How To Build A Church Intramural Sports League - Chip Tudor:

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If The Easter Story Is Real

by Chip Tudor | Apr 13, 2022

If the Easter story is real then it has an important meaning. One that extends from life on earth into eternity. It is this hope that millions of followers of Jesus live for. Many have died for. And why if the Easter story about a resurrected Savior is real, it should…

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Biblical Righteousness Is More Than You Think

by Chip Tudor | Apr 4, 2022

Biblical righteousness is often misunderstood. Because the negative picture for many people is actually self-righteousness. Someone Jesus regularly condemned. So let’s look at how scripture describes Biblical righteousness. Biblical righteousness is based on a…

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A Consensus Leading To Moral Truth Has Formed From The Ukraine War

by Chip Tudor | Apr 4, 2022

A consensus leading to moral truth has formed in America over the war in Ukraine. A unifying agreement that the war is evil. But reaching that consensus demands a moral truth. Here’s why. A consensus leading to moral truth demands objective reality A consensus leading…

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To Maintain Professional Balance Keep These Four Principles In Mind

by Dr. Stephen Julian | Apr 4, 2022

To maintain professional balance requires diligence and intentionality on your part. Here are four principles to help you stay focused on what is important both professionally and personally. To maintain professional balance be thankful for the…

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Likeable People And Their Nine Qualities

by Dr. Stephen Julian | Mar 1, 2022

Likeable people are the ones you want to be around. And while virtually everyone wants to be liked, it seems many people never consider how to be likeable.   Our digital interconnectedness keeps growing, along with our anxiety, depression, and loneliness. How can…

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