The stats on sexual abuse of children don’t reflect the scale of molestation

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The best protection comes from being less naive

My teacher, the great Harvey Jackins, used to say that all girls and almost all boys are sexually abused [in the West, the people he counseled most].

This is a hard-to-swallow idea, but one based on facts, on what he found in deep therapy with possibly a million people, and not on some conviction.

Therefore, a rise in the number of molestations just means the score for gullibility went down, and the rate of awareness went up. That’s positive.

A similar effect we see in the number of citizens that complain about a lack of democracy/equality. A higher number does not imply there is more anti-democracy going on. Rather, it means people have become more aware.

Such an uptick in bad numbers means we are closer to stopping the source of the bad thing. My mother, a psychiatric nurse, said: ‘Understanding your problems is half the cure.’ It’s not depressing or alarming; it’s hopeful.

When we bless each other with “May we hear good news,” we don’t always need Divine intervention. Just fine-tuning our ears might do it.

A tree is known by its fruit. Only this tree has quite a variety of produce, so please don't judge the trunk after one helping.

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