BOOK REVIEW: Colleen Hoover’s “It Ends With Us” - The DV Walking Wounded:
I know the movie of this book is in movie theatres right now, but I am THAT person that has to read the book before I see the movie. I was having dinner with so
I know the movie of this book is in movie theatres right now, but I am THAT person that has to read the book before I see the movie. I was having dinner with so
It’s time for some book recommendations! In these episodes, Cole and Terry discuss the books they have been reading and recommending. From devotional books to enjoyable summer reads, there's something here for everyone to enjoy!Terry’s RecommendationsOur Ancient Faith: Lincoln, Democracy, and the American Experiement by Allen GuelzoAbraham Lincoln led America through the greatest crisis of democracy in United States history. Instead of unpacking Lincoln’s character or values, Guelzo takes a loo
After centuries of covenant-making and covenant-breaking, it was declared through the pen of the prophet that God would solve this problem by giving man a new spirit.Indeed, it would be this spirit that would make all the difference!The Lord said, “I will put My spirit within you and cause you...
S.A. Lelchuk’s Save Me From Dangerous Men (2019) is a dynamite debut that grabs you from the first page and never lets go. This novel introduces us to Nikki G
Dr. Bengtson says, “Your ragged and torn past may be the key to God’s future for you!”
The theme of my new book is How to make inquiries of the Lord. An insightful book that shows you practical ways you can seek God to find answers or solution to your problems. Gain quick access today at the Nownowbooks store How to make inquiries of the Lord: Read first chapter I will […]
My friends! I’m so excited that next month/August, my next book will be published! It’s titled Anger Management–Jesus Style
For many years now, I have been helped by God to produce exclusive Christian personal development books and online courses that have helped lots of people online and offline. They are truly problem-solving resources because they are all produced with users in mind. All glory to God for the inspiration. Related: Publishing books for Authors […]
In Dr. Paul Brand’s book The Gift of Pain Brand says pain is the body's built-in warning system that something is wrong and needs to be fixed. Time and again, he found that lack of pain was his patient’s worst enemy. I nodded, understanding and wishing I didn’t.
If you want to learn how to stop an addiction, this post will show you. Addiction problems are very common ones today. Many people are suffering from one addiction or the other silently. I have reproduced the first chapter of this interesting ebook guide for you in this post. Please find details on how to […]
How to stop masturbation is the focus of this post. A simple story and chart illustration was used to give practical solutions to people suffering from this. Biblical revelations were also used. Masturbation is an addiction problem and it can go a long to bring up other issues if it is not corrected or tamed. […]
We have the following bestselling Publishing books for authors. These Publishing books and resources have helped lots of people online and offline. The different positive reviews show the quality of these ebooks and online courses. Publishing books for authors: Our rich experience We have produced each self publishing books from our various experiences writing, […]
If you want to worry less and pray more, you need to read this post. Worrying and anxiety are diseases many people are suffering from. This has gone s long way to make people become depressed, discouraged and some have even gone ahead to commit suicide. I have provided the first chapter of this interesting […]
Would you like to have a happier marriage? Do you sometimes feel confused about why your reactions toward your husband seem to discourage him rather than encourage him? Do you sometimes think you don’t understand him at all? If Dana Rausch’s book Shaving Off His Mane: Overcoming the Habit of Devaluing Your Husband had been available early in our marriage, we would have had a happier start and foundation.
You will love this Christian marriage fiction. I have reproduced Chapter 2 of this Christian novel on marriage and family in this post. Get the whole book on fictional story on marriage (see details below) You can also do an express ordering service with our WhatsApp ordering service: +234-08034300979. Or contact us here Please read […]
This book shows deep Christian personal development secrets. If you ever want a manual that can help your personal development, this book is just right for you.
You will read fictional stories of marriage conflicts in this Christian fiction, Conjugal Conflicts. You will be reading the opening chapter on this page below. You can also do an express ordering service with our WhatsApp ordering service: +234-08034300979. Or contact us here Chapter 1: Knowledge Preparations “Congratulations, you have just finished the marriage […]
If someone were to ask you to share the Old Testament story of the Garden of Eden, you would likely respond with mentions of Adam and Eve, forbidden fruit, and a very persuasive snake. And the story would end there. But the reality is the Garden of Eden is not...
I am also so excited to announce that I have completed two projects which are now available on Amazon.
The story-based devotions, Bible verses, reflection questions, prayers, and space for journaling in this 90-day devotional help mothers know they are not alone- even on their toughest parenting days.In these 90 heartwarming devotions, Sharon Jaynes shares highly relatable stories—momma moments—from her own life, as well as Bible verses, prayers, reflection questions, and journaling pages. Every day invites a time to pause and focus on a parenting theme such as relying on God, receiving and offering grace, and readjusting to courageously move into a new season.An ideal gift for baby showers, adoption parties, or for any mom who needs to know she is never alone in her parenting struggles, Momma Moments with God brings moms back to God’s Word alongside someone who understands.Pre Order Momma Moments with God When you pre order Momma Moments, you'll receive all of our fun bonuses including the audio version of the book (when it becomes available). Just fill in the form and you'll be on the list!