7 Signs Your Husband Still Finds You Exciting - Olubunmi Mabel

    Love is such a beautiful phenomenon, and marriage to someone who loves you equally could be an exciting journey.

    At the beginning of most relationships and marriages, couples are usually excited about the new phase they are starting.

    However, in most relationships, this feeling usually cools off and evolves into something quieter and more mature…

    Something that could easily be dampened by the hustle and bustle of life and the routine of adulthood.

    This is why when many couples get older, they usually just settle into a comfortable relationship that lacks the fire and passion of the earlier days.

    There are exceptions to this, of course.

    I have seen elderly couples who are so in love with each other after thirty to forty years of marriage.

    How did they manage this feat?

    The answer is simple yet a little complex to practice.

    They simply never lost their wonder.

    They didn’t allow the pressures and stress of adulthood and marriage to diminish the pleasure of living with the love of their lives.

    If you’re curious whether your husband still finds you as captivating as ever, here are some telltale signs that he’s still head over heels in love with you.

    1. He can’t take his eyes off you

    Signs your husband still finds you exciting

    Growing up, one of my favorite songs was “Just the Way You Are” by Bruno Mars.

    And if you are wondering why it was my favorite song, there was a girl who made the song real for me.

    She was the most beautiful girl I knew back then, even though I never told her.

    I was trying to be a tough guy.

    Several years down the line, that song still holds a lot of significance for me because nothing has changed.

    She is still the first face that comes to mind when I listen to that song.

    Now, she knows how I feel about her (in case you are wondering).

    But yeah, that was my first encounter with love.

    If she were ever asked for a sign that I was captivated by her, she would mention that I couldn’t keep my eyes off her.

    Even when I tried my best not to, my gaze always found its way to meet hers.

    The truth is that when a man is in love with you, all you need to do is look into his eyes.

    You would see the truth staring right back at you.

    It doesn’t change, regardless of how long you have been married.

    If your husband is still madly in love with you, his eyes can always communicate his feelings.

    Remember those stolen glances from across the room when you first started dating?

    Your husband still gazes at you with that kind of intensity.

    He is in a room full of people, and it feels like he only has eyes for you.

    I know it feels like a line out of a romance novel, but it is something real.

    I have experienced it.

    So, I know this is not just a creation of a very imaginative mind.

    Whether you’re dressed to the nines or just lounging in your comfiest pajamas, it is obvious that your husband has eyes for only you.

    This shows how you are the center of his focus, and he is still excited by you.

    2. He is your biggest cheerleader

    We all have that one person who celebrates our little wins like theirs.

    They are sincerely happy whenever we do great things in our lives.

    For married people, that person should ideally be their partner.

    Sadly, we don’t live in an ideal world.

    Sometimes, husbands are the worst rivals for their wives.

    Some husbands feel that their wives’ achievements should always pale in comparison with theirs, and when this is not so, they tend to be dismissive of their wives’ achievements.

    If you want to know if your husband still finds you exciting, just reflect on the way he reacts to your achievements.

    Is he even more enthusiastic about your wins than you are?

    Does he pride himself in your accomplishments?

    If the answer to the questions above is yes, you have your answer staring right into your eyes.

    Your husband still finds you exciting.

    This is why he is always there to support you in every of your endeavors in life.

    He stays by the sidelines, encouraging and cheering you to victory.

    Whether you’re pursuing a new hobby, changing careers, or tackling a personal project, your husband’s support never wavers.

    These clear signs of admiration and pride not only show how much your husband values you but also show that his feelings for you haven’t waned over the years.

    He still turns up for you the same way he did in the early days of your relationship.

    3. He displays his silly side around you

    Signs your husband still finds you exciting

    One thing I dread about being an adult is how much responsibility can silence the inner child.

    You are so swamped by responsibilities and pressures that you may not be able to stop to appreciate the little wonders of this world.

    Laughter becomes inappropriate in many settings.

    It is challenging to be an adult while still embracing one’s inner child, but it is possible.

    Especially when you are married to your soulmate.

    That one person that makes you feel like doing things you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.

    Laughter is the best medicine, and if your husband still brings out his goofy side just to make you laugh, it is a sign that he enjoys your company.

    Being with you makes him feel younger and less encumbered by responsibilities.

    With you, it is very easy for him to unleash his inner child and just enjoy himself.

    Regardless of his position and status, when he is around you, he is lighthearted and fun to be around.

    People may sometimes comment about the transformation that comes over him when he is with you, but the truth is that you are the reason.

    Being with you makes him want to enjoy himself.

    Shared laughter and goofy jokes are indicative of the deepest forms of intimacy.

    If your husband behaves goofily around you, it is a sign that he still finds you exciting.

