Not by Chance: My Story of God’s Faithfulness
Yamell’s life, preserved against all odds, is a reminder that God makes no mistakes.
Yamell’s life, preserved against all odds, is a reminder that God makes no mistakes.
Yamell’s life, preserved against all odds, is a reminder that God makes no mistakes.
A scarcity mindset, however, seeks to rob us of God’s best. It is a precursor to unbelief. Essentially, it tells us that what we believe
When God looks at us, His children, He sees people who mess up and need guidance and correction on a daily basis. He sees people who sometimes fear we’ll never live up to our potential or be the Christ-followers we long to be.
As we approach Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, let’s remember that the pro-life movement isn’t just a cause—it’s a calling.
At first glance, it’s easy to say, “Been there, done that,” when considering whether to watch the new original Great American Pure Flix streaming series, Destination Heaven. And why not? It’s a show about people struggling with various difficulties in life, and then God shows up, meets them face to...
An Excerpt from Overflowing: A mystery is something that needs either solving or explaining, and I like all my books to follow a sweet pathway strewn with roses, music, and laughter. There is, however, one mystery that makes my heart quake for joy and my eyes shine wide with wonder…
To see the Navy’s elite Blue Angels elite Flight Demonstration Squadron in action can be one of the most thrilling and exhilarating experiences a person will ever observe. Featuring precision flying and breathtaking maneuvers, the Blue Angels consistently provide a spectacular showcase for aerial wizardry. For more than 75 years,...
What would happen if we saw our parents as people who suffered their own hurts and their own unmet needs? Our parents probably have already beaten themselves up and wished they’d been a whole lot closer to perfect.
Have you ever asked God to take care of a situation, but then found yourself holding on to it so tightly you got in His way? I sure have. I’ve prayed for various situations and then tried to fix them myself. Not a good idea. I saw a great example of that when my son was in elementary school. Read more...
Declare this prayer out loud and share it with others as we stand together for the transition of power and righteous rule returning to this nation.
Signs You’re Married To A Man Who Dislikes You
By Elizabeth Prata Below, Spot the flaws. I wrote two days ago about the celebrity grandmother ‘Bible teachers’ who were adept at crafting a conservative persona on social media contrar…
This piece on the prophetic in the body of Christ was written by an unknown writer. It is such a blessing when I read it. I believe you will get something tangible from this short piece on the prophetic in the body of Christ. Related: Revelation of end times warning Why the prophetic in […]
God is close to our situation if we only open the eyes of our heart.
The first of the year is a great time for reflection on big questions. What am I doing? What am I here for? What is my purpose? What is my life about?In our culture today, one struggle we have in answering that question is a basic American assumption. We assume we have the absolute freedom to do more or less of whatever we want and thereby choose what our lives are about. First of all, that scenario is exhausting. We believe we have an infinite number of choices, so we are exhausted by the searc
Jesus teaches us and shows us his overflow and abundance nature through the feeding of the five thousand.
We confess with Matthew that Jesus is the Christ, the son of David and Abraham, the Son of God, who is Immanuel (God with us), and that he fulfilled the law and the prophets and inaugurated the eschatological kingdom of heaven. As the perfectly obedient Messiah, Jesus made final atonement for sin by his death on the Cross. We confess with Mark that Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, the Son of God who was also the suffering Son of man, came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. By his ministry, death, and resurrection he inaugurated the kingdom of God and will, as Lord of history, soon effect its consummation.
How to Increase Your Faith in the New Year Well here we are almost a month into the New Year. Many of us may have set personal goals and i...
Signs Your Husband Is Avoiding Physical Intimacy
What do you do with an almost blind orphan girl who is labeled hopelessly insane? In the 1870s, you locked them away in an asylum—and that was it. But for one woman, that was not the answer. There …
Following God’s Word & Finding Christ’s Joy.
“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” -- Psalms 139:16Recently, the national media has noted surveys showing more young Gen Z men than women are turning to faith. It’s a remarkable turn of...
Christians should help in times of crisis. Through the Harvest Relief Fund, you can give to those hurting from the CA wildfires.
So, as I've aged (and my kids have aged), I have a list of THEN and NOW things that i'm going to list. The THEN items will include limitations of being held cap
We need to learn how to steward revelation rightly. The enemy is sneaking into our debates about prophecy, healing, accountability, and many other aspects of our faith, in hopes that the Church will throw away the precious revelations of the Lord – simply because of the abuses. It’s akin to calling for the ban of guns because too many people are getting shot.
