Take the Radical Love Test
Let’s invite Jesus to expose our love deficiency and give us His eyes to see others.
Let’s invite Jesus to expose our love deficiency and give us His eyes to see others.
Let’s invite Jesus to expose our love deficiency and give us His eyes to see others.
When you pray, do you pray in faith? I’m sure we all think that we do, but do we always?? Prayer is the means by which we communicate with ...
“‘And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” - Mark 12:30-31In a culture that’s obsessed with self-care and self-love, it’s easy to misinterpret this verse to mean that you have to love yourself first before you can truly love others. But, this interpretation misses the deeper and more profound
In so many facets of life, timing is everything. Whether it be knowing when to try something new or to hold back from something due to extenuating circumstances, sometimes the best decisions are the ones we don’t make. This was never more evident than during the COVID pandemic. Forced to...
NOTE: This is the third in a series where I consider some of the faith and arts issues surrounding artificial intelligence. Click here to read Part 1: The Issue of Virtuosity or Part 2: The Is…
Before America can have a spiritual awakening, we need church revival. The first step of a spiritual awakening is personal revival.
Watch this week's final episodes of Jesus: Refugee Renegade Redeemer on TBN & TBN+ to witness history come to life! Don't miss Bear Grylls embark on a powerful journey through Jerusalem, retracing Jesus' final days.I had the opportunity to ask Grylls about the new series recently, why the topic of...
I was having lunch with a group of friends when one gal made a derogatory comment about another from the group who was late. I gave her that “motherly look” that letting her know the comment wasn’t appropriate. “Well, it’s true,” she said. “Just because something is true doesn’t mean that you should say it,” I answered. Read more...
OK, kids, gather round and let me tell you a story about the days before video streaming … before DVRs … and even before the beloved VHS machine. (I paid $600 for my first VHS player, b…
My upcoming novel, "Unwavering Faith," explores the challenges faced by a Christian family whose children begin to question the very foundations of their beliefs. While fictional, the story reflects a reality I see around me every day here in Nigeria. The blurb reads: "How do you hold on to faith...
Revelation 21:23 says, “The [New Jerusalem] has no need of the sun nor of the moon that they should shine in it, for the glory of God illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb.” In the millennium the…
Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” -- Numbers 13:30 (NKJV)Please Pray:Heavenly Father, thank you that we are well able to conquer the challenges we face as caregivers. Thank you for...
Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” -- Numbers 13:30 (NKJV) I am a grateful empty nester. Yet, I once thought this was impossible. My child-rearing years can be summed up...
Back in my college days, my sister and I sang and played at a church, and afterwards, the church had a covered-dish lunch. (If you’re not a Baptist, just know it’s something we do. Everyone brings …
Most of those who have left the church in recent years haven’t just departed quietly from church world and gone on with their lives. Most have left with guns blazing (metaphorically speaking). They…
By Elizabeth DePompei (Reprinted by permission of the DAV. Original story here.) When Navy veteran Jennifer Williams started working with DAV benefits advoca
I’ve heard older women say, ”A woman’s mind is a pit of secrets!” Well, for the purpose of this post, the secrets I’ll be writing about here are not huge, marriage-breaking betrayals or deep, dark double lives like a woman giving another man’s child to her husband and pretending it’s his. Those women are cruel, …
No one walks into marriage thinking, “I can’t wait to get divorced someday.” Absolutely no one. Divorce sometimes is like a storm you never saw coming. Even though divorce is tough and painful, some women are happier after their divorce than they were in the marriage. While society might paint divorced women as sad or …
I saw an article in the January 2, 2025 online edition of Charisma magazine that popped up that question on my mind. According to James Lasher, the author of the article, "Before Trump’s historic victory, millions of Christians gathered in prayer, seeking God’s intervention for the nation. Massive prayer movements...
21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. -Matthew 6:21, NIV 24 “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money. -Matthew 6:24, NLT “Mine, mine, mine!” cries … Continue reading "True god of some Cheaters"
The kingdom of Heaven is at hand. By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian Ministry App Click here to join our WhatsApp Prayer Group Matthew 3 vs …
If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” -- Luke 11:13Please Pray:Lord, You are a good Father, who knows how to give His children good gifts. Right...
