A Picture of the Gospel

The story of Abigail that we have been studying is a good picture of the Gospel!

David asked Nabal for some food for his servants, which he deserved. Nabal was rude and had no respect for David. David came to deal with the situation and bring judgment to Nabal. But Abigail stepped in, although she was innocent. She put her own life at stake and interceded for her sinful husband. She brought a peace offering, and David accepted it.

Like David, God wants us—He wants our heart and our life. Like David, He deserves it. He created us for His glory, remember! But like Nabal, we are selfish and want to live life our own way. We rebel against God and disobey. Since God is just, He must bring judgment. But Jesus stands in the gap, even though He's sinless and He offers the sacrifice of His own sinless life. God accepts that sacrifice.

Abigail acted as a peacemaker and an mediator or go-between. Doesn't that describe Jesus? Jesus came into this world to bring peace between us and God. He came to bridge the gap that we have created by our sin.

1Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

Colossians 1:20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself;

Do you see how you are a sinner like Nabal?

If you do, what are you trusting in for your salvation?

Is your trust in Jesus the peacemaker and mediator?

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