The conflict in the Middle East is not territorial, emotional, or from insanity

The only problem is Jew-hatred

Endless repetition that this is about liberating Jerusalem or Palestine colonial Jews doesn’t make it so. Two- or Three-, or Four-State “Solutions” are not going to help, just like antibiotics don’t cure a fractured bone. When Jews-haters begin to repent, they can safely live among or alongside us. But if they don’t, they can neither. Every people deserves a state. Even Pakistan and India split. Palestinians can take occupied Jordan (to liberate).

Christians and Muslims suffered little from Jews. Their hatred isn’t reactive but baseless. Jews didn’t need to “compensate” Christians to make most of them repent after the Holocaust. Their moral downfall (the Shoah) opened their eyes. Just like October 7 opened the eyes of most Israeli Muslims.

Most “Palestinian leaders” are psychopathic murderers. Their plight is neither for the people nor for justice. They enriched themselves and disempowered their subjects, preaching baseless hatred and revenge. They only seek martyrdom for the common people, not for themselves or their children. They didn’t cause the conflict. It’s Jew-hatred, stupid.

And then, there are the international bodies serving Jew-hated. They are mainly run by antisemitic autocrats and elites: the leaders of the UN, news agencies, Red Cross, universities, Palestinian politicians, etc. They can never be part of any solution because they’re part of the problem.


‘Having no easy solutions would make us lose hope’

Not true. To have hope, we only need reality. To uproot anti-Jewish racism.

This nonsense has been repeated like a mantra. There has to be a solution.

“There must be a solution to the Middle East conflict to get out of despair.”

First of all, Jewish despair is from 2,000 years of persecutions and does not depend on whether a peace process works or not.

Second of all, we all know the story of the guy who’s looking for his car keys at night under a streetlight. Did you lose them there? No, but that is the only place he can see anything.

If you can’t come up with a viable peace process, you’ve not been looking in the right places.

No, the solution doesn’t lie in territorial changes that nobody wants because land is not underlying the hatred. We gave them the Gaza Strip, and they want to exterminate us. We gave the Muslim villages on the West Bank to the Palestinian Authority (end of “the occupation”) and got a record number of invading terrorists in return. India and Pakistan moved out of each other’s way, and they have peace. It’s not “the occupation.”

No, the solution won’t come from giving more prosperity to Muslims because despair is not underlying the hatred.

The only solution is to cure the illness: 1,400 years of anti-Jewish racism.

It’s really that simple. But it never worked. Try it some more. It’s the only thing that’s rotten; then it’s the only restoration that may help.

Handing out land and money instead is not only unworkable but also as dangerous as prescribing candy to cure cancer. As October 7 showed. As the Dutch saying goes: Soft doctors make stinking wounds.

There is a solution.

Let the 80% of non-hating Germans, Austrians, and Israeli Muslims teach the Muslim world why and how to respect Jews, remove murder from their toolkit, and enjoy democracy with safety and rights for all.

A tree is known by its fruit. Only this tree has quite a variety of produce, so please don't judge the trunk after one helping.

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