11 Striking Signs You Have A Beautiful Soul - Olubunmi Mabel

“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” – C.S. Lewis

Have you ever wondered what a soul is and what yours is like?

I’ll tell you what a soul is in simple and easy-to-understand words.

The soul is like the essence of a person, the invisible thread that ties our thoughts, emotions, and experiences together.

It’s the part of us that feels deeply, dreams vividly, and loves unconditionally.

Imagine it as a spark of light within you, glowing with your unique personality and guiding you through life with intuition and wisdom.

And just like we have different types and forms of physical features, we also have different soulical qualities.

You may be curious about the state of your soul, wondering if it’s beautiful or not.

I have some signs that you can use as litmus tests.

1. You’re kind

signs you have a beautiful soul

The first way to know if your soul is beautiful is your expression of kindness.

Do you find yourself effortlessly showing compassion and empathy to others, and going out of your way to help when needed?

Or do you always feel touched when you see people in need and feel a natural inclination to support them and relieve their suffering?

The beauty of the soul usually expresses itself as tenderheartedness towards other people.

It makes you willing to give your time, resources, and energy to those in need without expecting anything in return.

You’re selfless and resourceful; quick to seek, and find solutions and help others navigate their challenges.

Kindness is not something you have to struggle to express to people.

It just comes naturally to you: gentleness and mindfulness of the feelings and needs of others.

One way I observed this being expressed in me personally is that I’m sensitive to people’s insecurities and vulnerabilities and never mention them.

I love making people feel comfortable and at ease and steer clear of things that make them feel less.

It’s an expression of a beautiful spirit, the willingness to freely share joy, laughter, and positivity with those around you.

2. Children love and trust you

Children are called clean slates because of the pure state of their hearts and spirit.

They’re considered without guile because they most likely haven’t been tainted by the negative experiences in life.

Their pure spirits make them draw close to people who have a similar form of purity.

Perhaps you’ve observed that kids are naturally drawn to you and feel safe around you, this might be the reason – your beautiful soul.

It may not be children alone, for you, it might be animals.

Maybe pets and wild animals seem to feel comfortable and at ease around you and you’re surprised at it.

It’s perhaps because you have a calming presence reflecting from your beautiful soul.

3. People are naturally drawn to you

signs you have a beautiful soul

A beautiful soul is attractive and not only to children or animals.

Human beings can feel the positive energy that emanates from an individual with a beautiful soul too.

This is one way you can easily tell the state of your soul.

When you have people constantly coming around you to seek advice, or just stay around your presence, that’s telling.

It could be friends, acquaintances, or even strangers.

People with beautiful souls frequently have strangers confide in them, sharing personal stories, almost as though something is compelling them to do so.

If this happens to you, it’s because your presence is comforting, and people feel safe and welcomed around you.

You’re authentic to yourself and also attract genuine and authentic people.

The most beautiful part is that when these people come, you also have the people skills to keep them around.

You’re humble regardless of your status and achievements, and treat everyone with dignity, regardless of their background or status.

These things make your presence linger as people often tell you that they continue to feel your positive influence even after you’ve left.

These things are the way they are because you have a soul that shines brightly.

The soul is where your true self resides, beyond the physical and the material.

It holds the core of who you are and what makes you uniquely you.

4. You notice the little things

Because of your nature, you may find yourself observing things that others don’t.

You often notice and appreciate small acts of kindness and moments of connection that others might overlook.

You see beauty even in mundane things and express joy like a child.

You seem to have a deep sense of curiosity and interest in people and things that other people may not be interested in.

Your soul is reaching out to the unseen and unheard, and zooming in on them.

5. You’re an empath

signs you have a beautiful soul

Being an empath many times is an indication that your soul is full of goodness.

The ability to share and be touched by the feelings of other people is a beautiful thing.

You may find yourself feeling deep compassion for people and doing all you can to alleviate their suffering.

