When Your Husband Calls You Crazy: 8 Things It Means - Olubunmi Mabel

I’m sure when you were saying your wedding vows or thinking about your future marriage, being called crazy by your husband was not one of the possible scenarios you played out in your head.

It just wasn’t one of the things you envisioned or thought you’d have to deal with in marriage.

But here we are now, it has happened, he called you crazy.

Maybe once, or maybe a few times.

You both were talking about something, and tensions may have risen a little bit, but you didn’t think it was bad enough for him to call you names.

A name like crazy.

Now your mind is thinking a million things.

Why would he call you crazy?

Does he actually mean it?

What was going through his mind when he said that?

Are you really crazy?

Well, there are possible explanations for him calling you that.

And since you’re seeking answers, I suggest that you keep on reading.

1. He’s kidding

when your husband calls you crazy: things it means

Have you considered this?

The fact that he just might have been pulling your legs by calling you that?

I understand that that is a harsh thing to say, depending on the dynamics of your marriage, your relationship with your husband, and your mindsets.

But it’s a possibility worth considering.

He might just have been playing and not really mean that you’re crazy.

Maybe you said or did something funny, and he laughed and said, “Oh, you’re crazy”, not giving it any thought.

It was probably a joke, but it probably wasn’t funny to you.

2. You did something he considers crazy

What led to him calling you crazy?

Was it something you did?

Perhaps you did something outrageous, and it could be positive or negative.

He was amazed at your actions, and instead of qualifying that action, he chose to qualify you by calling you crazy.

His calling you crazy doesn’t necessarily mean anything in your marriage; it was just his way of expressing amazement at your actions.

If you’re self-aware and honest with yourself, you’ll know if you have an interesting personality and the tendency to do astonishing things.

Perhaps you did something over the top, and that was your husband’s reaction – calling you crazy.

He was probably expressing frustration or confusion over your actions or decisions that he doesn’t understand.

Maybe it’s his coping mechanism, his way of dealing with a situation he finds irrational or challenging.

This can be annoying, especially if you don’t consider your actions crazy.

Perhaps it was just a misunderstanding, and he perceived your actions in a different way than you meant them.

3. He is insulting

when your husband calls you crazy: things it means

When you hear people say, “Old habits die hard”, you should believe them.

If your husband is someone who uses derogatory terms or cusses out a lot, then you shouldn’t be wondering what it means when he calls you crazy.

It simply means he’s being himself.

It’s habitual for him.

A man who is disrespectful and speaks in unpleasant ways will not see anything wrong in calling his wife crazy.

Perhaps your shock is coming because he has not insulted you before; he only does it to other people and other women.

Well, newsflash: a man who treats other people in unpleasant ways will one day do the same to you.

It could be during an argument when tempers are flaring and emotions get heated since it is already in his nature to use abusive terms on people, he does that for you too.

4. He thinks it’s normal

If a man grew up hearing his dad call his mum names like “crazy”, you shouldn’t expect very different from him.

If he doesn’t call you crazy, he’ll call you something close.

That’s because his mind has been conditioned a certain way, and trying to change it might be difficult.

Like they say, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

Men who were raised in societies or environments where there is a high level of verbal abuse and insensitive language usually follow the same path.

5. There’s some hidden resentment

when your husband calls you crazy: things it means

When you have hidden resentment against someone, there are no limits to how vile you can be to them.

And this is why couples are always advised to address issues as quickly as they can.

Bottling up anger and other unpleasant emotions against someone only leads to more negativity even if that person is your partner.

Perhaps there’s been some arguments and conflicts between you and your husband and they’ve remained unattended to.

Then maybe one day, you both decide to talk about it, or you do something he considers offensive again, and he flares up.

In the heat of the moment, he calls you names like crazy.

It may not reflect his true feelings but rather the state of his emotions in that moment and the intensity of the conflict.

6. Your marriage is toxic

I know couples who see nothing wrong with calling each other unflattering names now and then.

Some see it as a way to joke and banter, while others think if their partners act in unreasonable ways that deserve a qualification, why not call them the name that fits their actions?

Some wives comfortably call their husbands names like “dummy”, “stupid”, etc.

Likewise, husbands who can call their wives “dumb”, “crazy”, and so on.

If your marriage is one of such where the use of derogatory terms has become a habitual way of communicating, then that explains your husband’s choice of words for you.

You have both established a pattern of disrespect and a lack of healthy communication strategies, creating a toxic marriage.

Another version of toxicity is where your husband is calling you crazy to gaslight you.

He’s trying to make you doubt your perception of reality or feelings to deflect blame or avoid accountability.

If he’s insecure, he may also call you such names in an attempt to diminish your feelings and opinions.

7. He lacks empathy

when your husband calls you crazy: things it means

Your husband calling you crazy might mean that he doesn’t get you.

You know how it feels when someone is speaking to you but in a language that you don’t understand and it looks like they’re crazy and speaking stupid?

Yeah, that may be it for him.

He might not fully understand or empathize with your experiences or feelings.

And instead of taking time to try to get you and know how to support you, he labels you as “crazy”.

Perhaps you expressed strong emotions or anxieties that scare him or make him run out of patience.

He simply doesn’t recognize the stress or emotional load you’re carrying, he can’t relate to your struggles.

8. He has personal issueswhen your husband calls you crazy: things it means

Name-calling and other unpleasant behaviors are many times a pointer to personal issues in the person’s life.

Yes, what I’m saying is that your husband calling you crazy has a lot to do with him and not with you.

His mode of communication reveals something about himself than it does about you.

Your husband’s use of the term “crazy” might reflect his problems, projecting his internal struggles onto you rather than addressing them directly.

It might also be his way of avoiding taking responsibility for a problem or conflict.

He’d like to imply that any prevailing issue is due to your supposed irrationality rather than acknowledging his role.

Another possible personal issue that may lead to such name-calling from your husband is stress or exhaustion.

Your husband may not know how to handle stress, and he might use “crazy” as an expression of his overwhelm, projecting his frustration onto you rather than addressing his emotional state.

These are not excuses for him calling you that; they’re just explanations.

And they don’t mean that what he did was right either, it’s disrespectful.

I must also mention that to know the specific reason that applies to your husband, you have to ask your husband.

If you observe your situation close enough, you may have already figured out the reason that applies to it.

However, I still strongly recommend that you have a conversation with your husband about it.

Different things may have precipitated that from him, depending on the context and relationship dynamics.

Each scenario I’ve shared above can vary greatly depending on the context in which he said it and the state of your relationship.

While you may be confused or even upset about the situation, you both need to talk about it and address these issues openly and constructively.

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