Harvest Relief Fund: Aid for Wildfire Victims
Help those affected by the Southern California wildfires through the Harvest Relief Fund, designed to bring spiritual care and more.
Help those affected by the Southern California wildfires through the Harvest Relief Fund, designed to bring spiritual care and more.
There’s one thing that we tend to hold onto that could prevent us from having a fresh start in 2025: unforgiveness.
As we set new goals in 2025, let's each step into the unique gifts God has specially given us and use them for His Kingdom...
God has worked in some incredible, mighty ways in 2024 to bring His life-changing presence to many through Harvest Ministries.
This Advent season, I’ve been reflecting on the peace of Christmas and the nearness of Christ to us all...
Reagan lived an amazing life and had an amazing presidency. Many do not know of the deep faith in Christ that influenced him throughout his presidency.
As parents we can think we’re doing everything wrong. It's especially hard with all the holiday stress! But remember, the Lord is with you...
If Jesus asked "What do you want for Christmas?" what would you say? He’s able to make it happen, so it’s time to ask big...
Advent is a season of waiting for the Christmas story—which may feel distant from us 2,000 years later, but it’s closer than ever.
What does the bible say about giving money? Pastor Greg Laurie shares from 2 Corinthians 9 how Christians should think about money and giving.
When we focus on the positive rather than the negative, we allow the goodness of the Lord to fill us with hope!
We must give thanks to God in all things, even when we're facing hardship. According to 1 Thessalonians 5:18, this is the will of God.
With this holiday devotional, remember who God calls us to be—peaceful, loving, and compassionate.
I had the great opportunity to sit down with Dr. Jordan Peterson for a podcast. We talked about the meaning of life, the afterlife, and more.
It is time for us to step out as the Esthers of our generation! May we step boldly into what the Lord has called us to do...
By Pastor Greg Laurie - “How are you doing?” is hard to answer as you mourn. Instead, here is what to say to someone who grieves.
Christians should continue to be the salt and light of the world, share the gospel, and pray for our next president after election day.
Jesus is Lord! Above every ruler on this earth, Jesus is Lord! Let that truth ring in our hearts and minds.
By Greg Laurie - We must vote today. But we must also remember that the hope of America is ultimately God alone!
Pastor Greg Laurie shares core biblical issues Christians should vote on this election 2024.
When we face days when we’re downtrodden, we must make a choice—focus on the negative or turn our eyes to Jesus...
Why do so many celebrities reach fame and success yet still feel empty inside? It's because God is our answer. We are really looking for God.
Cathe Laurie shares a devotional on trusting God with your future when He sends us in an unexpected place.
Pastor Greg Laurie shares that Christians should be involved in politics and shares his speech from a recent Trump rally.
As a country, America has run far from the Lord. In this crucial time, how do we help turn our nation back to God?
The key to understanding Bible prophecy is Israel and the Jewish people. This is one of the most controversial topics.
I will be talking about end times events and why Bible prophecy matters. We will specifically look at the nation Israel, what is happening there right now, and the significance in light of Bible prophecy.
In order to truly see growth in our faith, we must be in the Word and spend time with God daily. Put the Lord before any busyness.
The Lord's Prayer is a model for all prayer. Pastor Greg Laurie takes us through each section and explains the Lord's Prayer.
Spiritual disciplines build our relationship with the Lord and bring us closer to His presence and purpose for our lives.
In this leadership devotional, discover how we, as leaders, can continue to love during our own trials and challenges.
There was a second Donald Trump shooting. The inflammatory political rhetoric needs to be toned down and America needs to turn back to God!
There are three stages of a godly woman's life: maiden, mother, and matriarch. In every era, the woman of God is a treasure.
Greg Laurie shares that the Christian life isn't a playground, but a battleground. And all Christians are in spiritual battle and must fight.
By Cathe Laurie - Bring all you have to God. God sees your potential and can bring something out of nothing.
Pastor Greg shares a powerful message on abortion, and what the bible says about life beginning at conception.
Cathe Laurie shares it's not time to sit idly by. As the spiritual war rages, Christians should fight the good fight with spiritual weapons.
Cathe Laurie shares about persecution in the Bible and how to have joy in persecution. Get her weekly devotional now.
Pastor Greg Laurie talks about the power of prayer and evangelism in today's downward culture. Read the Greg Laurie blog now.
Cathe Laurie shares a Romans 8 28 devotion. See how God is like an expert baker, taking our ingredients and turning them into something good.
Cathe Laurie shares a devotional for grief: I still carry the wounds of grief since my son's death. But death doesn't have the last word...
Greg Laurie comments how the 2024 Olympics mocks God with a blasphemous recreation of the last supper, allows men in women's boxing, and more.
Cathe Laurie shares a devotional from Jeremiah 29:11. It is a verse that can remind us, no matter what, that God is for us.
At the 2024 Harvest Crusade, we saw 50,000 in person and 200,000 online—with over 5,000 people making professions of faith in Jesus Christ.
Join Pastor Greg Laurie for another Pirate's Cove beach baptism on July 27, 2024. Get all event details here.
After this attempt on President Trump's life, we thank God he was spared. But we also see this moment as a call to earnest prayer.
The first century Church "turned their world upside down" for Christ. We should too. We should be living like first century believers.
Pastor Greg Laurie shares some principles that will help you to grow spiritually and be successful in your walk with Jesus Christ.
Pastor Greg Laurie shares that the power of the gospel keeps him hosting annual Harvest Crusades. He encourages you to share the gospel today
The Bible says that God is a "father of the fatherless" (Psalm 68:5 NKJV). Psalm 27 says, "When my father and my mother forsake me..."
