The City has the Divine Nature and the Divine Life

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Revelation 22:1a, 2a: “And he showed me a river of water of life….And on this side and on that side of the river was the tree of life.” New Testament Greek has three different words translated life; one is the physical life, one is the psychological life, one is the divine, eternal life. The words in Revelation 22 are the eternal life.

New JerusalemRevelation 21 and 22 provide us with many indications that the New Jerusalem possesses the divine nature and the divine life. In the New Jerusalem there are the tree of life and the river of water of life. Besides the divine life, the New Jerusalem does not display any other life. Also, the city itself and the street of the New Jerusalem are pure gold like transparent glass (Rev. 21:18b, 21b). in typology gold signifies the divine nature. Thus, the New Jerusalem possesses the divine nature and the divine life.*

Revelation 21:18b, “The city was pure gold, like clear glass.” Its basic structure is the divine nature. The only other materials mentioned in describing New Jerusalem are pearl—the Son’s death and resurrection as our entrance to the city, and precious stones—the Spirit’s transforming work.

We partake of all three now and will partake in a much fuller way in New Jerusalem. Read more in:
Three Materials in God’s Eternal Purpose
New Jerusalem is Built with the Triune God
The Three Materials of New Jerusalem Signify the Triune God

* From chapter 27, Witness LeeGod’s New Testament Economy, published by Living Stream Ministry, © Witness Lee, 1986.

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Posted by Don on October 31, 2022

The City has the Divine Nature and the Divine Life

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