Hope Hidden in the Heart of Spring's Awakening - Serenity in Suffering

In what seems like an overnight arrival, the signs of the hope hidden in the heart of spring’s awakening stun my senses as I walk from the parking lot to my office. Each of the half dozen maple trees boast a myriad of red buds, the large birch tree sports tiny green buds, the timid green fingers of daffodils and tulips point upward and the gay song of busy robins escorts me to the door.

Welcome back to the garden for a time of Garden Grace, where we allow God to reveal Himself through His creation. Once a month we linger together gleaning all He has for us through the beauty of plants, trees, animals and insects. I can’t wait to share my most recent discovery with you!

the heart of spring’s awakening

One of my favorite features at Serenity in Suffering is my monthly Garden Grace posts. Meeting Creator God in the midst of His creation fills my heart with secret delights of His presence. Despite a planned restart of the Garden Grace feature in April; encountering the hope hidden in the heart of spring’s awakening so vividly, compelled me to an earlier start.

Nestled in the heart of spring’s awakening rests an unshaken Hope displayed in creation’s preparatory signs of a new season dawning.

robin on the grund in he middle of purple pansies

Perhaps the unusual weather patterns this year, or my tendency of speeding into my days in previous years; but the signs of spring this year captivated me earlier than I remember. Speaking a delightful lesson from the Lord on the hope hidden in the heart of spring’s awakening.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1

life hidden in the heart of spring

On a brief walk around my garden, multiple signs of spring greet me in every corner. All of which lay hidden not many days before. Marvelling each year at the appearance of tiny buds on barren trees and shrubs, along with little green points emerging from soft soil, spring feels like magic to me.

Life shrouded in death slumbers in the womb of winter’s stillness awaiting the whisper of the dawn of spring’s awakening.

Though hidden, life prepares for emergence in spring. Held within the lifesource of trees and shrubs, buds slowly form over winter months, peeking out as sun caresses rough limbs. Root systems of perennials thicken and spread, gathering nourishment from the soil. Bulbs planted, divide and multiply while strengthening and maturing. All unseen preparatory work, predicated on the unchangeable Hope of the return of spring.

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.

John 12:24

woman's hands planting seeds in seed starter cartons hidden hope in the heart of spring's awakening

Preparation reveals Hope

Not only does creation’s hidden work of life reveal hope, but our own garden planting reveals the inner confidence of a promised harvest. Many people start seedlings indoors which they then plant outside once the spring weather stabilizes.

My husband has several little seed houses in our basement, home to seedlings of creeping thyme and other plants he hopes will adorn our garden this spring and summer. He carefully prepared special soil, mists with water and has lighting set up on a timer.

All with the confident hope of seeds dead in the earth breaking forth in new life at the right time. His preparation rests in his promised hope of new plants come spring. Yet with the first sprouts, he practically jumped for joy seeing his hope realized.

For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?  But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

Romans 8:25

the hidden hope of spring

Teeming with new life, spring echoes the glorious resurrection theme. Trees, shrubs and plants prepare for the emergence of new life; robins, sparrows and wrens tirelessly build nests fit for welcoming offspring.

The hidden Hope of spring speaks the resurrection story with every appearance of new life from the darkness of earth and womb.

spring garden plants

The Joy of the empty tomb bursts upon us with each sign of renewed life and vigor throughout creation. Infusing our souls anew with His promise to make all things new. Gazing upon the dead stalks of the Jacob’s Ladder in our garden speackled with tiny dark green leaves reminds me death’s defeat is certain.

Our Lord has written the promise of Resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.

Martin Luther

hope hidden in the heart of spring’s awakening

God’s resurrection Hope hidden in the heart of spring invites you into a place of release. The true magnificence of spring’s Hope unleashes the restrictions in the places where winter lingers in negativity, grief, fear of the future, or uncertainty.

Lavishly clothing your soul with new growth possibilities, unfolding in the beauty of transformation from apparent death and darkness to the glorious light of spring’s spiritual renewal.

Indeed our Creator God welcomes us back into the intimacy of Garden Grace!

private photo collage

Celebrating the renewal of spring, order your copy of Joyful Life Magazine’s Spring Edition: Simplify today! I have a very special article published in this edition, entitled “Embraced in the Ashes”, the poignant story of my grandson, Isaiah David, I know will bless you.

Joyful Life Magazine is full of great articles, home inspiration and recipes! Check out this link for a sneek peek and to order your copy today!


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