Holy spirit: know Holy Spirit, hear the Holy Spirit speak

Holy spirit: know Holy Spirit, hear the Holy Spirit speak

Posted on January 19, 2009 Updated on January 19, 2009

Memorise: “But ye have not so learned Christ” (Eph 4:20)

Read: 1 Samuel 3:2-14

In today’s reading, God called a young boy, but neglected the elder who occupied the prophetic office for several decades. The Lord will not pass you by in Jesus’ Name. Samuel was still very young when he started hearing from God. Are you a young convert? You stand the chance of hearing from God. When God opens your spiritual eyes, you will have clear spiritual vision.

As Eli advanced in age, his spiritual age thinned out. The more he was to know, the less he knew. His once blossoming relationship with God deteriorated to the point that he could no more hear from God. The moment you cease from hearing from God, you become irrelevant. Can you hear from God?

If yes, do everything you can to sustain it. It took Eli sometime to realize that God was trying to speak to the child Samuel because he had stopped hearing from God. There is nothing as bad as hearing from God and no longer hearing from Him.

There are people you can fool by saying, God has said. But some people cannot be fooled.

Recently, somebody wrote to tell me that the Lord asked him to go and start a ministry, and further gave the name of the ministry. I laughed. God can speak to a child if the elders are no longer willing or capable of hearing. If God is sending you on another assignment while you are under this Mission, He will tell me, and I will bless and send you forth.

Do not send yourself on an errand He did not send you, no matter how inviting it appears. If you send yourself, you will work for yourself and reward yourself. God will be completely out of the equation.

In 1 Kings 18:41, only Elijah heard of the sound of abundant rain. It is possible to hear from God to derive encouragement. It can also be to receive warning.

Until you completely obey God’s first instruction, He may never talk to you again. If you want Him to resume speaking with you, restitute.

Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. If you are careful enough, you will observe His promptings and thoughts dropped in your spirit man.

Sometimes, He may ask you to do something that appears stupid. Go ahead and obey Him. Spend several hours praying in the spirit. Create time for regular personal Bible study. Shun eye service, and any form of carnality. It shall be well with you. The Lord will speak to you from today. I command every insensitivity to give way now. The Lord will not dump you.

Ask God to uproot every false preacher in the Body of Christ. Pray for provision, protection and favour for missionaries worldwide.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, Devotionals, God, good news, holy spirit, news, pastor adeboes sermons, pastor adeboye, RCCG, Religion, spiritual warfare.

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