11 Expert-Proven Ways to Make Your Husband Fall In Love with You All Over Again - Olubunmi Mabel

Can you feel you and your husband drifting apart, or is he not as loving as he used to be?

I want to assure you that it’s not an impossible situation; you can make your husband fall in love with you all over again.

Sometimes, marriages go through different seasons for one reason or another; they can grow cold, with the couples living like roommates rather than lovers.

But marriage is for a lifetime; you don’t want that, and I don’t want that for you; you should love and be loved in your marriage.

So, what do you do if this is different from your reality?

Luckily, as I said earlier, you can make your husband fall in love with you all over again.

And you can do it as smoothly as you would like, without even trying.

By the time you apply all the points here, before your husband knows what hit him, he’d be all over you.

Let’s look at 11 practical ways to make your husband fall in love with you all over again.

  1. Love Him

    How to Make Your Husband Fall in Love with You All Over Again—Without Even Trying!

It’s difficult to love someone who doesn’t love you, too.

So, if you’re not loving your husband, you shouldn’t be expecting the same thing from him. But when you do, you motivate and even permit him to reciprocate.

But you see, there’s more to loving someone than just having happy feelings or thinking you do. To properly love someone, you must love them how they need to be loved.

Learn his love language and love him how he wants to be loved.

Don’t love him the way it’s convenient for you, and expect him to feel gratitude.

Like someone speaking a language you don’t understand, that communicates to him that you don’t love him.

Besides that, be affectionate.

Touch him, kiss him goodbye, and kiss him again when you meet after work.

Sometimes, send him little “thank you” or “I miss you” notes at work or drop the handwritten note in his work bag.

You don’t want to overdo it, though, so it doesn’t get old. So, try to time it properly.

The summary of this point is to let him know how much he means to you, and it doesn’t have to be in the big things like you have seen explained.

It’s also in the little things like smiling at him, complimenting him privately and publicly, telling him how much he means to you, apologizing when you are wrong, respecting him, valuing his opinion, and so on.

2. Don’t Hog Him

I understand how you feel; you love him and want to be around him constantly.

But you should also give him healthy boundaries and space when he asks for it or when you perceive he needs it.  

Let him hang out with his boys, play video games, watch sports, and don’t interrupt him when he’s working.

Don’t smother him; let him miss you a little.

When you are all up in his face and even offended when he needs a little time, it shows you as inconsiderate, and you defeat the purpose of loving him.

Sure, you believe being around him all the time is a sign of love, but it’s not always.

People sometimes want to be alone to hear their own thoughts; let him have that.

Don’t guilt-trip him when he has to engage in activities that do not involve you; you will only make him resent you instead of loving you.

Of course, if you married a loving and reasonable man, he’d also know where to draw the line between spending time alone and with you.

3. Have a Life
How to Make Your Husband Fall in Love with You All Over Again—Without Even Trying!

Segueing from the point above, you need to also have a life.

It’d be challenging to give him healthy boundaries when you are idle; you’ll be bored and make it look like he’s inconsiderate for having a life.

But when you are busy growing a career, business, or schooling or having a wholesome relationship with your girls, you’ll also have other things occupying you.

Even if you’re unemployed and job-seeking, take courses, read books, or volunteer somewhere.

You need to be doing something.

That way, you can both do your own things and return at the end of the day to compare notes.

The fact that you are not smothering him will score you excellent points, and that you are also doing something that he can boast of will endear you to him.

So, it’s basically a win-win.

4. Appreciate Him

I know he may need to get more things right.

He forgets to throw the trash at the right time.

He doesn’t place things in the right place.

He forgets to wash the soap off the shower wall.

Yes, these are all legitimate things that probably annoy you.

But what about the fact that he remembers you like flowers?

Or that he doesn’t soil the toilet seat.

Think about how he probably always remembers to pay the bills.

