The Happiest Wives In The World Have These 8 Habits - Olubunmi Mabel

    When it comes to relationships, it sometimes feels like some people get it while others repeatedly fall into the same trap. 

    The same thing applies to marriage. 

    You’d see some women’s marriages, and it’s almost like they are wielding a magic wand because of how happy they are and how well-put-together their homes are. 

    On the other hand, some other wives can’t seem to find happiness in marriage. 

    It just seems like they keep having one issue over the other. 

    So, what makes the difference between both women?

    I must admit several things could be at play here. 

    However, one other thing that we might miss is that the happiest wives have found a way to ensure their happiness. 

    They have certain habits that they imbibe to protect their happiness. 

    Therefore, one must learn the habits the happiest wives have cultivated to be in that category. 

    Having said that, here are the habits of the happiest wives. 

    8 Habits The Happiest Wives In The World Have

    1. They Have Difficult Conversations 

    The Happiest Wives in the World Have These 8 Habits

    Avoiding difficult conversations might seem like an easy way to keep the peace.

    After all, when you don’t talk about them, they might not rear their ugly heads. 

    Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. 

    Instead of the unresolved problems disappearing as you intend, they create more problems down the line.

    This is because those unresolved issues don’t just disappear; they linger, building resentment and frustration over time. 

    A woman who prioritizes her happiness knows that uncomfortable conversations—no matter what they are about—are part of a healthy relationship. 

    So she faces the issue headlong so it doesn’t diminish her joy. 

    I must admit it’s not the easiest thing. 

    Being a non-confrontational person myself, I understand how challenging it can be. 

    But when you consider the alternative that the issues can ultimately blow up if left to linger, making you lose the false peace you were trying to hold on to, it will give you the courage to push through to resolution. 

    When you do, you are even both likely to come out stronger than before. 

    2. They Don’t Compare Their Marriage To Others

    The Good Book says that those who compare themselves to each other are not wise. 

    The harsh words aside, comparing your marriage to someone else’s has never ended well for anybody. 

    Most likely, the outcome is unnecessary tension and dissatisfaction. 

    Plus, every relationship is unique, with its strengths, challenges, and dynamics. 

    Happy women know this and resist the urge to measure their relationship against others. 

    Besides, you don’t know what others are going through in their own homes. 

    You might think they have it better because of the outward facade.

    Social media, especially, can make other marriages look perfect, but that’s rarely the whole picture. 

    So, you’d likely be comparing yourself based on a false image you have. 

    But even if they have a perfect marriage – which is impossible as every marriage has its highs and lows – it still does nothing for you. 

    All it causes is unrealistic expectations and disappointment while making you unhappy. 

    So, instead of setting yourself up for sadness, focus on what works for your marriage and nurture that.

    Hopefully, as you grow, your marriage will get stronger and stronger. 

    3. They Don’t Allow External Opinions

    The Happiest Wives in the World Have These 8 Habits

    People always have things to say. 

    You cannot stop people from having opinions about different issues in life. 

    But what happy wives do is reduce the need for their opinions and prevent their opinions from getting to them. 

    For the former, they ensure they don’t provide details of their marriage that people can comment on online or in public. 

    That doesn’t mean they never talk about their marriage. 

    However, they don’t come online to seek the public’s opinion, for instance, when fighting with their husband. 

    That’s not a discussion for the public. 

    For the latter, even when others still have opinions, they don’t let them influence their homes. 

    People don’t know enough about your life to have a balanced view of your home, so letting them influence your marriage can be harmful to the well-being of your home. 

    Yes, they may offer well-meaning advice, but a woman who wants to be a happy wife knows that no one understands her relationship like she and her spouse do. 

    Taking every outside opinion to heart can make you doubt your spouse when there might not be any reason to. 

    Ultimately, it can make you lose your peace when you are seeking happiness. 

    This is not to say you shouldn’t listen to advice when necessary, but you must be discerning to be sure the counsel is right for your marriage. 

    4. They Prioritize Their Own Needs And Self-Care

    This is an issue that women have had since time immemorial. 

    Many women give everything to everybody else and have no room for themselves. 

    And the way society is structured makes women feel selfish for even trying to take something for themselves.

    However, the problem is that when a woman neglects her own needs and self-care, she will eventually run on empty. 

    You cannot give what you don’t have. 

    So, when a woman is spent taking care of everybody else, she will soon have nothing left to give. 

