7 Signs You Are Dating a Man Who Has Nothing to Offer  - Olubunmi Mabel

    The idea of a relationship is for two people to come together, love each other, and offer each other value. 

    That’s why one person can’t do a relationship alone. 

    No matter how good you are, if your partner is not doing their part, the relationship will suffer. 

    Besides, who wants to be in a relationship where you are the only one with something to offer?

    Unfortunately, many men are comfortable being in a relationship with a woman where they are stringing her along and offering nothing. 

    It may be because they are getting something from her that they don’t want to let go of, or they are just keeping her until someone better comes along. 

    But then again, sometimes, they are just jerks. 

    Whatever the case, though, no woman should have to deal with such a man. 

    That’s why this article was written. 

    It will show you signs that a man has nothing to offer so you can find your way out of the situation and find a man who better fits you. 

    That being said, let’s look at the signs. 

    1. He’s Not Ambitious

    7 Signs You Are Dating a Man Who Has Nothing to Offer

    One major sign a guy has nothing to offer is that he is not ambitious. 

    Think about it: if the guy doesn’t even care to want something for his life, why would he want to add anything to yours? 

    It’s pretty straightforward; you cannot give what you don’t have. 

    This guy is just fine with doing the bare minimum; he doesn’t set goals for himself or have any big dreams, and he’s totally okay with coasting through life. 

    A man who will put effort into your relationship would have been putting effort into his life. 

    Now, let’s clarify because many people mistake being ambitious for wanting to get rich quickly. 

    It’s not about that, but a man should have the desire to better himself. 

    In fact, everybody should. 

    So, if you find yourself always motivating him, pushing him to aim higher, I need you to realize before it’s too late that he’s comfortable being stagnant. 

    And instead of being his lover and life partner, you will become his life coach. 

    It’s exhausting; I don’t think anyone can do that in the long run. 

    2. He’s Dismissive

    Nobody is perfect, so a guy who loves you and wants to offer you value will sometimes miss the mark. 

    Sometimes, he won’t get what he needs to do to give you what you need. 

    But the difference between him and one with nothing to offer is that he will not dismiss your concerns when you raise them. 

    He will try to adjust when you mention something that matters to you. 

    But the man we are talking about will shrug off important matters or act like it’s no big deal. 

    You often feel like you are talking to a brick wall because he will make you think your thoughts, feelings, or concerns don’t matter. 

    You could be upset about something, and instead of listening or offering support, he might say something like, “You’re overreacting,” or “That’s not a big deal.” 

    If he always brushes off your emotions, it’s a clear sign that he’s not invested in genuinely understanding or supporting you. 

    A man who can’t take your feelings seriously isn’t someone who has much to offer you emotionally.

    If he had, he would have listened to and considered the things that matter to you because he is concerned about connecting with you and making you satisfied in the relationship. 

    3. He Keeps Asking for a Specific Thing

    7 Signs You Are Dating a Man Who Has Nothing to Offer

    The thing about people who have nothing to offer is that they don’t mind taking from you. 

    If a man only hits you up when he wants something, that’s all he is there for. 

    It could be sex, money, or even using your connections to move ahead in his career – whatever it may be –  that’s all he’s interested in. 

    You’ll notice that he’ll be sweet and attentive when he needs something from you, but the moment he gets it, he’s gone until the next time. 

    There is nothing wrong with exchanging these things in a relationship, but a healthy relationship doesn’t make you feel used. 

    Even if you offer these things because you delight in making your lover happy, you will receive emotional support, affection, and genuine care in return. 

    If your man can’t even provide the above – even if he’s not as financially buoyant or as well-connected as you are – it’s a sign he’s not invested in you, just in what you can give him. 

    4. He Offers No Support

    Are you ever in situations where you needed someone by your side, but he was nowhere to be found? 

    It may be that he is of this stock. 

    Now, don’t misunderstand. 

    A man who loves you may not always be there for you because he’s unable to. 

    For instance, he may have to be at work when you need someone to help you move. 

    Maybe he tried to get time off and wasn’t offered time off, but that’s to be expected and not an issue. 

    However, a man with nothing to offer will never be there for you. 

    The operative word there is never. 

    In some other cases, he could be there occasionally to throw you a bone, so he has something to hold on to next time you accuse him of not being there. 

    He could also be there when he needs something in return. 

    But he is never just there because he wants to be there and knows his place is to be there, offering you support as your biggest cheerleader. 

    In fact, he may even dismiss your tough times, telling you that you are acting like a child. 

    A supportive partner stands with you, listens to your concerns, and tries to make life a little easier when things get tough. 

    If he’s never there for you when you need him most, it’s clear he’s unwilling to put in the effort to be a real partner.

    5. He’s Immature

    7 Signs You Are Dating a Man Who Has Nothing to Offer

    I remember telling someone a while back that when you reach a certain age as a woman, you shouldn’t consider certain kinds of guys because you don’t have time to waste. 

    One of such guys is an immature guy. 

    You know, those guys who never seem to take anything seriously. 

    They dodge responsibility, turn every serious conversation into a joke, and can’t handle conflict without blowing up or shutting down. 

    A relationship requires emotional maturity—the ability to talk things through, make decisions, and handle life’s ups and downs together. 

    If he’s always running from real issues or refuses to grow up, it shows that he has nothing of substance to offer. 

    Once you feel like you’re dealing with a child instead of an equal partner, you are likely with a man with nothing to offer. 

    This is not about age because many 40-year-olds are running around the streets while some 25-year-olds have it together. 

    So, it’s not about age but strength of character – how much someone displays maturity in how they see and handle life. 

    It’s exhausting to be the only mature one in a relationship. 

    You deserve someone who’s already on your level, emotionally and mentally.

    6. He’s Self-Centered

    A self-centered man cannot offer you anything of value because he is so wrapped up in his needs and wants that he doesn’t even notice you’re there. 

    He is the kind of man who talks about his day, problems, and dreams, but when it’s your turn to share, he barely listens or quickly shifts the conversation back to himself.

    Relationships should be a two-way street where partners care for and support each other. 

    If you find yourself constantly giving while he takes without any appreciation, it’s a huge red flag. 

    Such a man will do you no good because he will not add anything meaningful to your life and will drain your energy. 

    You should be with someone who genuinely cares about you and is willing to work to make the relationship thrive.

    7. He’s Always Negative

    7 Signs You Are Dating a Man Who Has Nothing to Offer

    A man with nothing to offer has a persistently negative disposition. 

    He will likely complain about everything and never see the bright side. 

    Instead, he will constantly find a way to turn a good situation into a bad one. 

    It’s quite sad because you will expect that since he’s not offering something negative, he should at least let you enjoy the positivity you get in your life. 

    But even that will be difficult for some of them. 

    For instance, you may be excited about a new opportunity or just sharing something fun that happened; he’ll point out why it won’t work out or why it’s not worth your time. 

    One thing you need to know about this kind of man is that their mission is to drain you, whether deliberately or not. 

    That’s what they are about because they have nothing to offer you. 

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