Of course, a man’s flaws and strengths would differ from woman to woman, so I’m not saying your man is exactly like this example.

The point is that if he’s a good man, he does some things right.

But have you ever appreciated those things he does right?

Is all he hears, criticism, and complaints about what he’s getting wrong?

For some women, it isn’t even the fact that he doesn’t do something but that he doesn’t do it to their satisfaction.

First, try appreciating what he’s doing right. I promise you it will encourage him to do better.

5. Don’t Try to Change Him

How to Make Your Husband Fall in Love with You All Over Again—Without Even Trying!

Similarly, don’t try to change your man; he’ll resent you.

Bear in mind that I’m not saying you should never talk to him about wrongdoings or areas where you think he can improve.

I’m saying that you don’t have to dote on every little thing, especially if it’s not a major deal breaker.

The problem with this is that it’s not effective.

Habits are difficult to break, so people don’t find it easy to change, and when they are pressured, they’re likely not to.

Instead of making a fuss about every little thing, learn to appreciate what you love about him and accept the little annoyances.

Apart from gaining your husband’s love, you’ll live a more stress-free life.

6. Date Him

Yep, you heard me right – date him.

Due to social constructs, many women erroneously think their husband has to plan all the dates, and that’s just not true.

Surprise him the same way you want him to surprise you.

Plan a date night.

Organize a trip.

Buy him gifts

Get him tickets to see his favorite band.

These are just suggestions. You know your husband best, so use that knowledge to plan activities that will wow him.

It doesn’t have to be every week; it can be monthly or even quarterly.

You just have to commit to it, and you will see your husband’s heart burst with joy.

7. Spend Time with Him

How to Make Your Husband Fall in Love with You All Over Again—Without Even Trying!

When I mentioned giving him space earlier, it might have seemed that I don’t appreciate spending time with your husband.

I do. I just happen to understand that sometimes women also don’t benefit from healthy boundaries.

However, as much as they enjoy space occasionally, they also want to spend time in your company.

So, don’t overdo the space thing to the point where he feels you don’t enjoy his presence.

Spend time with him cuddling and talking, watching a movie or your favorite TV shows, being goofy and laughing.

Let him know you enjoy quality time with him and being around him.

8. Be Involved in His Life

You may argue that you are automatically involved in his life because you are married to him, but that’s not always the case.

Do you know how many couples don’t really know what’s going on with the other’s career?

And if you think about it deeply, you may even be one of them.

One way to determine if you are is to ask yourself if you know his career goals.

If you do, all is well.

If you don’t, you are not as involved as you should be.

You need to know his dreams, goals, vision, and hobbies and support him through them.

Be his biggest cheerleader in life.

And engage in some of his favorite activities with him. It doesn’t have to be often, especially if you don’t enjoy it as much.

But joining him occasionally shows that you are interested in what makes him happy.

9. Look Good

How to Make Your Husband Fall in Love with You All Over Again—Without Even Trying!

You probably already know that men are moved by what they see.

So, try as much as possible to look good.

I get it; life has gotten busier, and there are kids to worry about, but you can still commit some time to looking good for him.

If he loves a certain kind of attire, wear it more.

If he prefers a particular hairdo, style your hair that way.

Give him what he wants to see because attracting him physically is equally as important as mental attraction.

10. Participate in Bed

Don’t be one of those women who are conservative in bed.

Participate in what’s happening in the bedroom instead of leaving the job to him.

Learn what he loves and apply it in the bed activities.

Don’t make a habit of rejecting his advances; it will make him feel unwanted and cause him to withdraw.

Initiate affection and sex as well; it’ll make him feel desired.

11. Make Him Feel Needed

Men enjoy being the protector; they enjoy being needed.

In fact, being needed is a strong need for them; it satisfies an innate desire to be the hero of their women.

I know you are superwoman, but let him handle things for you.

Ask for his help, seek his opinion on matters, and let him secure in the fact that he’s adding value to you.

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