    When we look at it, it’s not even good for the family’s well-being in the long run. 

    At the end of the day, nobody ends up happy. 

    While there is nothing wrong with taking care of your home, you shouldn’t neglect your own needs and self-care. 

    Taking care of yourself is as essential as taking care of others. 

    Make sure to take time out to be alone from time to time to refresh. 

    Have regular self-care routines as much as you can manage it. 

    It could involve splurging on yourself to look good, exercising, going on a spa date with the girls, enjoying your hobby, and so on. 

    Whatever you need to feel like yourself is welcome. 

    That’s something the happiest wives in the world never trivialize. 

    You shouldn’t too, if you want to be happy.

    5. They Pick Their Battles

    The Happiest Wives in the World Have These 8 Habits

    There is no better way to feel worn out in a relationship than wanting to address every issue. 

    Please note that this is different from sweeping things under the wrong. 

    When something is essential, you should know the difference, and if you know it will affect your well-being and that of the home, address it by all means. 

    But you can let go of little flaws that don’t matter in the long scheme of things. 

    Again, I’m not saying to pile it up in your heart; I’m saying deliberately resolve not to let it matter anymore. 

    If you are wondering why some wives seem happier, this is one of the major secrets. 

    They don’t bother their head about everything that pops up. 

    One of the reasons is that you will stress yourself out doing that 

    Another reason is that constantly pointing out your partner’s flaws or being judgmental can wear down even the strongest relationship. 

    No one is perfect, and nitpicking every little thing they do will only create a tense environment at home. 

    Try to find a balance between telling him some of his wrongdoings and uplifting him. 

    Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, highlight what’s going well. 

    When he feels appreciated, he will want to do more things right. 

    That’s one of the ways happy women get their men in line.

    6. They Show Appreciation

    Segueing from the point above, happy wives appreciate their men regularly. 

    It’s easy to get comfortable in a marriage and forget to say “thank you” for the little things, but failing to express appreciation can make your husband feel like he’s being taken for granted. 

    Happy women know that gratitude keeps the relationship strong as the husband will be encouraged to do better. 

    You don’t have to wait for the biggest things, like when he throws you a surprise birthday party, to be appreciative. 

    No, start with the little things. 

    Thank him for doing the dishes or acknowledge his efforts when he makes any improvement. 

    Those small moments of appreciation add up, making for a happy home.

    7. They Speak Their Mind And Don’t Expect It To Be Read

    The Happiest Wives in the World Have These 8 Habits

    I used to be one of those women who expected my mind to be read. 

    I felt like if my man loved me, he should know what I wanted without me having to point it out. 

    Thankfully, I learned a lesson about it before we got married. 

    I was with my parents before we got married, and one day, they went out. 

    They expected me to help them iron some attire they left on the ironing table. 

    But I didn’t know that. 

    They felt that by leaving them there, I’d get the idea. 

    But I sincerely didn’t even notice them. 

    When they returned, they were upset, and I felt terrible because I was being accused of something I sincerely missed. 

    That gave me an epiphany that that was exactly what I was doing to my boyfriend then. 

    So, I resolved to change. 

    You see, besides the fact that you may hurt his feelings when you accuse him of not automatically knowing what you want, it may frustrate you as well because you may not end up getting what you want. 

    So why deny yourself the good things of life when you can just vocalize it? 

    We must accept the truth that no matter how well you know each other, no one can always guess what you need or want. 

    So, if you want to be happy, you must know that clear communication is key. 

    If something’s bothering you, or you have a specific need, say it! 

    8. They Don’t Sacrifice Their Core For The Sake Of The Marriage 

    Giving up your career or passions for the sake of your marriage might seem like a loving sacrifice, but it is ultimately a recipe for disaster. 

    This can only work if your dream has been to be a wife and mother. 

    If you have other dreams, sacrificing them leads to long-term dissatisfaction and resentment. 

    A woman who wants to be happy knows that maintaining her identity and ambitions is crucial for her happiness and, by extension, the health of the relationship. 

    Supporting each other’s dreams is a two-way street. 

    When one partner gives up too much, it can create an imbalance that affects you both. 

    So, you must make sure to pursue your own goals while supporting your husband in achieving his. 

    And if he is a good husband, he will do the same. 

    The bottom line is that happiness doesn’t jump on anybody; you must be intentional about your happiness. 

    This is something happy wives have discovered, and they imbibe these habits to make sure they are happy. 

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