Devotional: Works of the Holy Spirit

Devotional: Works of the Holy Spirit

Posted on December 21, 2008 Updated on December 20, 2008

Memorise: “And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain” (1 Kings 18:41)

Read: 1 Kings 18:41-44

Pastor E. Adeboye

A knowledge of God makes you to see the invisible. When I first joined the RCCG, I realized that with all my degrees and certificates, I was heading for hell. This provoked spiritual hunger in me after I received Jesus Christ. I wanted to know the bible and how to pray.

When God saw my hunger, He responded. One afternoon after I newly joined the work-force, I went to the toilet while we prepared for the workers’ meeting. As soon as I sat on the toilet seat, the wall in front of me turned into a screen; it was as if I was about to watch a film show. I saw the vision of the Old Headquarters of the church. The service had started. Then I saw the altar. Every seat on the altar was occupied except two. While the song that ushered in the sermon was being taken, the door to the vestry flung open and two men- the preacher and the interpreter came to the altar.

Immediately, the vision was taken away. After the workers’ meeting, I met my father in the Lord and relayed the vision to him. He screamed, summoned the other pastors and explained that that was how the service was conducted in time past. The preacher and the interpreter would lock themselves to pray in the vestry until it was time for them to minister. Then papa added, ‘God is about to bring revival to this church’.

“And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain” (1 Kings 18:41). For a user of this Devotional, this is your season. There is a sound of abundant blessings heading your direction. Your joy is about to experience an overflow. When it comes, remember to share your testimony with the congregation. When you know God, you will hear the inaudible – what others cannot hear.

While everybody else heard nothing, Elijah heard the sound of abundance of rain. A knowledge of God makes you recognize His voice amidst divers voices and sounds. You will be able to know what certain sounds are all about. In any case, God is always speaking: however, the meaning of His sound is lost to the noise of the stomach, flesh or Satan.

It takes those who know their God to identify His voice in the midst of circumstances. The Lord will speak to you this season. He will open your spiritual ears to hear the inaudible. The Lord will speak peace to you today. How much do you desire to know Him?

Ask God to open the spiritual ears of His servants in the Body of Christ all over the world. Pray for provision, rotection and fulfillment for missionaries in various mission fields.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged babalobi, Devotionals, Holiness, holy spirit, pastor e.adeboye sermons, RCCG, Save the World.

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