A Demonstration of HuMan-ness — Fearfully & Wonderfully Jo

This post was made in response to the recent controversy surrounding clothing brand H&M’s ad depicting an African American boy modeling a hoodie with the phrase “Coolest  Monkey In the Jungle.” It is in no way intended to instigate anything. If you feel so compelled to begin/add to the discussion, please be aware and respectful of the fact that everyone is entitled to their own views. Thanks!!


We’ve done it again! We’ve gone and caused the demise of yet another company by condemning their actions as racist. Notice that I say “we.” Because yes, whether or not we are a part of the opposition towards the controversial H&M ad, we, as human beings, are still part of the problem from a grander perspective.

The root of the conflict is ultimately human brokenness. I’m almost positive that H&M did not intend to cause any harm through their ad. However, because of past experiences, it was interpreted in a different way by many people, leading to this unfortunate incident. Opposition comes from both sides- from those who are African Americans and from those who are not. One group is reminded of the pain and mistreatment they faced (and unfortunately still face today). The other group is reminded of actions from the past that they regret, and are determined to not let it happen again.

The conflicts of the past as well as the conflicts of today are all rooted in brokenness and sin. Because we chose to value ourselves above God, sin was able to infiltrate our lives, leading to our own destruction. It is also rooted in our reluctance to forgive. Because we’re human, we have emotions and feelings. And oftentimes, feelings get hurt due to the actions of others. Relationships get broken, and become irreparable. When anything causes us hurt, we naturally find it difficult to forget it. We find it even more difficult to forgive. Why? Because we don’t seem to believe that people can change, that people aren’t as bad as we think, that people deserve our friendship and forgiveness. But honestly, do we deserve anything??

Even after H&M issued an official apology, we have not forgiven them. Even though they have put down their pride and asked for forgiveness, we have not felt satisfied with their response. But when will we be satisfied? What does H&M have to do in order to gain our forgiveness?

We may find the answer by looking at our own lives. Let’s ask ourselves the same question. What do we have to do in order to gain God’s forgiveness? We sin every day of our lives. H&M’s “mistake” pales in comparison to the many mistakes we ourselves make. If God reacted the same way we are reacting to H&M’s ad, we’d be long gone by now. Nothing we could ever do would make up for all the injustice we commit towards God. So why does He choose to forgive? Why does He extend His grace and mercy to us- a people so undeserving of it.

The answer is love. Because His love for us is so great, He chooses to forgive, if only we’d admit to our sins and ask Him for forgiveness.

So how should we respond to this specific conflict surrounding H&M? Honestly, I don’t have the power to dictate the exact steps we should take. All I know is, if we have a God who chooses to forgive us, we should also choose to forgive, no matter how hurt or victimized we may feel. Be bearers of God’s truth by extending grace, mercy, and most importantly, love.


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