What did the apostles find in the resurrection which made them give it this weighty and unfailing emphasis? What was its practical significance? What did it mean? First of all, it meant that Jesus of Nazareth had been clearly manifested to be the Son of God. Before this wonderful morning, the disciples had been the victims of uncertainty, chilled by cloudy moods of doubt and fear. But with Christ's resurrection the uncertainty ended…
Signs You’re Married To A Man Who Detests You
Signs You Are A High-Maintenance Wife
Good day beautiful people I hope that this post meets you well? I also hope that everyone had a wonderful time celebrating Christ and enjoyed their new years. May this write up be of en…
Subtle Signs Your Wife Is Unhappy But Won’t Say It
Things That Ruin Physical Intimacy In Marriage
Ephesians 1:7 and 2:7 speak of “the riches of His grace” and in 3:8 is the phrase, “the unsearchable riches of Christ.” It is with the riches of Christ that the Holy Spirit …
By Elizabeth Prata Reading this by Michael Reeves from his book “What does it mean to fear the Lord?” That large-heartedness is actually the overflow of a tender-heartedness toward God.…
Elisha prays for open eyes for some and blindness for others. Dr. Mark McDowell explores its deeper spiritual meaning and how it can enrich our prayers.
As we look ahead to our goals and dreams for 2025, let’s not forget to come before the Lord with gratitude.
Happy New Year! One year ago, Nancy opened her Bible to Genesis and began recording the first Wonder of the Word program. Throughout 2024, she recorded seventy-three episodes, with plans to air the full series (260 programs) in multiple languages in 2027. Praise God! Nancy, Robert, and members of the ROH team celebrated the one-year recording anniversary with cupcakes moments after she completed her first recording session of 2025. This is both the most rewarding and the most rigorous assignment Nancy has undertaken. Would you ask God to give her daily grace and joy in this journey? Here are some additional ways to pray for Nancy: Pray for Nancy and Robert’s marriage. This work is a great privilege, but it is also demanding, and Nancy desires to love and bless Robert in this season and beyond. Pray for wisdom as the ministry continues to grow. The hunger for God’s Word and biblical resources is greater than ever. Wisdom is needed to discern how to steward the opportunities well. Pray that Nancy keeps her eyes fixed on Jesus and that He’ll help her to press on, faithfully persevering in the service of our King and sustained by His grace. If Nancy were writing this update, she would want you to know how dearly loved and appreciated you are. May you drink from the fresh springs of God’s goodness and grace throughout the year ahead.
There are two ways to live: by sight or by faith. One who lives by sight places his emphasis on the external and temporal. You cannot be the steward God saved you to be and live by sight.
“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7 NKJV) Fighting the devil is serious business. When we go up against Satan and his demons, we are no match for …
Image generated via A.I. I was a common thief, a professional criminal. I didn’t want to work, and because my father passed while I was still at a young age, I didn’t learn the family trade. Here I…
(Romans 5:10, RSV).Verse 18 of the same chapter goes on to tell us: …as one man’s trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one man’s act of righteousness leads to acquittal and life for all men. By his own blood, Christ signed the ransom papers for the race.Unlike most of the solutions offered to humanity, this one has nothing to do with a subjective experience but an objective reality: salvation was accomplished historically, outside of, and independent of ourselves. When you understand what God has done for you in atoning for your sin, it has the power to break your heart, and to free you from the bondage of a self-centred existence.When you look at the Cross, you see the holiness of God, and repent; you see the love of God and believe; you see the power of God, and you are born again.– Des Ford (adapted)Eli’s Reflection: If you aren’t a believer in Christ, the Bible states that you are an enemy of God.
The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:2, NIV).You’ll often hear people saying, “When I got saved…” Or you might hear other people say, “Jesus will save me…”Which one is correct? And when others say that Jesus will save them, they might be referring to the end of the world.Both are true, but they don’t reflect the core of the Bible’s teaching about when salvation happened.The Bible teaches that the entire human race was saved in potentiality at the Cross (John 1:29; John 3:16; Rom 5:18; 2 Cor 5:19; 1 Tim 4:10; Hebrews 2:9; 1 John 2:2).That may be difficult to understand, so I’ll explain what those words “in potentiality” really mean.At the Cross, Jesus created, through his own blood, a full and perfect salvation available for all who believe. In that way, you can rightly say that you were saved in the first century when Jesus died and rose again.However, although a perfect salvation has been prepared for you, you only step into it when you accept the gift by faith.
