8 Ways To Make A Guy Desire You More Every Day - Without Changing A Thing About Yourself - Olubunmi Mabel

If you like someone, there’s always that tendency of wanting to change yourself to suit them.

In fact, it’s a common argument from society that you must make yourself into something the person likes to make them notice.

But is that really how it works?

Thankfully, no!

Imagine the horror of having to live your life on a stage play because you want to attract someone.

I believe you agree with me that it’s not worth it.

Well, luckily, you don’t have to change a thing about yourself to make a guy desire you more every day; you just need to know the right strategies to employ.

I know, saying strategies sounds like I’m talking about games.

But no, I’m talking about the right natural ways to occupy a guy’s mind and make him desire you more every day.

Without further ado, let’s discuss them.

8 Ways To Make A Guy Desire You More Every Day – Without Changing A Thing About Yourself

1. Be Yourself

How to Make a Guy Desire You More Every Day—Without Changing a Thing About Yourself!

Like I always say, authenticity is attractive.

Plus, being someone else is stressful anyway.

As I mentioned earlier, it’s horrifying to have to play a character when you can just be the person God has made you to be.

Besides how stressful it is, you’d come off as inauthentic, and that’s a huge turnoff.

Of course, not everyone will be attracted to you when you’re yourself, and the guy you want might not be, either.

But when you’re comfortable being yourself, you’ll realize it doesn’t matter.

What will be important is that you are yourself and attracting the right people who will fall in love with your core.

If the guy who catches your eye happens to be one of those who like your kind of person, you will have more chances being authentic than you would being pretentious. 

So, be yourself. 

2. Let Him Chase You

It will be challenging to get the guy to desire you every day when you are constantly in his face.

I know this is cliche, but I’ll repeat it because it’s true and works here: absence makes the heart grow fonder.

If a guy always sees you and doesn’t have room to miss you, it’s difficult to make him desire you.

In fact, he’d likely want to be away from you for some space.

Moreover, guys like to chase.

It gives them a feeling of accomplishment to woo you and have you respond to them.

They feel like heroes when they get a girl’s number, make her text back, and respond to all the milestones that lead to a relationship.

If you snatch that away from him, he has nothing to look forward to, making it difficult for him to desire you.

3. Show The Required Attention

How to Make a Guy Desire You More Every Day—Without Changing a Thing About Yourself!

Just like absence makes the heart grow fonder, out of sight is also out of mind.

The fact that I’m saying you should give him room to chase you doesn’t mean you should disappear.

While he may miss you for a while, if you disappear, he’ll soon forget about you. 

So, you need to appear occasionally to show him your awesomeness and then give him space again.

Don’t completely shut him out, or he’ll misunderstand it as disinterest.

Reply to him when he texts you and pick up his calls within reason. 

If he’s calling when you are busy, let him know you’d be unavailable to respond then. 

Go on a date when he asks you out, and be present.

Again, you shouldn’t always clear your schedule to be with him; you’d come off as desperate when you do.

This brings me to having something to do.

Make sure you are booked and busy, occupied doing something productive, so you don’t have time to wait by the phone for his every message.

But when you are busy, you won’t be readily available whenever he calls.

Instead, you will sometimes have to carve out time for him to see you.

For instance, if you’re busy at work during the day, you might be unable to see him even if he wants to plan a date.

Then, you can suggest another time that works with your schedule.

When you are with him, be present and engaged in the discussion.

Listen to him and give him a glimpse into your brilliant mind.

4. Show The Right Amount Of Affection

Men are as scared of rejection as women are.

So, he might be constantly overthinking reaching out to you because he’s afraid of rejection.

For this reason, you need to show him the right amount of affection—just enough to show him you are interested, not desperate.

Compliment him when he looks good.

Show interest in his dreams and goals.

For instance, if he has a presentation at work, show him support and even offer value if you have anything to add.

Show him care.

Surprise him occasionally with something little he’s not expecting.

Don’t go over the top; just enough to let him see that being with you also comes with the fun part.

5. Be His Friend

How to Make a Guy Desire You More Every Day—Without Changing a Thing About Yourself!

Let him have a friend in you.

Men don’t spend time thinking about women who are simply for sex.

They may save your number and call you up when they need a release, but that’s that.

However, she will be on his mind when she’s also his friend, someone he has a good time with and can rely on. 

Let him see you as a support system who cheers for his success and encourages him when he’s down.

Be his safe space, someone he knows he can talk to, and she’ll listen.

6. Look Good

We don’t want to be stuck in the friend zone, so he needs to desire you sexually, too.

While it’s not impossible, it’s difficult to inspire sexual attraction when you always look drab anytime he sees you.

I hear you say, “I thought this was a list of tips to make a guy desire me without changing a thing about me.”

It still is because you don’t have to change anything about yourself to look good.

What you need to do is embrace your personal style and enhance what’s already there.

You don’t need plastic surgery and won’t need to break the bank

Learning to combine attire might be all you need to enhance your look.

If you’re still unconvinced, remember that men are visual beings; they need to see something good.

So, give him a refreshing memory of who you are, something he can admire later.

And no, you don’t have to expose your body either for this; we want to attract men of substance, not ones that simply want to roll in the hay.

But even men of substance have blood flowing in their veins, and they want to be physically attracted to their woman.

7. Create Fun Memories With Him

How to Make a Guy Desire You More Every Day—Without Changing a Thing About Yourself!

You cannot be the grouch of the group and expect him to desire you.

Most men want a happy and fun woman who can laugh with and enjoy being around.

Trust me, if he enjoys being around you, he will desire you.

If you have fun memories together, he can go back to them when he’s alone, and they will bring a smile to his face, making him want to be around even more to relive those memories.

8. Don’t Be Afraid To Lose Him

How to Make a Guy Desire You More Every Day—Without Changing a Thing About Yourself!

You need not be afraid to lose a guy if you want to make him desire you more every day without changing who you are.

This is because you’re likely to become desperate when you are afraid.

Anytime he’s not chasing you as relentlessly as you think he should, you’d panic and then start pursuing him, which could turn him off.

You’d also want to change yourself to what you think he likes, which defeats the purpose.

So, you need to love yourself and have a healthy self-esteem. 

If he likes a woman like you, he’ll be attracted to you.

If not, he wouldn’t – and that’s okay because the man for you will love you.


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