healthy, too, loaded with vitamins.

When God created the earth, He carefully and thoughtfully planted vegetation before He made animals and man…we all might have starved otherwise. I’m so thankful He put food within easy reach to pluck and enjoy, especially those homegrown tomatoes. I’m thankful, too, for the cottage cheese to accompany them! I can hardly wait for fried okra later on….

As I enjoy yet another meal cooked from the bounty of my garden (and the farmers market), I’m reminded that God is the original environmentalist. He set us here to take care of His Eden planet and not take it for granted. He gave us so much to enjoy, a place where we would survive and flourish, with the obligation that we tend it carefully and not destroy it carelessly. 

Before you drive through that fast-food line and order the same old sandwich and fries, look for delectable side salads and other healthy-choice veggies and fruits. Support your local farmers market, too. Ask God’s blessing on the good things He has given you to eat, thank Him for the farmers who worked hard to produce them, and praise Him for giving us a beautiful Earth to cultivate for His glory.

Creative God, the Master Planner of all things good to eat, thank You for providing us with healthy foods that nourish us and equip us daily to serve You. Make us mindful that we are merely caretakers here of Your incredible planet. Remind us that we are serving You as we tend and keep it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

#theprivilegedlife #lightbournecreative #thankful #privileged #gratitude #abundantlife #Christianprivilege #theprayerlife #copingwithshutdown #copingwithcovid19 #prayforUSA #prayforhealing #backyardgarden #2020garden #herbgarden #farmersmarket #herbcrazy #savorygarden #lovedill #overwinterherbs #veggiecrazy #kalecrazy #pandemicgarden #shutdowngarden #veggielove #homegrowntomatoes #veggiehealth #thegardenlife #Godtheenvironmentalist #edencare #friedokra #herbsforlife 

Enjoy these lyrics from Guy Clark—his love song about homegrown tomatoes:

Photos are from the Johnson City Farmers Market stands of Mountainwise (small-scale, ecological farming in Appalachia— and the Price family as well as from our backyard herb garden.

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