Unlimited: The Perfect Works of Christ Jan 15, 2025 2028 My servant David, who kept my commands and followed me with all his heart, doing only what was right in my eyes (1 Kings 14:8).This is a remarkable statement. How could God say that when the Bible specifically records that David had broken the sixth and seventh commandments?The answer is that David repented.When we repent, God casts our sins into the depths of the seas; as far away as the east is from the west, God removes our transgressions from us. The God who could say of sinful David, ‘my servant David, who kept my commands and followed me with all his heart, doing only what was right in my eyes’ – that God counts us as sinless for Christ’s sake, when we trust in the Saviour.Jesus told his disciples, ‘You are already clean’ (John 15:3).
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid (John
By Elizabeth Prata Social media, man. What are you gonna do? It is a blessing, a curse, a minefield, reality, unreality. It is a window into the world that allows the Gospel to propagate, and it of…
Break free with an absolute Jesus. He is not trapped by human agendas, conform to human expectations, or is limited by human understanding.
It’s time to cut the soul ties and destroy the idols. We have been praying for a resurgence of the fear of the Lord to the Church. This is how it starts. These exposures cannot be wasted on debates, gossip, and defending false gods. It’s time to lay down our ministries and ask for true Mercy.
“I’m not a procrastinator!” In an effort to keep him from putting things off, my funny guy loves to say this every time I ask him to do a task for me. The truth is, we are all pro…
Signs You’re Married To A Man Who Hates You
A Note from Carol: One of the most fulfilling aspects of my ministry is the privilege of partnering with others who have dedicated their lives to proclaiming the hope and truth found in God’s Word. I believe we are in a season where God is amplifying the voices of those uniquely called to inspire, e
If we want a flourishing, satisfying Christian life, we must live intentionally. An intentional lifestyle means deliberate, consistent, daily choices towards a better, meaningful, God-honoring life. Living intentionally helps us make positive changes, pursue what matters most, and live in harmony with our core values. Why do we need to live intentionally? Because it’s much
How Long Can A Marriage Survive Without Physical Intimacy?
12 spies Bible lessons. We can learn a lot about God and His character from the 12 spies. And how it is vitally important to obey in faith when God reveals His will.
Following God’s Word & Finding Christ’s Joy.
Kimberly Wesdyk We were only a couple of years into evangelism and I was overwhelmed with the pace of it all. In fact, I was drowning in correspondence and travel requests when my friend Scott Hooks called. “Do you need any help?” I laughed. Yes, more than I could explain. A kind member of his…
For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God. (2 Tim 1: 6 – 8)
In the next two broadcasts we welcome Jan Coleman back to the program. Jan is a former porn actress (2006–2007) who has spent the past seventeen years exposing the lies and damage of the sex industry while advocating for its victims. She is the Intervention Read More
Seven individual shepherds are mentioned in the Bible. These seven shepherds are Abel, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Christ, and ''the idol shepherd'' of Zechariah 11:16, 17 – a reference to the Antichrist. The other six shepherds are often seen as types of Christ, the Good Shepherd. We learn of the tragic fate of the Messiah Shepherd from Abel who was murdered by his brother. Christ's loving care for the lost sheep is prefigured in the life of Jacob (see Genesis 30:31; 31:28-40). The abundance of bread ("enough and to spare" Luke 15:17) is pictured in the life of Joseph (Genesis 37:2). It is written of Moses, the fourth shepherd, that he watered, protected and guided the sheep (See also Hebrews 3:2–6).
