10 Ideas To Help You Love Your Life A Whole Lot More In 2021

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For so many of us, change can be kind of scary! Our routines and habits become comfortable to us, even if they aren’t healthy for us!

If you’ve been feeling like you just don’t love your life as much as you used to, maybe it’s time to get out of your comfort zone and make that change?

There is good news though! Change doesn’t have to be scary. These 10 tips can be done as gradually as you feel comfortable to help you move from stuck in the past to fully living and loving your life in the present.


10 ideas to help you love and enjoy your life a whole lot more in 2021! #loveyourlife #motivation #healthyliving #mindset #gratitude


#1. Quit the comparison trap

Most of us are familiar with the old Theodore Roosevelt quote, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

I must agree. When we compare ourselves or our lives to others, we either declare ourselves “winners or losers.” The truth is, we lose every time because we are losing precious time spent looking at someone else’s life instead of living our own.

If you admire (or envy, let’s be honest!), ask yourself why. Could it be because you see them accomplishing something that is on your heart to do too? Or is it because you don’t feel you measure up?

Instead of comparing – try creating. Create that business. Go after your health or financial goals. Count your own blessings and realize that everything you need to love your life is well within your reach.

we won't be distracted by comparison if we are captivated with purpose - bob goff

#2. Begin being your own best friend

In order to stop comparing, we need to begin being kind to ourselves. God doesn’t create junk, my friend.

You are not a mistake; neither are your skills, talents, looks, or personality. Everything about you was formed exactly for the purpose that you are called to do in this life.

What you have and who you are is not greater than or less than anyone else. It was made for you!

We are far too quick to tear ourselves down. Try an exercise where you sit down and begin writing all of the qualities that you love or admire about yourself. Don’t be shy!

What you might find is that not only do you love your life more, but you discover hidden talents and patterns that make you unique. Use those. They’re not an accident.

#3. Give more. Grumble less

Something truly magical happens in our lives when we give to others. Even though our outward circumstances may not have changed at all, our hearts have.

We instantly become happier and more fulfilled. Why? Because our focus is no longer on our problems, but is instead focused on how we can be a solution to someone else’s need.

What we focus on grows. The next chance you get, offer a random act of kindness and see how different you feel!

This precious dad shows us how it’s done!

#4. Don’t forget fun and adventure

Work is good, but this society seems to think that we should earn a badge of honor for working non-stop. All this accomplishes is burnout, exhaustion, and resentment.

Sometimes, all we need is a break from the normal routines and responsibilities of our lives. Even if it’s just for one day!

Go for that hike, go for a scenic drive just because, learn that new hobby, schedule that vacation on your bucket list. Whatever it is, don’t put it off for a tomorrow that never comes.

It is impossible to love your life without rest, relaxation, and a chance to focus your mind on something you enjoy.

you never discover the unexpected if you always stick with the familiar: 10 ideas for how to love your life

#5. Healthy habits matter

Each part of our body is connected and affect one another. If our bodies are unhealthy, our minds will be too. If our minds are struggling, our bodies will feel it. The same is true for our spiritual health.

That’s one of the reasons fun & adventure matter so much. It gives us rest which is critical to our well-being.

Here are some healthy habits that can help you love your life again:

  • Get the right amount of sleep for you individually
  • Find an exercise you love so it’s easy to be consistent
  • Focus on small changes that make a big difference
  • Eat for health. We get out of our bodies what we put into them.
  • Ditch toxic cleaning chemicals and opt for natural cleaning products instead
  • Consider soaking in the presence of the Lord for peace and healing
  • Start a gratitude journal for the amazing health benefits

#6. Smiling lowers stress

I find this one pretty amazing! During periods of mild stress, smiling reduces your heart rate and helps you recover from the stressful trigger much more quickly!

Aside from that, your smile can literally change a person’s whole day!

Have you ever noticed how contagious smiling is? 🙂

Our smiles also tell us a lot about our health overall. In fact, your dentist may be the first one to catch diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and more!

Regular oral care cleanings, gum reshaping for gummy smiles, and other preventive care treatments can help you love your life and your smile!

You are beautiful, inside & out! Never underestimate the power of your smile!

#7. Declutter your life

I have a confession: I hate clutter! It makes me feel anxious, unfocused, and overwhelmed.

Turns out, there is science behind this! A cluttered home leads to a cluttered mind full of anxiety and a real lack of focused productivity.

Our brains respond to clutter with a low-grade constant feeling of fight or flight. What this means for us is that our stress hormone, cortisol increases, along with our actual feelings of stress!

You just might be surprised what happens when you donate or toss many of the unnecessary items lying around your home. Not only will your brain feel calmer but your home will be cleaner!

It’s much easier to love your life when you have a safe space where you feel calm, relaxed, and truly at home.

Cutting the clutter from your life could also mean cutting out toxic relationships.

We become most like those we spend our time with. If you are surrounded by drama and negativity, that will be the fruit you see in your life. Let unhealthy relationships go. Love them from a distance.

#8. Let the past stay in the past

ALL of us have made mistakes. We all have regrets and decisions we wish we’d made differently.

I know first-hand the reality of how heavily these things can weigh on your heart and mind.

Reframing how we view our mistakes can set us up to succeed in the future. If we look at what went wrong with a compassionate point of view, we can change unhealthy behaviors and patterns.

As a Christian, I like to ask the Holy Spirit where I’m believing a lie that led to a certain action or reaction. He is faithful to show us every single time! Then, He can bring healing to that area.

We can’t even change what happened one minute ago, because even that is the past! Dwelling on it only makes us feel bad about ourselves.

The goal is not to excuse and justify our mistakes but to learn and grow from them so that we don’t stay stuck in beliefs and behaviors that hinder our happiness.

#9. There’s power in forgiveness

In my friend Carol Hind’s guest post, “God’s Master Key to Wholeness,” she shared with us the powerful truth of forgiveness in our lives and the lives of others.

Forgiveness does not mean what was done to you was okay. It is simply refusing to drink the poison of bitterness, anger, resentment, and pain of unforgiveness day after day.

Letting go of the past and unforgiveness in our hearts allows us to move forward wholly into our futures.

#10. Gratitude is the right attitude

Gratitude is hands-down one of the most powerful ways to love your life more. When we take our focus off of what we don’t have and place it on what we do have, our whole mindset shifts instantaneously.

Plus, there are some incredible health benefits just for choosing to be grateful!

Related Reading: How A Gratitude Journal With Prompts Can Transform Your Mind

Why Do You Love Your Life?

Let 2021 be the year that you invest in yourself and others. Step out of your routine into new habits and goals. Whether you choose one or all of the tips above, it’s a step in the right direction to loving your life!

Since gratitude is such an important part of feeling fulfilled in our lives; what is it about your life that you love?

Do you identify with any of these 10 ideas listed above?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments section below!

As always, thank you for sharing this post on social media! Your support makes me love my life!

With Love & Thankfulness,

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