July Jubilee: Share Four Somethings

(Photo: Unsplash)

Waving farewell to another month, I rejoice in a glance back at my July Jubilee joining Heather Gerwing as she hosts a monthly feature called, Share Four Somethings, where writers share the fourth Saturday of each month something in each of four categories from the previous month.

Many readers notice I choose a theme for each month, which often reflects lessons or themes from my personal life. This month’s theme is “jubilee”, which intimates a celebration of sorts. My reflections on this month involve celebrating specfic events.

Each month the four categories remain the same: something loved, something gleaned, something braved (or saved), and something achieved.

The premise delights me; the new categories falling right in line with my one word 2022 journey with Resilience! Looking back over the previous month through these four categories helps me linger with God’s goodness, and ignites my gratitude.


something loved

Starting off my July Jubilee: Share Four Somethings, is the first celebratory event of the month; the July fourth celebration of our nation’s birthday! We opted for a change of pace this year with an outing to local community festivities.

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Accompanied by my youngest daughter and three-year-old granddaughter, Grace we enjoyed a lovely meal out and gathering near the Susquehanna River for a delightful evening ending in fireworks!

Always a loved treat for me, the last time I attended a fireworks display seems ages ago; certainly not in recent years.

While seeming rather ordinary for a July fourth celebration, viewing fireworks through the eyes of my granddaughter was sheer Joy. She calls them “colors”, and with every new burst of “colors” exploded in delight. Never have fireworks seemed so magical to me!

something gleaned

Attending the She Speaks Conference online contributed another cause for jubilee. Though my deep desire for attending in person never materialized, God graciously allowed me participation online.

With so much to take in over the course of just two days, having accesss to all of the sessions to review them provides an ongoing opportunity for gleaning!

author's photo

Certainly good information abounded for book writing, publishing, and podcasting; but also great info on managing and growing your social media presence which I found especially helpful.

My biggest takeaway came from Dr. Heather Thompson Day’s presentation, “Give Me Your Hand”. Where she empasized a perspective on relationship building and serving others both in our communities and online. Still meditating on her quote:

The goal isn’t to figure out who will take our hand. The goal is to figure out whose hand we can offer to hold.

Heather Thompson Day

something braved

Still in keeping with my July Jubilee theme, my something braved this month combined courage and celebration. For the past fourteen years the hospice agency where I work maintained a hospice and palliative medicine fellowship.

Due to core agency changes and events out of our control, the fellowship closed this month. Privileged with an integral role as program coordinator for the past eight years, the news hit me hard.

desk with laptop, coffee book

It came as a sudden decision at a time when still digesting other distressing agency news, I was not able to process as well as I might have wished.

But as I went through the motions of working with the program director to finalize the closing of the program, I realized though the release brought pain and disappointment, it also brought opportunity for celebration.

Celebration of the fellows trained in the program now practicing across the country, of a program coveted for its excellence, of the part I played in developing both the program and relationships with the fellows.

Yes, this month courage collided with celebration as I learned the art of celebration in the midst of disappointment.

something achieved

Rounding out my July Jubilee: Share Four Somethings, is another new category, dedicated to things achieved. For goal setting geeks, this category offers an opportunity to shine. But even if goal setting makes you squeamish, right here is the place for celebrating even baby steps towards getting things done.

Truly celebration worthy, finally meeting a dear friend face to face for the first time, was an achievement long in the making.

two bluebirds on a tea cup

Though only a ZOOM meeting, the joy of chatting in the presence of my friend, Dianna, still brings a smile to my face. Arriving in my life almost two years ago now, Dianna, one of my first blog readers, connected with me through Instagram and eventually email.

Quickly discerning we had much in common, we emailed often and connected through Instagram DM’s growing our relationship. Nothing less than a gift from God, Dianna has supported and prayed for me and my family faithfully. Always quick with encouragement, I praise God for her presence in my life.

A few schedule changes, which ironically involved the closure of the fellowship, enabled me to create space for connecting in a more meaningful way with her. And we hope to continue our monthly chats for some time to come.

july jubilee:share four somethings

Thank you for taking a leisurely walk back through my July Jubilee with me! I am grateful to Heather for creating such a creative way to review the moments of our days which often slip by so quickly. Sharing Four Somethings is a way to savor one more time those things we loved, gleaned, braved and achieved!

But you don’t have to be a writer or blogger to enjoy this practice. Why not take a few moments and think back over YOUR July Jubilee and share four somethings with me in the comments! Meet me back here at the end of August for more joyful somethings!

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