If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” -- Luke 11:13As the mother of twins, people often asked me if parenting them got easier over time. My...
Repentance should be the primary message of the Church. By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian Ministry App Click here to join our WhatsApp Prayer Grou…
Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl performance echoes "We Are Not Our Ancestors", igniting conversations in Christian Hip Hop on activism.
As my parents age, I find myself thinking more about what it means to live in the "sandwich generation", the time in life when we're still re ...
By Elizabeth Prata I saw this on Twitter/X. I loved Amy Spreeman’s reply to it. The history of this holiday is murky. It is supposedly honoring to a long-ago martyr called Saint Valentine of …
By Pastor Greg Laurie: The White House has established the Faith Office—and I have some thoughts. First, I want to thank President Trump.
“Rebuke your mother, rebuke her, for she is not my wife, and I am not her husband. Let her remove the adulterous look from her face and the unfaithfulness from between her breasts.” -Hosea 2:2, NIV Horrors of Infidelity Abuse! Often times, the topic of divorce is taught from the pulpit as the ultimate horror house. This … Continue reading "Horrors of infidelity abuse!"
“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”-- 1 Corinthians 13:7 (ESV)Please Pray:Lord Jesus, thank You for reminding me that love isn’t always big gestures and gifts. That love is also about being steady and loyal to the point of demonstrating 1 Corinthians 13:7. Thank...
“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”-- 1 Corinthians 13:7 (ESV)I write faith-based romance novels. If you read romance or even watch a romantic movie, then you know they follow a formula. The love interests, often called the hero and heroine, will meet for...
If you're interested in buying Monopoly Go Dice safely and securely in 2025, consider the following details.Why Choose IGGM.com?Top Reputation: IGGM is known for its reliable service and positive customer feedback.Secure Transactions: They offer secure payment options to protect your financial information.Customer Support: IGGM provides excellent customer service to assist...
One thing I find difficult with Lydia sometimes is her questions. I’m not sure if she actually forgets that she has already asked the quest...
Image generated via A.I. What do you think of people? Do you like them? Tolerate them? Or are they merely interruptions? I have said a few times I could do without them. I know. Shocking. If I had …
One thing I find difficult with Lydia sometimes is her questions. I’m not sure if she actually forgets that she has already asked the quest...
Last Friday a man gave us some beautiful flowers from his garden. But a week later, they’re all dried up and rather ugly. That’s what happe...
Last Friday a man gave us some beautiful flowers from his garden. But a week later, they’re all dried up and rather ugly. That’s what happe...
"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." -- John 15:13 (NKJV)Please Pray:Heavenly Father,We honor and glorify Your Holy Name! We praise You and thank You for your amazing true love for us. We thank You that our sins are covered by...
"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." -- John 15:13 (NKJV)During this month and in this season, we often think of romantic love, of Cupid and his arrows aimed at people's hearts, causing them to fall in love. Such a picture...
Jehovah Jireh: A Faith-Filled Graphic Novel for Teens and Young Readers! Discover the Good News of Jesus in full color on premium coated paper! This Christian graphic novel inspires teens, youth, and readers of all ages. Through illustrated stories that resonate with today’s audience, Jehovah Jireh weaves timeless Biblical lessons of faith, virtue, and character […]
Revelation 21:3, 24, 26, and 22:2 mention the nations living on the new earth outside of New Jerusalem. These nations are distinct from the redeemed, regenerated, transformed, and glorified believe…
Emotional Affairs VS Physical Affairs: Which Hurts More?
