Bible study on Divine gifts: word of knowledge, word of wisdom

Bible study on Divine gifts: word of knowledge, word of wisdom

Posted on December 23, 2008 Updated on December 23, 2008

Memorise: “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter” (Proverbs 25:2)
Read: Luke 18:1-8

Pastor E. Adeboye

You can know someone through association. An example of this is marital association. In today’s reading, the widow approached the judge to take vengeance on her enemies, but for a long while he did nothing about it. Assuming the widow had become married to the judge, what do you think would happen? Her problem would be finally laid to rest.

She would no longer be a tail without a head, or a woman without a cover. She would be able to dwell in the secret place of the Most High God. This is exactly the scenario when you give your life to Jesus. John 5:22 says: “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgement unto the Son”. It is amazing that the final Judge before whom every life will be reviewed at the Great White Throne Judgement is our husband. Praise God!

One great day is coming when the sheep of Psalm 23:1 will be formally wedded to the Shepherd. There will be a great shout and celebration to mark the arrival of that day in Heaven (Revelation 19:5-9). Heaven is sending your invitation saying, ‘And the spirit and the bride say, Come’. One way of knowing a mature Christian is by the eagerness with which the fellow looks forward to that day. Immediately the Bridegroom comes for us, all our problems will be forever solved.

Besides personal observation, information dissemination through the broadcast media and association, another way through which we can know Him is by revelation. Knowledge by Revelation is a most credible, dependable and beneficial source of information.

Even in a marriage, the wife only accesses the information her husband passes to her. Similarly, in Luke 24:13-31, on the way to Emmaus after His resurrection, the Lord joined two of His disciples as they discussed the scriptures, but they did not recognize Him until the breaking of bread. This means that the Almighty God reserves the right to conceal a matter until He decides otherwise.

Matthew 11:27 says until Jesus reveals the Father to an individual, the fellow may never access that information. Anything God conceals can never be uncovered. May He reveal Himself to you today. Proverbs 25:2 says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter”. This means every revelation you get from the Lord confirms your heavenly kingship. Do you receive divine revelations? Do you know Him?

According to Proverbs 25:2, there is a hide and seek game between God and His children. Every secret you uncover from the Bible adds a measure of honour to you.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged babalobi, Healing, pastor adeboye, RCCG, Religion, spiritual warfare, word of knoweledge, words of wisdom.

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