Praise at work

    By Elizabeth Prata

    I was chatting with a lady at work. We both arrive pre-dawn. We looked at the rural night sky and marveled at the creations there; stars, planets, and we talked of how we love hearing the night birds. We praised God with birdsong and cricket chorus as the background music.

    Then she inspired me with her talk of how she loves everybody, “No matter how they look or their situation, we’re called to love them, and besides we never know when we night be entertaining an angel…” and we spoke of angels for a bit.

    She surely is a wonder. I asked my boss how long this lady has been working there, and she said the woman has been working there 25 years. In my 16 1/2 years at this job I have never, EVER heard her complain once. Nor gossip once. Nor be anything but thankful to have her job.

    It is refreshing to speak of Jesus during the day. Don’t wait until just Sunday to praise Him. Don’t restrict your praises to your silent or whispered prayers. We get so busy during the day but in my opinion it is important to stop and chat, praise, rejoice frequently.

    I encourage you to:

    1.Praise Jesus during the day to yourself and to others. Even a sentence or two, it doesn’t have to be a discourse or a sermon!

    2. Think about who inspires you at work and stick to them like glue!! Avoid the troublemakers, gossips, and complainers. Purposely seek out the Christians around you if there are any, and join up for a brief praise. It works to lift your spirit, to alter your perspective.

    Spurgeon said Christianity is “a joyful business altogether, for the Savior is glad to save, and the sinner is glad to be saved.” 


    “Thou canst not tell what showers of mercy, what streams of benediction, what mountains of joy, and hills of happiness, shall be thine when Jesus comes and reigns in thy soul.” ~Charles Spurgeon

    Christian writer and Georgia teacher's aide who loves Jesus, a quiet life, art, beauty, and children.

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