10 Most Unattractive Things Women Do In a Relationship - Olubunmi Mabel

Have you ever wondered if there are things women do in relationships that are considered unattractive?

Well, wonder no more because today I bring you answers.

In any relationship, both partners can portray behaviors that might be perceived as unattractive by the other.

This isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of thing because what one person finds unattractive can vary greatly from another’s perspective.

But there are generally some things that women do in relationships that are considered unattractive by most people.

Why knowing these things is important because it can help you self-reflect and know your areas of improvement.

10 Most Unattractive Things Women Do In a Relationship: 

1. Withholding affectionmost unattractive things women do in a relationship

I don’t know where this idea stemmed from but a lot of women seem to think that withholding affection from their partner is a nice thing to do.

I must confess that I understand the rationale behind it to a large extent; most women don’t want to be seen as cheap or taken for granted so they hold back on being lovey cover.

However, I believe that should only stand if you’re in an unhealthy relationship or you’re with someone who doesn’t love you.

But as a woman who is in a relationship with a man who loves her, withholding affection is not the way to go.

It is not attractive and can spell doom for the relationship.

Some women even use affection as a bargaining chip in the relationship, giving their man the cold shoulder and silent treatment when they don’t have their way.

I must say that that is manipulative.

It is not cute and needs to be stopped.

2. Acting controlling

Have you met a controlling woman?

It’s one of the most unattractive things ever.

Being controlling doesn’t look cute on anyone in the relationship whether man or woman.

But since we’re talking about women today, let’s focus on that.

A woman belittling or patronizing her partner can be deeply hurtful.

If she constantly talks to him as if he’s incompetent, it can damage his self-esteem and the relationship.

Constantly checking his phone, dictating how he spends his time, or even deciding who he can and cannot be friends with.

These actions can make the man feel suffocated and mistrusted; he may feel like his airflow is being restricted.

Imagine a scenario in which a man wants to spend time with his friends for a hangout, but his partner insists he stays home because she doesn’t like his friends.

The man may feel like he’s losing his sense of independence and personal space, which are crucial for maintaining a balanced and healthy relationship.

This can lead to feelings of resentment and frustration.

3. Naggingmost unattractive things women do in a relationship

If you’ve ever been with a friend who complains a lot then you probably already know how annoying it is.

Nagging, constantly complaining, and criticizing take the top spot on the list of the most unattractive things that women do in relationships.

Some women, out of ignorance or just sheer poor character, are in the habit of repeatedly pointing out their men’s flaws and shortcomings.

It may look harmless initially, but when it’s done repeatedly, it becomes irritating.

Maybe she keeps reminding him to fix the leaky tap or that he doesn’t load the dishwasher the way she prefers it.

Eventually, the man feels more criticized than loved and it creates a negative atmosphere.

Constantly complaining without trying to find solutions can also be tiresome.

Perhaps she always talks about how terrible her day was and how annoying her coworkers are but never listens to hear his own experiences, it can feel one-sided.

These things are not only unattractive, but they can also lead to feelings of frustration and annoyance, as the man might perceive the nagging as a lack of trust in his ability to manage responsibilities.

4. Becoming overdependent and clingy

Being in a relationship gives you the liberty to have someone you can be glued to and just enjoy being with.

However, this doesn’t erase the need for personal space.

Some women feel like they need to be attached to their man at the hip to feel okay but depending on the man’s personality, that can be a turn-off.

And this is not because he doesn’t love her but because it can be suffocating.

This goes hand in glove with being too jealous and insecure.

Women who constantly check their partner’s phone and question every one of their female colleagues may be unknowingly driving a wedge between them.

It could also be her constantly seeking attention and reassurance, texting him incessantly throughout the day, asking questions like, “Do you still love me?” or “Why haven’t you responded?”

This persistent need for validation can make the man feel smothered as if he lacks personal space or time to himself.

It’s one thing to want to stay connected to your man, but when every moment of his day is interrupted by demands for attention, it becomes overwhelming.

