Religion Vs Relationship With Jesus Christ - Pursuing Intimacy With God

Religion vs Relationship With Jesus Christ

Religion vs Relationship With Jesus Christ

Being a religious person can be very different than having a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. Religion is man’s self effort at reaching God. A religious person can be following religious rituals in his/her life, and yet the heart can be far from God. Religious rituals can include going to church, reading the Bible as a religious book, fasting, and even prayer.

When you read the Bible about Jesus’ life here on earth, you see that the people Jesus had the most trouble with were religious people. Especially religious leaders. They talked the talk very well, but did not live out their religious beliefs. In fact they were very hypocritical in their lifestyles. Their hearts were so far from God that they did not even recognize God’s own Son Jesus. And they did not believe that Jesus Christ was the promised Messiah and Savior.

Religion often involves trying hard to follow a set of religious rules or restrictions. Hoping that these efforts will lead to forgiveness and God’s favor. There are many more religious people in churches today than there are people who truly have a restored and committed personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

God’s Plan For Redemption And Salvation

God’s plan of redemption and salvation is not based on people’s efforts and good works. If it were you would have to be perfect in order to qualify this way. You would have to perfectly obey God’s commands and principles in your life. No one is perfect. Only Jesus Christ lived a sinless and perfect life.

God’s plan of redemption and salvation is based on His amazing Love and amazing grace for us. His plan involved His precious Son Jesus paying the price and penalty for our sins on the cross. To be able to receive the gift of salvation and a restored relationship with God, and eternal life in heaven, you need to do the 3 things that the Bible reveals.

God’s Requirements For A Restored Relationship & Eternal Life

First, you need to repent of your sins. This means you need to turn away from sins and turn back in your heart to God. Then you need to put all of your faith and hope in Jesus Christ and in what He did for you on the cross. Not in any religion, or in church, or in your own efforts. Simply put all of your faith and hope in Jesus Christ alone. 

Jesus himself stated these first 2 requirements for salvation and a restored relationship with God in Mark 1:15. “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.”

The Final Requirement For Salvation & A Restored Relationship With God

Jesus also stated the final requirement for salvation and a restored relationship with God. In John 1:12 Jesus tells us that we need to accept His Son Jesus Christ in order to receive the gift of salvation and become one of God’s children. 

“But as many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.” – John 1:12

Only by repenting from sins, and placing your faith and hope in Jesus Christ alone, and receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior can one experience the joy of having a right love relationship with God.

True Salvation & The Biblical Requirements

In Part 2 of Religion vs Relationship With Jesus Christ we will continue to look at the differences between religion vs a restored personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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