How to Not Get Bullied While in College - Melanie Redd, Ministry of Hope

20% of American students were victims of bullying at least once. It's a real deal - even in college. Learn how to not get bullied while in college. #bullying #collegebullies #notbeingbullied

According to psychologists, bullying is a social concept.

The problem of bullying can be encountered in almost any society formed by a random principle (a team at work, school, or college, where people often do not have common interests).

But this problem has grown in intensity in both school and student groups.

In this article, we will talk about how to deal with bullying while minimizing the risks to your mental and physical health.

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20% of American students were victims of bullying at least once. It's a real deal - even in college. Learn how to not get bullied while in college. #bullying #collegebullies #notbeingbullied

How to Not Get Bullied While in College

The statistics are disappointing.

20% of American students were victims of bullying at least once.

So, what can be done?

Here are four suggestions for how to not get bullied while in college:

First… Recognize Your Uniqueness as a Person.

There is a generalized list of criteria that identify people who are at risk.

These are students who have:

-Religious and racial characteristics;
-A certain economic level;
-Stigmatized diseases (HIV, mental characteristics);
-Particular political position;
-Distinctive features of appearance.

If you find one of your characteristics on this list and become a victim of bullying, the first thing you need to do is to realize that you are unique and inimitable.

No one else on earth is exactly like you.

Remember: You are a unique person created in the image of God. He made you and He loves you.

Second… Remember That in Fact, Bullies Are Always Actually Weaker Than Their Victims.

Psychologists say that the first goal of a bully is not even to offend someone, but simply to prove their superiority and assert themselves.

Some bullies are students who have everything, and are “bored with life.”

Violence for them is a fun game, entertainment, a way to fill life with emotions.

A characteristic feature is their desire for power and the need for the presence of “spectators.”

They often hurt students in front of an entire class just to get a reaction. If the bullied student is too sensitive and upset, then bullying can intensify.

Remember: Your bully may actually be a very weak, hurting, or damaged person. Sometimes understanding where they are coming from may help.

Third… Find the Strength to Stop Reacting.

If a person said disgusting things to hurt you, and you have figured out what they are doing, you can stop it.

Just don’t react to them.

If you stop responding to such behavior and try to ignore them, they may leave you alone.

No reaction from you may lead to boredom on their part.

Remember: Bullies are looking for a reaction from you. Ignoring them may actually cause them to go away.

Finally… Reduce the Authority of the Bully in the Team.

Sometimes, you may have to confront your bully.

If their attacks or comments continue, you may have to speak honestly with them.

Remember… Speaking the truth in love and honesty may be just what this person needs to hear. Try talking to them or having another friend go with you to talk to them.

Are you a high school or college student with essays to write?

Have you considered an essay service that offers custom online writing?

You may want to check one out to see if such a service might be beneficial for you as a student or for your child.

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