10 Things That Make A Man Miss You Like Crazy - Olubunmi Mabel

Ladies, come on in closer; this is one tea you don’t want to miss.

When it comes to making your man miss you like crazy, I’m the woman you want to listen to.

Take it from a woman whose husband always looks forward to running back to each time they’re apart due to distance. 

I know my onions (if I do say so myself) in this area, and I’m going to be generous enough to share them with you.

Did you say thank you?

Oh, don’t mention it.

What are sisters for?

Some things make a man yearn for your presence like the very food he eats.

Knowing these things might be the upgrade your relationship needs, helping you draw your man closer and making him desire you more.

1. Being his safe place

Things That Make a Man Miss You Like Crazy

The very first thing I’d like you to know ladies is that your man desires peace and solace.

If you can hack into that man’s safe place, you’ve got it a hundred percent.

No one wants to leave their safe place, where they’re loved and cherished without judgment.

While you’re with him, do you provide him with acceptance and warmth?

Then you can be sure that he’s going to miss you.

How you accepted and loved him for who he truly is, without judgment.

One way to create a deep bond with a man is to provide him with a safe place, listening ears, and a shoulder to lean on.

When you actively and attentively listen to his thoughts and feelings and still give him a sense of understanding and connection, you’re building a mansion for yourself in that man’s heart.

Whenever you’re away, he’s going to long to be around you.

The sense of comfort and safety he felt when he was with you will make him yearn for your presence.

2. Being a great company

I hilariously recall one time when I almost made a random guy fall in love with me.

He was a new guy at my church who came to me for directions to a particular place.

I helped him, and we got talking and exchanged contacts.

He’d randomly call to check on me sometimes, and we would have interesting conversations.

Whenever we got to see, we’d catch up and discuss too.

I have to confess that our conversations were great and we shared a lot of laughter.

We just connected and it was nothing romantic for me, just someone I connected with.

During one of our conversations, he couldn’t help but comment that I’m such a great conversationalist and company to have around.

When I got an opportunity in another city and had to relocate, this guy called me nonstop.

He was always trying to reach me and would spend hours talking to me.

It was obvious that he missed me so much.

I had to tell him off nicely because although I saw him as a nice friend, there was nothing more for me.

Just by being great company, he felt so connected to me that he began to long to see me again.

The ability to provide great company for your man is very underrated.

Don’t take it for granted if you can be around each other comfortably.

When you can listen to him, hold meaningful conversations, banter, and connect.

These things create memories that leave lasting impacts.

Whenever he’s far, he’ll remember the times you both laughed together and that can bring a strong sense of longing. 

3. Kindness

Things That Make a Man Miss You Like Crazy

Kindness will never go out of fashion in both platonic and romantic relationships.

Showing a man care and affection from a sincere heart is a powerful thing to do.

He’ll remember the random thoughtful acts of kindness you did for him.

Perhaps you used to cook his favorite meals, rub his back, speak gracefully to him, or leave sweet notes.

These are things that can be missed greatly.

4. Your unique scent

As humans, we connect scents and smells to experiences and people.

Have you noticed that when you perceive certain scents, you remember some people?

Hopefully, it’ll be a fond or pleasant memory.

Your unique scent is another thing that can make a man miss you terribly.

Your perfume, body mist, or cologne can create such an impact on him that wherever he is, when he perceives anything similar, he craves your presence.

Sometimes, it’s not even your perfume scent, it might be your shampoo, body lotion, or the candle you use at home.

Whenever my husband has to travel, he takes along with him a top or handkerchief of mine, he says he wants to take my scent along with him.

Your unique fragrance or the scent of your favorite perfume can trigger strong memories in a man.

5. Good sex

Things That Make a Man Miss You Like Crazy

If he’s your husband, don’t joke with this one.

Guard it like a treasure chest.

Having mind-blowing sex with your husband often is one way to make him miss you.

The memories of physical affection like your hugs, kisses, the warmth of your touch, and sweet passionate lovemaking can make him long for you.

He could be at an official meeting and suddenly have a flashback to the way you kissed him, and he would not want to be there anymore; he would just want to be back home with you.

6. Support and encouragement

Do you sometimes remember someone from your past who was there for you at some point in life and wish that they were here now?

Support and encouragement are very important parts of everyone’s lives.

We all need assistance once in a while, but not everyone can or is interested in providing it.

This is why we should never take people who show us love and support for granted.

If you’ve comforted and understood the man during tough times, you know that you will be deeply missed.

Your encouragement and belief in his goals and dreams can significantly make him miss you.

Being there for him during difficult times, milestones, and other important moments of achievement endears him to you.

7. Integrated lives and shared history

Things That Make a Man Miss You Like Crazy

This is one of the reasons we miss family when they’re away: shared history.

If you’re an emotional powerhouse like me, you’d probably even cry when a loved one has to relocate or travel.

It’s because of the bond created over time and how much our lives have merged.

You think about all the things you’ve done together and how much they’ve been a part of your life.

You think about the little fights you had over what to have for breakfast and who needs to do the dishes.

You fondly recall the spontaneous and planned adventures you both enjoyed, from road trips to exploring new hobbies.

The way they’ve become a part of your daily routine, from morning calls to constant check-ins during the day.

These are the things that make one’s heart ache for another person.

Being part of that man’s life through routine integration, growing together over the years, sharing good and bad experiences, having mutual friends, and sharing rituals unique to you both is a sure way to leave a gap when you’re not there.

The memories of adventures, trips, and fun activities you did together can make him long for more.

8. Inside jokes and special nicknames

Wherever my husband hears “Chocolate chip cookie,” he immediately remembers me because that’s what I call him sometimes, based on a shared joke we have.

Special nicknames, shared music, and shared humor have such a beautiful and special effect on relationships.

Whenever you’re both apart, the affectionate names you call each other can evoke strong feelings of nostalgia.

And the way you both found humor in the same things and in a unique way can make his everyday moments feel dull without you.

This special playful banter that only the two of you understand can make him miss you more.

9. Your smile and uniqueness

Things That Make a Man Miss You Like Crazy

Sometimes it’s not anything you’re doing, it’s just who you are.

He has taken in so much of your beautiful personality and quirks, and now, when he’s away from you, that’s all he thinks about.

The way your eyes light up when you smile, the way your lips curl when you’re being mischievous, or the way you style your hair.

It might also be your cheerful demeanor or solution-oriented personality.

These things can be greatly missed, especially during tough times.

The little habits that are uniquely yours can make him miss your presence and can leave a void when you’re not around.

10. Love letters and messages

Sometimes, he’s already missing you, but he’s not very aware.

But when you send him love letters and messages, you trigger memories and a longing for you in him.

It might be new messages you’re just sending or him rereading old messages, texts, or letters from you.

Affectionate messages can stir up strong emotions and make him miss you intensely.

It doesn’t take so much to make a man miss you crazily; you only need to use the right buttons.

You can make him long for your presence by engaging these tips easily.

Most of the tips are things that should already be a normal part of your relationship.

You may just need to increase some and fine-tune others.

And you’ll have that man running back to your arms.

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