Ah, matey! Today, we set sail for abundant life on Paradise Island, where the winds be fair, the seas calm, and yer stay in port be an all-inclusive vacation, as it were. Here in New Providence, every need be met and desire delivered by the hand of Skipper. Amidst this lush resort, we find a […]
Ah, matey! Today we set sail for Paradise Island, where the winds be fair, the seas calm, and yer stay in port be an all-inclusive vacation, as it were. Here in New Providence, every need be met and desire delivered by the hand of Skipper. Amidst this lush resort, we find a young lad in […]
NOTE: This post has been withdrawn. The post has been published in my book, Rereading the Biblical Text: Searching for Meaning and Understanding. The approach taken in the book is to compare how d…
Signs You Are Micromanaging Your Husband
New Jerusalem’s light is “like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, as clear as crystal” (Rev. 21:11). This jasper light is the expression of God on the throne (4:3). Jaspe…
God answers our prayers—and He always answers out of His goodness. I think most of us would agree with those statements. Scripture certainly affirms it. “The Lord is good to everyone; his compassio…
As Christians, we have responsibilities to both God and people. With that in mind, we must focus on living a life of righteousness and goodness. What does that
Marriage is beautiful… It is a wonderful experience, except when you are with a difficult partner. Then, marriage is not so much a pleasure as much as it is an ordeal. Socrates knew this when he said, “By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll be happy. If you get a bad …
“We’ve not been physically intimate in 5 months, and we’re doing okay.” I listened in shock as these words came out of the mouth of the woman I sat with. She was a significantly older woman I had met at a women’s conference, and we just got connected and began talking about everything, including marriage …
Heavenly Father, I am overcome with gratitude today. Help me to see past the daily to consider the divine. This is the day … this one right here … that You have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I praise You for who You are and what You do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
By Elizabeth Prata That day, I was trying photography from different angels. I give myself challenges. After I downloaded the pics from my experiment I chose this one. It was a big leaf. The more I…
Is the Bible really true? How can we know that it is? And why does this matter? That’s today’s discussion on Theology at Home.
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). Jesus taught his disciples about persistent prayer and the importance of askin…
Following God’s Word & Finding Christ’s Joy.
What would be different about your walk with the Lord if discipline became a defining characteristic of your life?
Then the Lord gave the donkey the ability to speak. “What have I done to you that deserves your beating me three times?” it asked Balaam. Numbers 22:28 NLT
We live in a culture where people hate to be offended by anything. Pastors and Bible teachers understand people are easily triggered by anything that smacks of the teeniest-tiniest iota of disappro…
By Elizabeth Prata Enjoy your worship day. The love of God is greater farAuthor: Frederick M. Lehman (1917) The love of God is greater farthan tongue or pen can ever tell;it goes beyond the highest…
Dating again? Look for character. I know it is scary to think of this happening to you, again. Dating can be both thrilling and scary. It is hard to trust, again, after being so burned. First, I would recommend NOT dating until your divorce is finalized. You do not need to be in a hurry … Continue reading "Dating, again? Look for character!"
Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” (Mark 5:36,NIV). It was a dramatic day. Jesus had told Jairus to not be afraid, and to just believe. Jairus believed, but when he and Jesus arrived at the house, Jairus’ twelve year-old daughter had already died, and the house was filled with professional mourners, making a terrible racket. Jesus said to them, What’s all this commotion and crying about? The child isn’t dead. She’s only sleeping (Mark 5:39, CEB). But the people, laughed at him, knowing that she was dead (Luke 8:53, CEB). They openly mocked the apparent stupidity of Christ. They knew a dead person when they saw one. By doing so, they tried to put fear back into Jairus’ heart.
‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me’ – they’re just words. Remember this little rhyme as a kid. When we visit with others are we uplifting or degrading them. Listen today and find out the real meaning of words we say to one another...
Many don’t think of peace as a weapon because it seems like you’re trying to mix two concepts that don’t fit. Peace and war. But the truth is that we need weapons and tools that are greater than the war going on around us. While some in the world are facing actual wars, most are facing wars in the f
NOTE: I had started this series and only did two installments, so I'd like to explore this more, with more tactics I think victims and survivors need to know ab
By Elizabeth Prata Feminism is evil. But I didn’t know HOW evil until I read The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us, by Carrie Gress. I had avoided books and discussio…
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay My name isn’t important. His name is! You see, I was sick. Very sick! I had been bleeding for eleven years. Most women bleed once a month for only a few days,…
Mr. Clinton, was the friendly, greasy hands, jack-of-all trades, bike mechanic, who ran our local sporting equipment store. My parents bought a tricycle from him for my birthday.This wasn’t just a little trike—it was a super large one.Taking it out on the street in front of our home brought hoots...