You can only enter Heaven by repentance. By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian Ministry App Click here to join our WhatsApp Prayer Group Matthe…
By Elizabeth Prata Adrian Simancas was kayaking with his dad off the coast of Bahía El Águila near the San Isidro Lighthouse in the Strait of Magellan. This is at the very tip of Chile where there …
金句:敬畏耶和华是知识的开端,愚妄人藐视智慧和训诲。箴言书1:7节灵修:箴言是规谏劝戒的话,它既有规戒自己,也有劝诫他人的目的。箴言书中大多数是所罗门留下的,也有一些内容是其他人的作品。在经文1-7节介绍了箴言的益处:1、使人晓得智慧和训诲,分辨通达的言语,2、使人处事领受智慧、仁义、公平、正直的训诲。3、使愚昧的人灵明,4、使少年人有知识和谋略,5、使智慧人听见,增长学问,6、使聪明人得着智谋7、使人明白箴言和譬喻,懂得智慧人的言词和谜语。箴言所面对的群体是广泛的,无论是那个年龄阶段、知识多少只要愿意用心领悟,箴言都会对其有帮助和益处。对于基督徒而言,箴言书更加重要,因为箴言的最终乃是将人引到全能的神面前,一切的智慧、知识、谋略、灵明、仁义、公平等等,源头都是从神发出。敬畏耶和华是知识的开端,愚妄人藐视智慧和训诲。敬畏神的人,知晓人自身的渺小,也明白人自身的有限,所以他敬畏神。他对于世界,对神所造的一切都充满敬畏的心,而这种敬畏也会使他更加尊重万物,爱惜万物。当一个人真正谦卑下来的时候,他将会从世界中得到更多。但是愚妄人不是这样,什么是愚妄人呢?愚昧、妄想的人,这样的人天天自以为是,活在自己的想象之中,他以自己的愚昧为骄傲,以自己的妄想为目标,这样的人一无是处,只是活在一种虚妄之中。愚妄人可能透过体力或一时的运气得着财富,但他们对智慧和训诲的藐视会促使他们在财富中得不着快乐、享受和满足,他们终究活在自己的愚妄之中。所以,基督徒啊,要去敬畏神,世间和世界上的一切乃是神的赏赐,不要认为你可以凭着自己的气力或愚昧能赚的全世界,最终你所得着的,不过是一场空。去寻求神,渴慕神,追随神,你将会从神的恩典中享受快乐,你将会在神的赏赐中得着满足。恶人会用世界的虚空来引诱,使人陷入在罪恶之中。人若离弃正直的道路,选择恶人的计谋,就如下到阴间,是自流己血,是自害己命。人贪婪什么,就会在所贪恋之物上跌倒,在所贪恋之物上迷失。基督徒所要行的道路是什么呢?是正直的道路,是公义的道路,是智慧的道路,是知识的道路,是属神的道路,是生命的道路,是救恩的道路,是永生的道路。祷告: 主啊!求你保守我和我家,远离恶人的道路,亲近祢的道路。因为你的道路是智慧的道路,是生命的道路。我本是一个愚昧的人,但因你的救恩使我得智慧和生命。我愿追随你,寻求智慧,寻得祢。阿们!
An abused person was a whole person before they met an abuser. However, the abuser seeks to make the whole person doubt his/herself
The Intersection of Faith and SportsWhat do Patrick Mahomes, Jalen Hurts, Jayden Daniels, C. J. Stroud, Russell Wilson, Trevor Lawrence, and Tua Tagovailoa have in common? If you answered, “They’re high-performing NFL quarterbacks and leaders of their respective teams,” you earn partial credit.Super Bowl-winning coach Nick Sirianni amplifies the common...
My God Adventure with Severe Allergies and Learning to Live Simply Clean I found myself fidgeting in the hardwood chair. Then it dawned on me: Dust mites! That cushion I took off the chair is made of fabric. I should have cleaned the chair seat. That itchy, irritated feeling on the backs of my thighs Sometimes, fresh, clean nothingness is what we need. Learning to living simply.
Are you waiting on the Lord in the middle of a storm? God is available to walk with you and give you strength while you wait.
Reasons Some Husbands Feel Less Attracted To Their Wives Over Time
Churches fall into two camps regarding the role of baptism. Baptism is a requirement for your salvation. Baptism is a reflection of your salvation. Most conservative evangelical groups believe that…
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” – 1 Corinthians 2:9 (NLT)Please Pray:Heavenly Father, I want to thank You from the bottom of my heart for the way You show me Your unending love for...
