The Left drove out the blue-collar workers and then blamed them for voting Right

    Intellectuals are not enough grounded to feel when they exaggerate

    About when revolutions run out of steam and kill their accomplishments.


    The basic ideas of feminism are that women are oppressed and we need to privilege women to make it more equal and to do away with all historic sex discrimination.

    Women did get voting rights; should get equal pay for equal work; should not be fired or refused a job because of pregnancies (which benefit all of society); can have private money and even wealth; don’t need to shut up when men speak; are allowed to look sour-faced, reject, and say no, also to their spouses; etc.

    But ‘men and women sharing raising kids, doing household chores, and providing’ has backfired. Now, women get to work and run the household, while most men still work for money but after that are ‘too tired.’

    Not saying that these men are not tired. But most women are exhausted too after a long workday. But they are trained that they ‘can only sit when everything is tidy.’

    Before feminism, many married women were cleaners, psychologists, sex workers, incubators, babysitters, educators, and more for no pay and no paid leave. If they were lucky, they had a husband who loved them.

    After feminism, many partnered women were still all of the above plus breadwinners. That is not a good outcome.

    Admittedly, in many communities and tribes in many epochs, women did almost all of the work while men had fun, drank alcohol, or were absent. But feminism should have made a bigger change.

    After many hard-won victories, this liberation has run out of steam.


    Trade unions and socialist political parties pressured and held strikes until there were better wages, better worker protections, free weekends, paid vacations, health insurance, and more.

    But then, intellectuals took the leadership. The boss gave them a little bit more money so they felt superior. They looked down on people working with their hands. They thought they were smarter. They started ‘explaining’ oppression. The workers felt even more stupid and powerless.

    They ended up as a Woke church. Blue-collar workers left until the Labor Party was gone. Harris (the US) was winning until she began to reassure her corporate interest holders/donors she wouldn’t go after their money.

    The People began voting rightwing. They may be lied to but, at least, these populists acknowledged them, didn’t call them deplorables. And now they are told (again) that they are stupid, taking the country to the right. What is their guilt if they can only choose between book-wise and rich people?


    No woman or laborer would be free as long as minority groups are oppressed. Minority oppressions serve as reminders that women’s and workers’ rights were given and can be taken away. It’s in every person’s interest to abolish racism, homophobia, and every form of supremacy.

    As long as the working class will not embrace the Jews, the owning class will use them. As long as the working class doesn’t embrace the underclass, their poverty and powerlessness will keep them up at night. As long as women don’t embrace every queer person, sexism will stay fresh.

    Minorities are targeted, and even murdered, but don’t think for a moment it’s about them. It’s about controlling the masses. The right plays minority rights against majority rights. Even smart people often fall for the ruse.


    There is no alternative for enough women and workers to restart their liberations. If things keep going at this speed, we all will end up dead.

    A tree is known by its fruit. Only this tree has quite a variety of produce, so please don't judge the trunk after one helping.

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