What's Love Got to do With It? - Grit & Grace

Waiting for all the things to fall into place isn’t something that magically disappeared in 2021. We’re barely two months in, and there’s still plenty of unresolved stuff we’re holding out hope for. What’s love got to do with it?

What's Love Got to do With It?
Am I the only one who asks that question with a song?

Well, I’m thinking that for most of us, February usually brings with it some sort of thoughts about love because of Valentine’s Day.

I’ll get to the love stuff in a minute, but first…

In December, I had a fresh opportunity to become a case study in all the things cloudy vision. I decided to use some down time after illness during our Christmas break to sketch out a rough outline of writing topics I wanted to tackle in 2021. With pen and notepad in hand, I set out to schedule all the things I should write about.

But first, let’s open up multiple tabs on my laptop, and see all the things the experts have to say about all the things I better write about. After a few hours, I was able to tediously hammer out a year’s worth of writing topics. Not too shabby, I thought. I’ve got a good plan.

In seeking out “expert” opinions on all the things I should write about, I forgot about something. No matter what the expert opinions are on platform growth or how I should write about what appeals to the most people, they can’t tell me what my part in all of it is. All the industry experts in the world aren’t qualified to tell me what my portion is.

The marching orders for my calling can only be given to me by the One who calls.

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

Romans 11:29

Irrevocable = it’s final. A done deal. Unchangeable.

My portion is all I’m responsible for.

Not all the things. Only what’s been assigned to me by God.

“The Lord is my portion.” Psalm 119:57

And while I do feel it’s important to receive wisdom from experts to help us grow in our given field, that advice will always pale in comparison to the good and perfect gifts of wisdom that can only come from above.

So when the nudge came, I paid attention. It came within 24 hours of putting the finishing touches on my 2021 writing topic list. It was early morning, and I had just gotten back home from a run. As I stood there in all my post-run endorphin clarity, it hit me. The nudge that couldn’t be ignored.

I want you to write about something else.

I was listening. The echoes of my pre-run reading of 1 Corinthians 13 still ringing in my mind.

Your mission is to love me with all your heart, soul, and mind, and to love others.

His voice got louder with each nudge, but it wasn’t in anger. It was the loudness that comes when you silence every other noise around you.

I want you to write about love.

The Voice of Truth would not be ignored.

I flipped to the next page in my notebook, and proceeded to feverishly write up a brand new writing topic list for 2021.

I will be spending the next year reading, praying, and meditating on what love is, and what it isn’t. What better way to grow in love than to ponder what God says about it, and to use my words to wrestle with that truth. 1 Corinthians 13, along with some other lovely resources (pun intended) will be on repeat.

Love is indispensable.

And yet I will show you the most excellent way.

These are the words that come immediately before 1 Corinthians 13 at the very end of 1 Corinthians 12. My heart for excellence skipped a beat from excitement when I read those words. The most excellent way. I want in on that, friends. No matter how clumsily I fumble towards it.

One of the ways folks try to grab hold of fresh hope and clarity in the new year is with a word/phrase for the year. My word was love even before I was nudged with my new writing topic list. Honestly, it’s been my “word” for years now. My heart’s desire to grow in love because I often feel like I fall so short in this area.
I hope you’ll join me as I use this little corner of the internet to share glimpses of my wrestling through writing of each verse.

Here’s to the clarity that comes from laying down the burden of all the things in order to grab hold of the very best thing. The most excellent way of love.

Becky is a Miami native, and has lived here all of her life. Married to her husband for over 20 years, they lead a very active lifestyle along with their three teenagers and Riley, their rescue dog. Becky loves to teach, and has had the awesome privilege of home educating her children for over twelve years. When not teaching academics, Becky loves to equip, encourage, and empower women through the teaching of her group fitness classes. Becky and her husband lead various ministries, and their family loves to serve the community through the countless opportunities provided over the past twenty years+ in their local church. She enjoys filling her “free” time with reading, writing, watching movies, and just spending time with the family. Becky has a passion for living her life with grit and grace, and encouraging others to do the same.

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