There are three cardinal words in the passage: “me,” “live,” “Christ.” The middle term “live” is defined in the union of the two extremes. The two carbon electrodes of the arc lamp are brought into relationship, and the result is a light of brilliant intensity. And these two terms, “me” and “Christ,” are brought into relationship, and there is revealed “the light of life,” and I become “alive unto God.” Humanity finds life only in union with the divine. Now this is the only contact which justifies the usage of the term “life.” Any other application of the word is illegitimate and degrading. The word “life” stands defined in the relationship of the apostle’s words. But we take other extremes, and combine them, and we name the resultant, “life.” “For me to live is money”… “For me to live is pleasure”… “For me to live is fame”…
If you are social media savvy, you should have seen those content where women ask their men funny questions. I say funny because I think some of the questions are actually funny. For instance, asking your husband if he would love you if you were an ant is cute and hilarious. However, some of the …
The ringing in of a new year brings lots of resolutions, promises and questions, not the least of which is, “Can You Really Start Over?” It’s a question worth asking at a time of year when most of us would like to turn over a new leaf. It also happens...
One day, I was talking to a girl, and she mentioned something that left me speechless. Here’s what she said… “I don’t really care if my man is cheating. I just want to know I am the main woman. Men will always cheat”. When I heard this, I froze in shock: Never in my life …
“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” (2 Corinthians 1:20 NKJV) Can we be honest together here for just a minute? When you make your N…
At first, it’s annoying. Then, it’s frustrating. And before you know it, these “little things” turn into marital crises. When it comes to marriage, no one knows it all. Heck! No one knows even half of it. But you can learn from people’s experiences and your past mistakes and choose to do better. Sometimes, the …
From Pornography Use Among Christians Reaches an All Time High: “Pornography use among Christians, including pastors, has now surpassed the national average for Americans in general and this rise is doing so largely unchecked,” Liberty Counsel reported. “New data suggests a majority of Christian men Read More
By Elizabeth Prata WISDOM Photo by Matthew Wyche on Unsplash I saw a 5 minute clip on Twitter of a motherly woman cooking food while talking to three younger ladies sitting at her kitchen counter b…
Marriage is beautiful if done well. Sometimes though, wives unintentionally do things that mess with the harmony they are trying so hard to build. And the funny part is that they don’t even realize they are doing it half the time. Whether you know you are or not doesn’t matter, though, because it can still …
The New Jerusalem has a “great and high wall” (Rev. 21:12a) and “the building material of its wall was jasper” (21:18). The city’s “light was like a most precious stone, like a ja…
For most of us, our phone is like our right-hand man; many would be lost without it. You don’t even have to be addicted to your mobile phone to feel that way; the device has become more than just a tool for making and answering calls. We work, store important files and information, and yes, …
Signs Your Husband Enjoys Hurting You
When Jesus spoke about the end times, He mentioned things that had to happen before His return. Some have happened. Therefore, get ready because no one knows wh
Every married woman wants her husband to be hooked on her. Not in a negative or obsessive manner. I mean, don’t you want to be the one your husband’s heart longs for? Don’t you want to be the one his heart pants for? Before you think you need to be a Naomi Campbell or Miss …
By Elizabeth Prata First class cabin perks can include many things, not just preferred treatment inside the plane. Travel & Leisure When you board a plane, you have to walk through first class …
“I was found by those who did not seek Me, I revealed Myself to those who did not ask for Me” Romans 10:20 Sometimes God really surprises us with the people He decides to save. Saul of Tarsus was o…
Учебная программа церкви «Дух наполненных детей» и уроки воскресной школы «Дух наполненных» разработаны, чтобы вооружить вас в служении детям. Укрепление лидеров церкви «Дух наполненных», родителей и детей.
It's high time we knocked the prophets down a few rungs. Not in the sense that the prophets of God held themselves in such high regard that they need to gain a sense of humility, but rather from our own personal ideologies. We need to reassess the modern church's artificial...
Next Thursday, January 16th, will mark the day my husband suddenly died. It’s been seven years. Part of me finds it hard to believe it’s been that long, and the other part of me senses it happened last month. I began the new year with discomfort and immediately knew what it was. Grief was making it
The twelve precious stones are for the completion of God’s eternal administration signified by the number twelve. Twelve is the number of absolute perfection and eternal completion in God’s eternal…
When A Man Feels Intimidated By His Wife He Treats His Wife Like This