Men Never Leave Wives Who Do These 8 Things - Olubunmi Mabel
“What can I do to ensure my husband stays loyal?”
This is a common question among married women.
No one wants to suffer the pain and trauma of being abandoned by the man they love.
Hence, the question.
The only issue is that when many women ask this question, they expect answers like “Five Easy Steps To Keep Him Wrapped Around Your Fingers.”
Well, we don’t do that here.
If you were expecting that, I am sorry to disappoint you.
Wrapping someone around your fingers involves manipulation and control, and these two things should never be found in any healthy marriage.
However, for a marriage to be healthy and successful, there are several things both partners can do to guarantee an unbreakable bond.
The truth is that you can’t do all the work alone, and you can’t keep a man in a relationship against his will.
But there are certain qualities and actions that would guarantee that your husband doesn’t even think of leaving.
After all, no sane person would want to leave a pleasant relationship.
While every relationship is unique, some timeless principles can help nurture a lasting connection with your husband.
Here are some things you can do in your marriage to ensure that your husband remains committed to you.
1. Sincere appreciation
Everyone loves to be appreciated.
Don’t get deceived by the fact that a person’s response to your gratitude is “Don’t mention it.”
It is just a stock phrase used in response to gratitude.
It is just like when you are eating, and someone visits you; courtesy dictates that you invite them to join you, and courtesy also dictates that they reject the offer graciously.
Someone tried it with me once and he was shocked when I actually joined him.
He couldn’t tell me to stop, but I noticed that afterward, he never made the mistake of inviting me to eat with him again. Lol!
My point is very simple.
Men thrive on appreciation in relationships.
When a wife genuinely acknowledges her husband’s efforts in the marriage, it is a sign that she values him.
Whether big or small, his efforts and contributions to the success of the relationship should be acknowledged.
A simple “thank you” can go a long in making a man feel valued and respected in his relationship.
Where I come from, we have a proverb about gratitude that says, “It is the person who appreciates yesterday’s favor that receives more favors.”
This goes to show that if you want your husband to continue doing well in your relationship, appreciation is key.
However, you should also note that your motive for appreciating him shouldn’t be just so he can continue doing good things.
Appreciate him because he truly deserves appreciation.
It is a way of telling him that he is doing the right thing and that you notice all his efforts.
Men usually stick to wives who are appreciative.
2. Effective communication
In my interactions with my female friends, I realized that many women believe that their partners can and should know what they are thinking.
That’s laughable.
Even when couples are so intimate that they can anticipate each other’s needs, mind-reading is still not involved.
Communication is key in a relationship; when one partner lacks it, the relationship may suffer.
One time, I noticed that a female coursemate was not talking to me.
This was quite surprising because, on most days, she was always the first to initiate conversation.
But for a week, she stopped talking to me.
So, when I got a chance to speak to her alone, I asked what was wrong.
She insisted that I already knew what I did to upset her.
I was totally stumped.
When she saw that I didn’t know what she was talking about, she went on to mention how I had aimed a jab at her days ago.
The truth was that it was just a joke, and I didn’t think it would hurt her because we had played with worse.
But here she was, getting watery-eyed even after several days’ interval between the events.
I apologized sincerely for hurting her, and she was back to her playful ways around me in no time.
Communication helps relationships a lot.
It saves you a whole lot of heartache and drama.
If she had told me instantly that I had hurt her, she wouldn’t have gone through so many days being angry at me and watching me gallivant around the class.
Communication should not only be for expressing hurt, though.
You should be able to openly and constructively express your feelings and thoughts.
Men value this attitude in women.
With this attitude towards communication, the majority of the conflicts you will face in your marriage are already resolved.
The key to effective conflict resolution is open and honest communication.
This kind of transparency fosters mutual understanding between couples.
Most men I know would never want to leave a relationship where they are understood and appreciated.
3. Respect him
Some guys were discussing love and respect.
I heard many punchlines, but the one I remember clearly is, “Women want to be loved while men want to be respected in relationships.”
I remember it clearly because I disagreed with it.
Everyone wants love and respect.
Men may want to be respected in relationships more because they are trained to be visionary leaders, but they also want to be loved.
Women also want to be respected even if they prefer to be loved, and the truth is that love and respect are not mutually exclusive.
They are a two-in-one package.
If love doesn’t come with respect, I daresay it is not true love.
I think I have done enough to emphasize the need for love and respect regardless of the gender involved.
The truth is men are drawn to wives who respect them.
I must correct some notions about respect in marriage.
Respect for your husband is not doing everything he says even when you believe it can be better done in a different way.
You are not a robot.
You shouldn’t be controlled like one.
Respect is not quaking with fear.
Fear is fear.
Respect is admiration for your husband’s strength.