Every Christian is called to evangelize. Learn how to evangelize effectively with insights from evangelist Pastor Greg Laurie.
This Mother's Day, reflect on the suffering and joy that encompasses godly motherhood. And get encouragement to finish this race well.
In August 2023, a horrible fire hit Lahaina, Maui. Immediately, we set up the Harvest Maui Relief Fund. See how it made a difference for Maui.
Antisemitism is evil, and as leaders and followers of Jesus we must speak out against it loudly and constantly. The anti Israel protests...
By Greg Laurie - Here's all you need to know about the 2024 Harvest Crusade. Get the date, time, location, and other event information here.
By Greg Laurie - I do believe the attack of Iran on Israel was a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. According to Scripture...
The Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24) talks about end times and says the sun will be darkened. So, is the solar eclipse a sign of the end times?
By Pastor Greg Laurie - Christians must be the light in a dark culture. Believers can make a difference in the world.
By Cathe Laurie - In this difficult time in the silence of Holy Saturday, rest in the Lord and His promises. Your Easter morning is coming.
Pastor Greg Laurie addresses common questions relating to Good Friday... Why is Good Friday called good? Why did Jesus have to die? And more.
Culture may try to redefine what a woman is, but we need to bring back the biblical definition of a woman to truly honor and celebrate women.
Culture may try to redefine what a woman is, but we need to bring back the biblical definition of a woman to truly honor and celebrate women.
By Greg Laurie - Peter’s story is a reminder that anybody can fall into sin, but it’s possible to get back up
Pastor Greg Laurie shares about his "The Adventures of Ben Born Again & YellowDog" characters and reveals how he comes up with episode ideas.
Probably the best way to show our love for God is in what we do. Jesus said, “'If you love Me, keep My commandments'” (John 14:15 NKJV).
"The Adventures of Ben Born Again & YellowDog" is a cartoon based off Pastor Greg Laurie’s “Living Water” comic strip. Watch the trailer now!
"The Adventures of Ben Born Again & YellowDog" is a cartoon based off Pastor Greg Laurie’s “Living Water” comic strip. Watch the trailer now!
Pro-life is the only biblical position. Culture will say the unborn don’t matter, that abortion's ok, but God cared about us before birth.
The Harvest Crusade is happening summer 2024—and you’ll want to be there! Whether you’re a believer or not, there’s something for you...
By Greg Laurie - God has opened so many doors for Harvest to spread the gospel. In 2024, we will have another Crusade, an animation, & more.
Paul used the analogy of a runner in a race many times. Each of these instances reminds us of a different aspect of running the race of life.
Paul used the analogy of a runner in a race many times. Each of these instances reminds us of a different aspect of running the race of life.
God has worked in some incredible, mighty ways in 2023 to bring His life-changing presence to many through Harvest Ministries.
On behalf of everyone at Harvest Ministries, merry Christmas! May you spend this day knowing that God loves you, and that He is for you...
Is there room for Jesus in your life? As we move into the Christmas season, and as we prepare to start 2024, will you make room for Him?
Having courage as a Christian means to do the right thing today, to stand up for what the Bible says about right and wrong, good and evil.
Scripture says to give thanks because “He is good!” So, I encourage you to give thanks to Him this Thanksgiving...
Through Harvest Christian Fellowship content and events, one million people have made professions of faith. To God be the glory.
Today, on Veterans Day, we honor those who've served in our military! Here's what the Bible says about authority in Romans...
Pastor Greg Laurie: The United States of America's missing from end times prophecies. I have three theories as to why...
In this special clip, Pastor Greg Laurie sits down to discuss the beginning of Harvest, its evolution, future plans, and more!
As Christians, we must stand up for our Jewish friends and the nation of Israel. These are God’s very chosen people...
Greg Laurie stands with Israel and condemns Hamas' evil attack during his speech at the Simon Wiesenthal Center for the rally for Israel.
Greg Laurie sits down with New York Times bestselling author Joel Rosenberg to discuss the war in Israel, Hamas, and Bible prophecy.
What's happening in Israel is about the hatred of the Jewish people ... I stand by Israel and the Jewish people. You should too.
Any student of Bible prophecy should pay careful attention to the conflict in Israel with Hamas and Iran. Here is why.
In the closing verses of the New Testament book of James, we are given specific and practical areas in which prayer is important.
A powerful story of a young man who was going the wrong way fast.
Are you running from God? Learn how to tell if you are moving away from God. And more importantly, learn how you can always come back to Him.
Sometimes we don't understand why prayers go unanswered, but we can trust that God knows best and thank Him for unanswered prayers.
Dealing with loss as a Christian means we know there is life beyond the grave. Still, the Bible tells us there is a time to weep.
Merry Christmas to all of you! It is rather cold for Southern California today, with
Armageddon, Antichrist, Second Coming, etc... What does it all mean? I'll clarify & give what I believe's the chronology of end times events.
We have looked at a couple reasons why the church exists, but let’s look at a third reason: The church is called to evangelize the world.
By Greg Laurie - I’m excited to announce a new project! It’s an animated program called "The Adventures of Ben Born Again & Yellow Dog."
Jesus Revolution's coming to Netflix on July 31, 2023! A whole new audience is going to see it. Let’s pray that God uses it to touch lives.
The church exists for three main reasons. Reason number two is to edify the saints. So why is going to church important? Because...
This is a letter to my son. Every July I am reminded of the day of his passing. I reflect on the moments he's missed.
The first purpose of the church is to exalt God (upward)... Why should believers go to church? To exalt God—to reach upward.
Harvest Crusade 2023 is happening this summer—and you’ll want to be there! Whether you’re a believer or not, there’s something for you…