Sermon: I need a Christmas gift

Sermon: I need a Christmas gift

Posted on December 25, 2021 Updated on December 17, 2021

Deliverance sermons and prayers

Proverbs 23 vs. 26 My son, give me thine heart..

Christmas is a season of gifts, exchanged between friends, associates and relations. The greatest all year shopping takes place at Christmas. Shopping malls, boutiques and markets all record high sales in the days preceding Christmas day.

Millions of people throng shops and stores looking for Christmas gifts to present to others. As you are preparing to give gifts to your friends, are you also planning to present a gift to God? Have you forgotten God is one of your friends, and also expects a gift from you?

Surprising people seem to forget God in their planning and calculations. If you have given or received Christmas gifts this year, but have not yet factored God in your planning it is not too late.

God expects a Christmas gift form us. The Bible says that we are created in the image…

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