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” – 1 Corinthians 2:9 (NLT)My grandmother’s youngest sister, Vinnie Mae, lay awake in her bed. At 87-years-old, her once busy life of leading the choir, running an interior...
Check out the So We Speak podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.Note: This is the second podcast in a series on J.R.R Tolkien. Click here for the first podcast.Tolkien had just graduated from Oxford when the Great War broke out. Each member of the TCBS was sent into active duty, including Tolkien. He endured the Battle of Somme, the bloodiest battle in British history, only to face a fortuitous difficulty: trench fever. While Tolkien was recovering, he would begin the saga that he’d spend the res
By Elizabeth Prata I’m going through the John MacArthur Daily Bible. A week or so ago I was in Exodus 18. I’ve been thinking about a sweet scene in that chapter. There are a lot of impo…
Consider February 14 as an invitation to depend on the Lord beyond what can be seen in this moment.
If you want to start loving your neighbor as yourself, Pastor Greg Laurie shares 4 things.
Life can be tough… really tough. It is a miracle of grace that any of us will get out of it alive!
Searching for life symmetry. The quest for an ordered life that's balanced and controlled. Here are four pursuits that will help.
We who are in the faith, hidden in Christ, identify in gesture and song with the efficacy of "THE" blood. We understand Christian colloquialism around Isaiah 53:5, "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with...
The temple being the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb [Rev. 21:22] signifies the processed Triune God as a dwelling place for all the redeemed and perfected saints to dwell in and serve God in et…
“We love each other because He loved us first.” – 1 John 4:19 (NLT)Please Pray:God, we are grateful that Your love for us exceeds human frailty. Even if we didn’t receive the love we needed here on earth, remind us that Your love is within and all around us. You...
“We love each other because He loved us first.” – 1 John 4:19 (NLT)Before I met my husband, I often wondered what the love of Jesus would look like in a companion. Growing up in a broken home, I was confused about what it meant to love God. I’d heard...
Why Some Husbands Stop Trying In The Bedroom
If we were to understand the kind of love God has for us, we’d never feel insecure again. It would change how we see ourselves and the way we see others.
Sometimes, we treat God like Santa Claus in our prayers. The Bible shows us a different way: start with God, thanksgiving, and confession. Then, move to petition and intercession, grounded in who God is and what he can do.
By Elizabeth Prata I wrote the other day about the Ecclesiastes syndrome, of sadly trying to find satisfaction and rest in worldly things. It’s futile, because it’s all vanity. I was sa…
Valentine's Day devotional: Let's step up and bring more God-centered love into the world.
This is Daystar Christian Center Possibilities Objectives for this year. It is the year of possibilities for the wonderfully family at Daystar Christian Center, Nigeria. I am bringing you some of the interesting programs and events that have been scheduled for the year at Daystar Christian Center. Related: How to succeed in life: Sermon by […]
Here are some Bible verses about the power of words: Ephesians 4:29: Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. A famous quote from Maya Angelou says, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Let’s celebrate the Love Month of February with words of love and kindness. Manna from Heaven I pray these verses will bless you as you speak to your loved ones: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
Image generated via A.I. On any spring Friday afternoon in a small town in Iowa, there is a baseball game. It is for anyone who wants to play, who used to play, or who wants to sit, watch, and root…
I saw a strange thing while camping by the beach during the summer holidays. Some of the other men who were camping with their families brought axes. They would get wood from the woodpile, and then cut the pieces laboriously into smaller pieces of wood to start their fires. I couldn’t understand this, because the woodpile already contained wood of every size—from bigger pieces to tinder. The work had already been done. The only reason why I could think that men would laboriously chop wood was to exercise their manliness in proving to themselves that they hadn’t lost their skills for survival in the wild! It is the same with life and salvation.
I gave the airline crew member my best eye roll. The carry-on size limit had changed, and I now had to check the luggage I thought was legal. “How was I supposed to know this?” I complained, thinking about my favorite shoes that I left behind to avoid the checked...
To have the Right View of Scripture, we must recognize that the Bible was not written to reveal things, it was written to reveal God.
