Allow God to build your life

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Allow God to build your life

 By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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What Does Hebrews 3:4 Mean?

Hebrews 3 vs 4

For every house is builded by some man; but God built all things.

  1. Someone builds every house, but he that built all this is God.
  2. Allow God to build your life, marriage, business, and career.
  3. You did not create yourself.
  4. He is the builder of all things.
  5. Seek the face of God in all things.
  6. Allow God to direct you. Give God a place in your life
  7. God is the builder; when He builds, the building can not be destroyed.
  8. A marriage that God does not build will end in divorce.
  9. A business that God does not build will end in loss.
  10. Build your life on the Rock of Ages. Let God be your direction.
  11. Give God a place in your life, and He shall build it for you.
  12. God shall build for you, and you shall have peace and Joy in Jesus’ name. Amen


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