    4. He plans dates

    Signs your husband still finds you exciting

    In my experience, I believe women are more involved in planning dates than men.

    Sometimes, men get involved in the planning, too.

    But this is very rare.

    If your husband is still enthusiastic about planning date nights or spontaneous getaways, it shows his desire to keep your relationship fresh and exciting.

    He loves to spend time with you and wants to have fun while he is at it.

    He doesn’t just want to spend time with you when he comes home from work alone.

    He also wants to spend some time with you away from the daily grind.

    He wants to be intentional about it, so he organizes weekend getaways for you and him.

    He organizes romantic dinners, simple picnics in beautiful gardens, a stroll in the park, or a hike in the woods (if either of you fancies yourself to be a fitness aficionado).

    Regardless of what he has planned, the intention of the whole gesture is to spend time with you away from the hustle and bustle of life.

    This level of enthusiasm while planning dates is a sign that your husband still finds you exciting.

    5. He is so attentive to your needs

    One time, I was around an older couple.

    They were so attentive to each other.

    In fact, you could be in a room with them and still feel like they don’t really know you are with them.

    They had eyes for each other.

    While having dinner, the wife was reaching for her glass of water just at the same time her husband was adjusting it to get it closer to her.

    Such sensitivity.

    He could anticipate that she needed to drink water and moved to place the glass of water within her reach at the right time.

    When I asked him how he knew when to do that, he laughed and said, “Telepathy.”

    There were several other episodes that left me thinking the old couple truly communicated telepathically.

    These people made me love love.

    I mean, love is so sweet when it is beheld in its purest forms.

    Just like wine, love is really sweeter when it is displayed by older couples.

    It gets you wondering how they managed to keep their love blooming through the several decades of marriage.

    Being attuned to your feelings and needs, even without you having to say a word, is a strong sign that your husband is still very much attentive to your needs.

    It shows that he cares about your well-being and wants to make you feel loved.

    He gives you the “egg treatment”.

    When your husband is attentive to your needs even after several years of marriage, it is a sign that the novelty of being married to you hasn’t worn off for him.

    He still finds you exciting more than ever before.

    6. He expresses his affection for you

    Signs your husband still finds you exciting

    When a man is truly head over heels in love with his wife, he expresses his affection for her.

    I know many men say they are not so expressive because they don’t come from a background that encourages expressiveness.

    But the truth is that when a man is head over heels in love, he expresses it through his words and actions.

    He may not wax poetical with his words, but he tells you that he loves you.

    Most importantly, his actions are a testament to his love for you.

    He displays his love for you with little thoughtful gestures.

    He brings you breakfast in bed occasionally.

    He surprises you with your favorite treats.

    He comes home with little gifts for you – things that remind him of you.

    They could be colorful scarves, a book from your favorite author, an earring that he thinks will look good on you, or just a beautiful card he feels you will appreciate.

    See, expressing your love for someone doesn’t have to involve big gestures like getting a Cartier jewelry for her or a luxury handbag.

    It doesn’t need to involve buying luxurious cars, spending holidays in expensive chateaus in France, or taking a trip to an expensive resort island.

    The little things matter!

    These thoughtful gestures are your husband’s way of showing that he thinks of you constantly and is always searching for new ways to make you smile and feel cherished.

    7. He can’t keep his hands off you

    Signs your husband still finds you exciting

    It is common for physical intimacy to wane in most marriages as the years go by.

    People say it like it is inevitable.

    Yet, I have seen older couples who have shown that even the inevitable can be kept at bay when you are determined enough to try.

    Physical intimacy is an important part of any relationship, and if your husband still makes an effort to keep that spark alive, it is a clear sign that he finds you attractive and exciting.

    I have seen older couples who can’t keep their hands off each other.

    It is usually so sweet to watch gray-haired men and women so deeply in love with each other.

    Now, by physical intimacy, I am not just referring to pleasant lovemaking sessions.

    I am also including gentle touches, warm hugs, and kisses as well.

    If your husband just can’t seem to keep his hands off you, it is a sign that he still finds you exciting.

    I saw a woman complaining about how her husband always finds a reason to touch her.

    Well, it was funny to me because I know many other women who probably want the same thing.

    If your husband is so invested in physical intimacy in your marriage, it is a sign that he finds you immensely attractive and exciting.

    Love isn’t always about the grand gestures.

    The little things we do consistently matter more than the grand gestures we perform occasionally.

    If you recognize these signs in your relationship, take it as a beautiful reminder that the flame of passion is still burning brightly in your marriage.

    Your husband still finds you as exciting and captivating as ever.

    So cherish these moments, nurture your bond, and keep the spark alive.

    After all, marriage can be an exciting journey, with wonders at every turn, when it is done with your soulmate.

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