Advent: Thirty Days of Jesus, Day 16, Kingdom of Darkness to Light
By Elizabeth Prata
People who are unsaved have no idea that they live in the kingdom of darkness. They believe all is well and go on with their lives, suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. Once a person is given the grace of becoming aware of their sin, and the spirit of repentance is bestowed upon them, their eyes are opened to the reality of their pitiful state. Without Jesus, there is no hope. All is dark, because HE is the Light.
Further Reading
Grace Gems: Deliverance from the power of darkness
What is the power of darkness, and how God delivers us from it. The Apostle speaks of “the power of darkness.” I shall, therefore, with God’s blessing, explain first what “darkness” is, and then enter into the meaning of the expression “the power of darkness.”
Christian writer and Georgia teacher's aide who loves Jesus, a quiet life, art, beauty, and children. View All Posts