You’re patient and tolerant even at times and in situations where people are being difficult.

These things show that your inner beauty is remarkable.

You’re quick to let go of grudges, are open-minded, and not unnecessarily judgmental of people’s lives.

Without a doubt, you have a heartwarming aura.

6. Good things come to you effortlessly

This is one sign that doesn’t fail.

Good things happen to genuinely good people and it happens consistently.

You may have observed that although you’re diligent and put your best into your business, the returns you get far outweigh your efforts.

It’s like you sow just one seed and reap a barn that is overflowing.

You experience kairos moments often and maximize them.

Somehow, you find yourself at the right place at the right time a lot and you feel a deep, guiding sense of direction.

This may not happen in strange ways all the time.

It may be as simple as you constantly attracting positive opportunities without trying much, or you being rewarded beyond your efforts.

It’s like the universe is choosing to favor you because of the beauty you add to the world.

7. You notice patterns in your life

signs you have a beautiful soul

Another way to tell that you have a shining soul is by the patterns in your life.

This happens in different ways for different people.

For you, it might be dreams that hold significant meanings and bring you clarity and direction at strategic points in your life.

Or repeating themes and symbols that appear in other ways in your life, providing you with insight and guidance.

I have a friend who experiences this, and it makes it seem like she has hacked life.

Every time she needs to make an important decision, she sees a scenario play out around her that gives her a direct heads-up on what to do.

It looks like a coincidence, but having seen it happen repeatedly, I know that it’s not.

What’s more?

This friend of mine is one of the most tender people I know with an incredibly gentle spirit.

8. You’re optimistic

In a world filled with negatives, you always find the silver lining.

No matter what life challenges you face, you maintain a hopeful outlook.

You express thankfulness regularly and focus on your blessings and not your woes.

If that sounds like you, then it’s very likely a sign that your very essence is pure and lovely.

You understand that life is not always a bed of roses so when change happens, you maintain composure and are flexible enough to adapt and adjust.

9. You feel connected to nature

signs you have a beautiful soul

Do you find yourself feeling constantly drawn to nature?

You could stand and stare at birds chirping or wind swaying the trees for minutes into hours without getting tired.

You can’t explain it but being in natural surroundings so profoundly affects you.

It fills you with a sense of peace and connection.

It’s because of the beauty of your soul.

10. You’re a good friend

If you have a beautiful soul, it won’t only be perceived and appreciated by strangers and distant people, it’ll also be seen in your personal relationships.

There’s no perfect friend but many of your friends can vouch for your consistency and thoughtfulness as a good friend.

You’re supportive, loyal, and kind to your friends.

You may not have a lot of them, but you stay true to the ones you choose.

You’re never ashamed of taking responsibility for your actions and their impact on your friends.

You are a reliable and generous friend who listens and makes people feel heard.

These signs point to the fact that you’re a beacon of light and love.

You remember details about your friends, give thoughtful gifts, and show honesty and transparency.

You spur your friends unto great things and they’re so grateful to have you in their lives.

11. You’re joyful

signs you have a beautiful soul

“The soul is the truth of who we are.” – Marianne Williamson

People often wonder why you’re so happy, and you don’t necessarily have an answer for them.

The state of your soul puts you in a constantly joyful position where you’re cheerful and happy most of the time.

On some days, you even have sudden, inexplicable bursts of happiness or contentment.

Not because you have a perfect life but because you have a radiant spirit.

Sometimes, the source of the happiness is unknown, it’s just from within.

While other times, you can trace the source.

And it’s not always about material blessings and money, you also find joy in serving others and making a difference in their lives.

These signs give a good understanding of what it means to have a beautiful soul.

If one or more of these signs rang a bell for you, or you deeply resonated with them, there’s a very good chance that you are the epitome of grace and kindness.

It’s great to recognize them and appreciate and nurture the beautiful soul you possess.

They enrich your life and the lives of those you encounter.

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