Is your soul generally always disturbed? Does this rant of a quote identify the disturbance that is in your soul?“Nowadays we’ve forgotten the word morals and replaced it with boundaries. Boundaries, a popular term in therapy, basically mean the lines we draw in relationships to define what is
I am fascinated by the narratives within the Bible—why they are included and why such a significant portion of Scripture is conveyed through them. The Bible could have been written as a self-help guide listing directives; instead, it continually presents stories. The life of Jesus, for instance, is told four times and referenced countless more. Clearly, there is a profound significance in communicating the essence of Christianity through storytelling.Moreover, it appears that we are meant to vie
Reasons Some Men Confide In Another Woman Instead Of Their Wife
I’ve thought long and hard about it. I have spent hours on my knees asking the Father, “ God, what is it that people need the very most? Show me, Jesus, what my personal assignment is as I love the people You have given to me.” And the answer comes quietly bu
For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died...
For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died...
Did you know that self-awareness is one of the strongest predictors of success? It’s also an important skill for living with intention.
God loves to use ordinary people in His work and mission. When God does extraordinary and great things, everyone knows it was God. And God gets all the glory.
Worry is a demonic stronghold and can be caused by your parents worrying or you not believing in God's Covenant or not mature in God, worry is just DOUBT, that is saying that you do NOT TRUST God to do what He says that He will do, which does take...
I came out of a home where there was no love and my stepfather was verbally abusive and my real father died when I was 9 months old. I had very low self esteem and unworthyness and was molested at 2, raped 3 times, had 4 abortions and came out...
When you expect your husband to fulfill you in ways that only God can, you place an impossible burden on him.
Recent events, including calling Canada the 51st state, taking Greenland, taking Panama, renaming a body of water, come off as arrogant for a country that has been in decline. So does a church that will not face its sin or pretends it has no problems Read More
John says about New Jerusalem, “I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple” (Rev. 21:22). Since God and the Lamb are the temple, They cannot dwell …
The story of Ruth and Boaz tells of a Cinderella-like redemption…and through their marriage, they left an astounding legacy.
"If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." —1 John 4:15-16 (NIV)In middle...
The Covid pandemic may have changed a lot of things about our lifestyles, but kissing should not be on that list. Yet here we are with the option to buy a long-distance kissing machine. The idea of…
By Elizabeth Prata I made a comment the other day in a recent essay about Billy Graham. A person directly asked me if I was saying Graham was not saved. I said I didn’t know about his salvati…
In this powerful video interview, Rob & Millie Joy Radosti share their journey of being groomed by a world-renowned healing evangelist who turned out to be a sexual predator. It was only after years of being lied to and deceived that they learned of his sin and debauchery behind the scenes. For the first time, they share some of the unsettling truths they had to face as they ministered alongside a man they thought was of God. There’s MUCH to learn from their story…
Once a year, people around the world stop what they are doing for a collective worship service. You may think I am talking about a Christmas Eve or Easter service at an iconic location such as St. …
I’ve heard that mothers of sons sometimes have a harder time letting them go. Perhaps, but if letting go means gaining a bonus daughter like I have, then I have had it easy. Sara became my son’s fiancée a year ago. Today I celebrate her first birthday as his wife....
That Scripture in Luke 11:8 is very encouraging to any person who hungers after Christ Jesus. In verses 5-7, Jesus tells a parable of a man who went to his friend to borrow three loaves of bread, but because his friend was in bed, he refused to get up and answer the door. Yet the man who needed the bread kept knocking, and finally his friend got up and gave him what he wanted. The parable reminds you that even if your faith is weak, even if you are uncertain whether you are a friend of God and whether he loves you, yet you should never stop asking, seeking, and knocking at God’s door for mercy.
“And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” – Deuteronomy 31:8Please Pray:Father God, the One who created Adam and Eve for the first earthly marriage, please bless our...
“And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” – Deuteronomy 31:8My beloved husband and I were once roped into serving as contestants for a homemade version of “The...
Jezreel means “God sows.” This is probably in reference to the fertility of the valley, which is still true in modern times.
Revelation 21:22b says, “Its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb.” This reveals that the temple is not material or physical. On the contrary, the temple is a personal temple, even the …
"That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 C