8 Signs Your Husband Loves Being Married To You - Olubunmi Mabel

With the recent high divorce rates, it is easy to feel thankful for the barest minimum…

That you are still married- whether unhappily or not.

This diverts us from the real question we should be asking ourselves.

We should be asking ourselves if our partners enjoy being married to us.

Does your partner love being married to you, or do they just stay in the union because it’s their duty?

Today, I am counseling you to ask yourself this question.

To help you answer, I have compiled the signs your husband loves being married to you.

This article may seem like it is skewed toward men, but I want you to keep an open mind because the signs are not completely gender specific.

After all, what is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander.

Let’s go!

1. He loves to spend time with you

signs Your Husband Loves Being Married to You

This is a no-brainer!

If you love someone, you will definitely love spending time with them.

There you have it…

If your husband loves being married to you, he will express it by spending quality time with you.

Because he enjoys being with you, he is never too busy for you.

It doesn’t really need to be time spent over a candlelit dinner.

He could come back from work early just to help you prepare dinner or see a movie.

He could also take a stroll with you.

The main focus shouldn’t be the activities you do together.

The main focus is that he wants to spend time with you and still goes out of his way to do so even after several years of marriage.

It’s just so nice to realize that your husband still wants to spend time with you after spending so many years with you already.

This is a major sign of a husband who loves being married to you.

Every day seems like an opportunity for a new adventure that involves you and he is totally eager for the daily adventures.

2. He loves talking and listening to you

signs Your Husband Loves Being Married to You

When a man loves being married to you, it goes beyond just spending time with you for him.

He is so invested in telling you things about himself.

You know how the stereotype of a masculine man is someone who gives this “strong and silent vibe”?

Well, for a man who loves being married to you, this doesn’t hold.

He loves to talk to you.

He thinks of you as his friend and confidant.

You are his gist buddy.

Hence, when he gets in from work and settles down, he tells you about his day…

The funny things that happened, the not-so-funny things, and the downright bad parts of the day that pissed him off.

He doesn’t just stop there.

He also loves to listen to you.

So, rather than speak like someone who loves the sound of their voice, your husband also attempts to listen to you.

He loves to hear from you and thoroughly enjoys conversations with you.

This is a sign that he loves being married to you.

If he talks and listens to you, then your husband is happy in the marriage and loves being married to you.

Note that it is normal if this doesn’t happen every day.

You can’t always expect things to be rosy.

But if for the most part, your husband loves talking and listening to you…

Congratulations! Your husband loves being married to you.

3. He is your greatest cheerleader

Regardless of how much you tell yourself that you don’t really care about the accolades, or praises you receive from others, the fact is that we all desire to have that one person who will be a cheerleader for us.

For married couples, that one person should be their partner ideally.

It is not so, sometimes.

So, if your husband actually supports you and cheers you on as you achieve numerous pedigrees in your life, it is a sign that he loves being married to you.

If he speaks proudly of you in public and tells people about your abilities, it is a sign that he is proud of you and wants to show you off to the world.

He tells everyone who cares to listen about his superhero wife who smashes her goals and achieves everything she sets her mind on.

He literally thinks of your wins as his wins and rather than be threatened by them, he is glad that he can encourage you to achieve more.

He loves and enjoys being married to you, period!

4. He appreciates you

signs Your Husband Loves Being Married to You

Appreciation is another sign of love.

When your partner appreciates you, it is a sign that he recognizes the things you do to make the relationship successful.

The fact that your husband can notice your efforts towards the success of the marriage is a sign that he is happy in the union.

An unhappy husband will usually find faults in everything you do, even when you are doing the right things.

Appreciation is a language of love; only men who love being married to their wives can speak this simple but complex language.

5. He is physically and emotionally intimate with you

signs Your Husband Loves Being Married to You

Physical intimacy goes way beyond having sex and emotional intimacy is far more than talking to someone.

True physical intimacy comes with that feeling of desire and passion when you are together.

It is that feeling you get when it seems like your husband can’t keep his hands off you.

He loves to touch you and just gives you random hugs, kisses, or touches you affectionately.

And when it comes to having sex?

He doesn’t just have sex with you.

He makes love to you…

He worships your body like it is the abode of a divine entity.

His attraction to you doesn’t wane over the years.

Rather, it increases in spades.

For emotional intimacy…

He doesn’t just listen to you, he also attempts to understand you.

He sees you for who you are and loves to be with you.

He connects with you on a level that is far beyond superficial.

The feeling of being seen and understood only comes when you are in a relationship with a husband who loves being married to you.

If you feel this way, you are definitely married to a man who loves being married to you.

6. He trusts you

Love in a marriage is good, but when it is mixed with trust, it gives off just the right kind of vibe.

In fact, it is the necessary ingredient for a successful marriage.

What’s love without trust?

It’s just like “faith without works“….

It is dead.

If your husband trusts you, it is a sign that he is satisfied with his relationship with you.

By trust, I don’t just mean that your husband trusts you not to cheat on him.

It also implies that he trusts you and the choices you make.

He doesn’t question your choices because you have already proven yourself over time to him.

He also ensures that he seeks your opinion when faced with a choice or attempting to decide for the family.

This respect for your opinion is borne out of the trust and love he has for you.

7. He includes you in his plans for the future

I know you are wondering what more inclusion you need in your husband’s future than being actually married to him.

Well, we live in a world where marriages are as fleeting and temporary as they can be.

Divorces are on the rise and the fact that you are still married is not a sign that your husband loves being married to you.

If your husband includes you in his plans for the future, or considers your interests before making decisions, it is a sign that he loves being married to you so much that he plans to remain married to you.

He doesn’t impose decisions on you, or keep you ignorant of his plans because he wants you to know that he has your interest at heart.

8. He treats you specially

signs Your Husband Loves Being Married to You

This is the height of it.

When your husband loves being married to you, he shows it through the way he treats you.

Almost every young girl dreams of being married to a man who treats her like a princess.

You probably had that dream too, and if you are currently living in that reality, then it is safe to say that you are married to a man who loves being with you.

He treats you kindly and respectfully while remaining romantic and passionate.

He makes you feel like you are the only woman in the world.

To him, you are a perfect epitome of beautiful womanhood and he can only treat you with adoration.

This is not a tribute to your body shape.

Even if you may actually have a perfect supermodel shape.

It is more of a tribute to your personality.

He sees the person that you are, and believes that you deserve to be treated specially.

He gives you generous and thoughtful gifts.

He doesn’t just buy expensive things for you, he gets you things that hold some sort of significance for you.

He does all this because he loves being married to you.

The signs a man loves being married to you are literally all the positive things you can expect from our dream of marriage.

There is a thin line between a man who loves his marriage and a man who is obsessed with being married to you.

A man who is obsessed will do crazy things like stalk you and even be distrustful of you.

I must also add that the signs are not gender specific, and you can tell if your wife loves being married to you through these signs as well.

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