Stealing away to be with Jesus!

(Photo: Unsplash)

The chair of my board invited me to spend the week by some quiet waters with her in Iowa, at Lake Okoboji during the last week of June! 

The video above is from June 30th at sunrise!  A couple of mornings, I rose before sunrise and positioned at the end of the dock to be with Jesus.  It is such a sweet time of day to spend with Him!  We can follow in His footsteps… He chose this time of day to pray too…

Mark 1:35- Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

What time of day do you prefer to pray?  Do you position in the stillness of late or early morning hours?  

There is gift waiting for you there…

When creation is quiet and still, it is gift for us.  Creation and its regular rhythm speaks of God’s faithfulness day by day, morning by morning.  Creation is God’s great act of power and awe inspiring creative work!  It is meant to be a part of our time with God!  Many of us know this, but too few of us position to apply the knowledge to deepened experience with Him. 

Selah. (Pause and think about your habits for stealing away with God.  How is creation and the stillness of late night or early morning helping you connect with Him?)

Challenge yourself to rise before the sun and be positioned to greet the sun, or plan nights to head outside after midnight to gaze at the stars and talk to God.  Schedule date times with God this summer!

On one of my mornings by the lake, I took a walk deeper into a wildflower field/bird haven that was set up by a neighbor and open to all.  I asked God to let me find baby birds.  I’ve really wanted to happen upon a nest for many years now; and believed that this could be my morning! Here is who I found :)…

And then the next morning, Cheryl and I found this baby robin who seemed to have fallen from her nest.  We got her out of the open path and under a bush.  

So little.  So vulnerable.  Seeing that sweet little robin on the ground should make us think of Jesus’ words- “Are not 2 sparrows sold for a copper coin?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father’s will.”  These are words of Jesus found in Matthew 10:29.

Jesus is in control.  He is aware of every finite detail at all times.  It’s mind boggling, but true!

In what ways do you need to find inspiration from the birds of the air, who do not sow or reap or stow away in barns, yet your Heavenly Fathers feeds them?  These are words of Jesus found in Matthew 6:26.

Which one of you by worrying can add one cubit to your stature?  These are more wise words of Jesus found in Matthew 6:27.

Make a date with Jesus.  Leave your house.  Find a sweet spot.  Steal away and talk to Him in the still hours of early morning.

Click on any of the images above to listen to that episode!

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