Similar to these are women who heavily rely on their men for all emotional, social, and material needs, expecting them to fill every role in their lives.

It honestly can be exhausting because it places a heavy burden on the man, who now feels responsible for her happiness and well-being.

5. Being entitledmost unattractive things women do in a relationship

Entitlement in whatever form it comes is always unattractive and repelling.

And the fact that it’s a relationship doesn’t change that.

A lot of women tend to act entitled in various ways without even knowing it.

Things like being ungrateful, taking their man for granted, and expecting him to bring everything to the table and set the table while they just relax and enjoy it are all expressions of entitlement.

Failing to acknowledge the little things their partner does, like making them coffee every morning, fixing the buckle of their shoes, or picking them up from work daily might make the man feel neglected. 

Moreover, constantly demanding attention and expecting to be the center of their partner’s world can also make a man feel suffocated and overwhelmed.

Being entitled not only puts pressure on the man but also shows a lack of appreciation and empathy toward his efforts.

6. Telling lies

Dishonesty is a huge turn-off for most people, especially in relationships.

It is also one of the most unattractive things that women do in relationships.

Trust is crucial in every relationship; thus, women who frequently lie, even about small things like who they had lunch with or what they purchased, tend to create major trust issues between them and their men. 

This can lead to constant doubts, arguments, and ultimately, a breakdown in the relationship.

7. Playing the victimmost unattractive things women do in a relationship

Always portraying oneself as the victim can be draining.

Blaming their partner for all their problems is another unattractive thing some women do.

When you listen to some women speak about their husbands, you’ll hate them without even knowing them.

The man is always the villain in their stories, and you might wonder why they chose to marry him in the first place.

For instance, they both plan a vacation, but something goes wrong, like a flight delay, and instead of handling the situation together, she laments, “Why does this always happen to me? Nothing ever goes right when I’m involved” or “Why don’t you ever check these things well before bringing us into it?”

This type of reaction places undue stress on the man, who may feel compelled to fix everything and constantly reassure her.

This habit is negative as it shifts responsibility away from oneself and lays the whole weight of it on another person.

Over time, this can be draining and lead to feelings of helplessness and frustration. 

It can make a man feel exhausted and frustrated, leading to a loss of attraction.

8. Being materialistic

Many ladies don’t know this, or maybe they are willfully ignorant, but excessive desire for material things is repulsive in relationships.

A lot of men disrespect women because they believe that they’re all about the money and resources they can gain in the relationship.

Some women need to understand that placing too much importance on material possessions can seem shallow.

If a woman is always focused on what gifts her man buys rather than the thought behind them, it can feel like she values things more than the relationship.

This can create a rift in the relationship and make a man feel unappreciated and unimportant.

It also shifts the focus from emotional connection to material gain.

9. Being excessively dramaticmost unattractive things women do in a relationship

A little bit of drama doesn’t hurt, it makes things more exciting and fun.

But excess drama can be unappealing.

Some women are drama queens, they major in making a big deal out of minor issues.

For instance, they may throw a fit every time their partner is five minutes late, or suddenly resort to silent treatment because he made a little mistake. 

This constant need for attention and validation can be exhausting for a man.

It also shows a lack of emotional maturity and the inability to handle conflicts in a healthy and mature manner.

Things like this create unnecessary tension and can cause frustration and confusion in the long run.

10. Letting themselves go

This is a major one.

A lot of men wish someone would tell their wives this.

Women neglecting self-care and personal growth is unpleasant and off-putting.

While appearance isn’t everything, it is something, and most times, nothing can replace it.

Neglecting self-care can signal a lack of self-respect and it’s honestly a turn-off.

When a woman stops slaying, looking good, observing good hygiene, and doing the stuff that makes her an overall better human, it affects the attraction between her and her partner.

It might even make her partner feel like she’s lost interest in their relationship.

These things have a way of pushing couples apart and killing the embers of passion between them.

Addressing these behaviors as soon as they are noticed is important to avoid feelings of frustration, disappointment, or disconnect.

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