The enemy is trying to trap us in our own strategy of warfare. That is, to get the opponents to fight each other. Rather than focusing on our real spiritual adversary, many believers are getting caught up in trying to prove a prophetic word, defending a particular voice, or disqualifying those who don’t agree with their interpretation of events. Instead of calling out the enemy, we’re calling out the prophets. Dear saints – this should not be.

    As much as we’d like to protect the prophetic movement and defend the ministry of Holy Spirit, it’s simply not our job. I actually heard a gentle rebuke the other day when He said, “Wanda – I can validate Myself!” The fact is, we have a much bigger assignment than trying to validate prophecies. We should be focusing all our energies on exposing the enemies of God and praying for tangible evidence of their works of darkness. Because a vast number of Christians still deny there’s a problem at hand, we need to break the spell of deception through faith-fueled prayers and active engagement.

    “And He did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.” (Matthew 13:58 ESV)

    I believe there is a huge spirit of unbelief that can only be broken through our agreement in prayer and collective cries for justice. There is a strongman in the house and if we are to plunder the works of darkness, we must agree that he’s even there(!) and then take him out together (see Matthew 12:28-30). For national deliverance to occur, we must clear out the clutter and expel the criminal squatters so that Holy Spirit can come in fullness and give us HIS Kingdom reset.

    Our deliverance has no date, but it does have a requirement – focus and agreement. And in order to get more people on board with this Mission Impossible, it’s going to require things getting personal, inconvenient, and uncomfortable. In order to fully convince those who still live in denial to the truth, it will take all of us walking through a short time of darkness before we can see the light. I personally don’t believe it has to last long – but it must accomplish its work.

    “Who rises up for Me against the wicked? Who stands up for Me against evildoers? If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence.” (Psalms 94:16-17)

    Saints, we cannot be silent. We must continue to press in with our prayers and petitions for the light to shine in the darkness. We must continue to declare that the laws of God’s Kingdom and the righteousness of His rule are greater than any demonic agenda or treasonous orders. And, we must continue to call forth the opening of eyes and exposure of men’s hearts so that all will LOOK, SEE, and LEARN.

    “But rise and stand upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and witness to the things in which you have seen … to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’” (Acts 26:16-18)



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