Is Wikipedia on Israel, slowly approaching the Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

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A new study shows how anti-Zionist activists, through a decade of steady editing, are moving Wikipedia’s content away from reality toward myths against Zionism. And Wikipedia has become an authority for many.

Now, please don’t shrug this off with a ”Yes, but Wikipedia is not scientific or particularly academic.” Academic encyclopedias were often even more anti-Semitic than Wikipedia since Jew-hatred is most deeply entrenched at the higher levels of societies.

Wikipedia is much more diverse than the encyclopedias of old, which is a great accomplishment. True, the quality of its content differs from page to page, subject to subject. But the treatment of some subjects is simply outstanding, like their entries on math, chemistry, or any subject to do with numbers.

Permanent Wikipedia editors try to keep bias out but this study shows that they have been infiltrated by the Palestinian Lobby. (Likely, most of them not Palestinian at all, nor honestly pro-Palestinian — just Jew-haters.)

Wikipedia must clean up its anti-Zionistic act. It’s not alone in this. The United Nations is nothing better. But, while it’s easier to take out sexism, homophobia, and White supremacy, to cut out Jew-hatred is just harder. Face it: Jew-haters are simply better liars than other haters. But, “harder” doesn’t mean “impossible.” The harder the work, the more meaningful it is. G^d/Humankind (have your pick) expects you to do this.

A tree is known by its fruit. Only this tree has quite a variety of produce, so please don't judge the trunk after one helping.
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