When A Husband Stops Caring He Does These 8 Things - Olubunmi Mabel

    Every time my friend talks to me about the crises that rocked her marriage some years ago, I listen for two reasons.

    The first is that I want to be a good friend.

    Part of that is listening to your friends talk about the things they consider important.

    The second reason is the lessons I learned from the story.

    These are the reasons I give her a listening ear, even though listening to that sad tale several times is not one of my favorite things to do.

    Whenever she talks about it, although she’s saying virtually the same thing, I learn something new.

    Either from her actions or those of her husband, I add it to my book of knowledge on what not to do in a marriage.

    But this post is not about my friend’s marriage or all the lessons I learned from her marital crises.

    It’s about husbands and how they act when they stop caring.

    Because at some point in their issues, my friend’s husband didn’t give a damn anymore, and it was evident in his actions.

    How do you know your husband has stopped caring?

    He’ll act in ways that make this clear, but I’m sharing it with you today just in case you don’t know what that means.

    1. He stops explaining

    When a Husband Stops Caring, He Does These Things

    Communication generally takes the hit when a husband has gone cold, and that’s a classic sign.

    The man generally loses interest in all forms of conversation.

    You find that he barely communicates and does so only when necessary.

    It’s only conversations like “Did you pay the bills?” “What’s for dinner?” that happens.

    Anything beyond that becomes too much for him.

    There’s no “How was your day?” or light-hearted chats about fun stuff.

    Even when there’s an issue, he doesn’t feel obligated to explain or apologize, even when he’s clearly at fault.

    His attitude screams, “Why bother? It doesn’t matter.”

    She may have questions about something she noticed with him, even if it’s serious questions related to infidelity, and he just won’t even care or bother to explain himself.

    And that’s a sad place for any couple to be.

    2. He stops listening

    Not only does he stop talking, he stops listening too.

    So husband and wife basically become like roommates who aren’t on good terms.

    Their conversations become one-sided, with the wife doing all the talking.

    She could be sharing a heartfelt story about her day, and he gives a distracted one-word response while he’s glued to his phone or TV.

    And no, it’s not because what she’s saying is not important enough – I mean, even if it were something casual, he’s supposed to listen as her husband – but even when it’s something striking, he just couldn’t care less.

    She could be talking about meeting an alien, and his reaction just wouldn’t change.

    3. He stops prioritizing his wife

    When a Husband Stops Caring, He Does These Things

    One of the sweet things about marriage is how you become number one in each other’s lives.

    Every decision is made with each other in mind, and there’s a high level of consideration because you care.

    That’s why when a man stops putting his wife first, you know that he no longer cares.

    He no longer rearranges his schedule to accommodate her or their plans together.

    The era of picking her up from work or surprising her with lunch dates is over.

    Now, even getting him to join family dinners feels like pulling teeth.

    He just couldn’t be bothered anymore.

    4. He speaks rudely to her

    You know if someone cares about you by how they talk to you.

    When someone cares about you, their words show that, especially a husband.

    Whenever I ask my husband if I’m adding weight, his response is always along the lines of “No babe, you’re not. I don’t see it,” and even when it’s pretty obvious, he won’t just say it.

    He’d rather say, “You look perfect, babe, but if you don’t feel comfortable, we can work on your diet and visit the gym more this month.”


    Because he cares about my feelings and emotions.

    He’ll never say anything to hurt me intentionally.

    So when a husband doesn’t care, one of the things you’re likely to notice is that he speaks to his wife in unpleasant ways.

    Not only is he now careless with his words, but he is quick to get irritated, too.

    Little things that never used to bother him, like his wife’s humming to her favorite song while cooking or leaving her slippers in the hallway, now spark unnecessary arguments.

    His patience seems to have evaporated, and he goes off anyhow now.

    5. He stops noticing her or being affectionate

    When a Husband Stops Caring, He Does These Things

    The wife gets a new hairstyle or dresses up for an event, and instead of the usual compliments she would usually get, she hears… nothing.

    It’s like she has become invisible in her own home.

    Hugs, kisses, and even those playful slaps on the butt that some husbands give their wives become a distant memory.

    The wife might brush against him playfully, but he barely reacts.

    Basically, all the mushiness flies out of the window.

    It’s like trying to warm your hands on a cold, dead fire.

    When this begins to happen, you know for a fact that it’ll eventually spiral into physical intimacy, too.

    When it comes to sex, the wife will begin to get a lot of excuses like “I’m tired” or “Not tonight,” and that becomes the norm.

    In no time, they start to feel like strangers sharing a bed.

    6. Quality time ceases to exist

    When a husband desires and pushes for quality time with his wife, love and care are still present, and all is well with the world.

    Because when he becomes indifferent, all of that stops.

    He now prefers going solo.

    He suddenly has extra work commitments, newfound hobbies, or frequent hangouts with friends.

    You’re left at home wondering why he is so eager to be anywhere but with you.

    If he’s at home, he’s either buried in work, scrolling on his phone, or finding excuses to stay out late.

    It’s as if he’s mastered the art of “anywhere but here.”

    7. Your problems are no longer his

    When a Husband Stops Caring, He Does These Things

    One of the benefits of the union of marriage is shared problems.

    You get to bear each other’s burdens and face life together.

    But when a husband stops caring about his wife and marriage, he becomes less sensitive to the things that bother her.

    It’s like an emotional disconnection.

    If she’s stressed or upset, he’s either dismissive or avoids the conversation entirely.

    Instead of asking her what’s wrong, he might say a careless, “You’ll be fine,” as if he’s a robot programmed for indifference.

    When she tries to have deeper conversations about what’s going on in her life or their marriage, he shuts down.

    There’s just no willingness from him to participate in that convo.

    If in the past, he would stand up for himself in any situation, even against his own family, now, he remains silent or worse, sides with others leaving her feeling unsupported.

    It’s just clear that he has checked out.

    8. He stops making efforts

    When a Husband Stops Caring, He Does These Things

    A husband who no longer cares is very likely to stop putting effort into his marriage and even parenting.

    He neglects his responsibilities and just lets things slide.

    If he has kids, he may become less involved in their lives.

    The tasks he used to do, like helping with homework or fixing things around the house, suddenly fall on the shoulders of his wife.

    Anniversaries and birthdays now come and go without the thoughtful plans he used to make.

    No surprise dinner, no meaningful gift, just a dry “Happy Birthday” text while he’s at work.

    It’s clear that he has lost interest and couldn’t care less.

    When a husband stops caring, his actions (or lack thereof) often show his emotional withdrawal and disconnection.

    I want you to think of a husband as a gardener and the marriage as a garden.

    When he stops caring, he stops watering, pruning, and tending to it.

    The flowers wither, and weeds take over.

    If you’re noticing these signs, the garden is in trouble, and both partners need to decide whether to nurture it back to life or let it wither.

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