It is showing value for his opinions, thoughts, and decisions.
It is acceptance of his individuality.
A good way to show respect for your husband is to ask for his opinion on matters around the house.
When you disagree with his decisions, a sign that you respect him is that you discuss the alternative with him, ensuring that he understands why it is a better option.
Of course, I haven’t forgotten that respect is reciprocal.
If you treat a man this way, then he should reciprocate.
It is really that simple.
The foundation of a successful marriage is built on mutual respect and trust as much as love.
4. Support him
Beyond the need for companionship and interaction, one of the major reasons we go into relationships is to get support.
Everyone needs support.
No man is an island.
Regardless of how self-sufficient a man may be, he requires support from time to time.
Life can be peaceful sometimes.
At other times, you may feel like you are traveling into the eye of a storm.
It is in these situations that you need the unwavering support of a partner.
Men appreciate wives who stand by them during tough times.
There are various ways you can support your man during tough times.
If he is experiencing a financial crisis, you could support him by helping him pick up the slack whenever you can.
When you can’t help financially, your words of encouragement can even be more effective.
Encourage him with positive words and listen to him sympathetically.
When a man is at the lowest point in his life, things can be scary.
However, this is not the time to run.
It is the time to let him know that you will always stand by him through thick and thin.
When a woman demonstrates this level of loyalty to a man, he never leaves her.
5. Give him personal space
Being overly clingy is one surefire way to make your husband tired of the marriage.
It is normal to want to spend all your free moments with the man you love.
However, this doesn’t mean you should indulge it.
You can spend quality time with your husband, but it shouldn’t be to the detriment of other important things you should be doing.
One of the things that got me tired of my friendship with a lady recently was her clinginess.
She was just a friend, so she didn’t have the right to demand my time and attention the way she did.
But even as a wife, you need to learn when to give your husband space.
Use those periods to focus on other fulfilling tasks.
Learn a skill, get a new hobby, or read a book.
You would be improving yourself instead of clinging to a husband who just wants some personal space to think about things or focus on other aspects of his life.
Our journey in life is one of constant self-development.
However, how do you improve yourself when you spend all your free moments with your husband?
Apart from the fact that it doesn’t give him room to focus on himself, it doesn’t help your relationship.
Men are committed to wives who know when to give them space.
Giving your husband space doesn’t mean leaving him alone in the house.
It could just mean spending time with each other in silence while you focus on other things.
6. Shared hobbies and interests
I know I asked you to give your husband space and do other important things, but this doesn’t mean you should totally leave him to his own devices.
It is easier to build strong connections and bonds in a marriage when couples are involved in shared activities.
It is important that you always create time to do things together.
It doesn’t have to be something really serious like reading books.
It could be an occasional game of Scrabble or Chess.
It could even be the occasional game of table tennis.
It could be any activity you and your husband share a love for.
Involving in activities together creates cherished memories and reinforces the bond.
7. Good sense of humor
A good sense of humor can be very important in ensuring the success of a relationship.
I personally think that I won’t be able to survive in a relationship with someone who doesn’t have a good sense of humor because I like to play a lot, and I am sarcastic to a fault.
One of the major qualities I look out for in a woman is her ability to relate to jokes easily.
Many men are like this.
They appreciate it when their wives can laugh with them, share playful moments, and bring positive vibes to their everyday lives.
This brings more spontaneity and happiness into the relationship.
And even in tough times, having a wife with a good sense of humor usually reduces the burden on husbands.
A woman with a good sense of humor will react positively to tough situations.
She would still have reasons to laugh and smile.
She won’t nag or speak negatively all the time.
This can be especially reassuring.
Most men would never leave a vibrant wife who supports them in tough times.
8. Love unconditionally
Recently, someone made a post on how no one loves unconditionally anymore.
While I agree with the sentiment of the article, I disagree with the generalization.
I know that many people no longer love unconditionally.
But there are people who love unconditionally.
Their love doesn’t come with clauses or terms and conditions.
It is pure.
At the heart of every enduring relationship is unconditional love.
Men cherish wives who love them for who they are, flaws and all.
However, the fact that you love him unconditionally doesn’t mean he shouldn’t also make moves to work on his flaws.
If there is one thing I have learned about life, it is that it is meant to be a journey of consistent improvement.
Never stop improving yourself!
What unconditional love does is it creates a safe space where you and your husband can be yourselves without any sense of judgment.
In fact, this is the best atmosphere for improvement.
When a man tastes unconditional love, he will never leave it for something else because he will realize he has something really special.
Ultimately, when women do these things in their marriage, their husbands appreciate and cherish them.
If you haven’t started doing many of them, start implementing them, and you will see improvements in your relationship.
The key to enjoying a successful relationship is to appreciate and understand each other!