How Slow of Heart Be Ya Ter Believe? - Booty and Treasures fer All!

    Afterward Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them while they whar walking in the country.
    Mark 16:12

    Late on the first day of the week when some folks reported that the Sun’s body whar missing from his tomb, two fellers set off from Jerusalem fer Emmaus, about a six-mile trek. While walking they happened upon a stranger who asked ’em how come the pair whar so glum.

    Cleopas answered, “This fellow Jesus was a prophet. He was powerful in deed and word before God. We had hoped he would redeem Israel.”

    The pair then shared how Roman soldiers killed him.

    Cleopas added, “But a vision of angels told some of our friends that he was alive.”

    The stranger replied, “How foolish you are.”

    Now had the stranger stopped right thar we might think he whar scolding the pair fer believing that a feller, any feller, would restore Israel while it whar under the rule of Rome. All of us be ruled by Rome in some way. Could be that the country, province, county, city, or community you live in keeps you hemmed in with rules that restrict yer freedoms. Could be the culture you live in keeps you pressed down so you cannot earn a decent wage, live in a decent home. Rome fell but its remnants remain and still oppress.

    But throwing off Rome whar not the point the stranger sought ter make. “Did not the Christ have to suffer such things and then enter his glory?”

    Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, the stranger explained how the Son whar mentioned all through the Skipper’s Covenant Code and how each time he whar brought up, it pointed ter him coming ter save folks from thar sins and restore ’em ter right companionship with Skip.

    Nearing the town, and it being ’bout dusk, they begged the stranger ter spend the night with ’em. At first he held back, making like he whar going to walk on inter the wild whar lions and tigers and robbers attacked them who traveled alone. Finally, though, he give in and joined ’em fer a meal at a home. When the stranger broke a piece of bread and give it to ’em, thar eyes whar opened. Right then they seen that the stranger whar the Sun.

    Soon as they realized it whar a dead man walking, he vanished right before thar very eyes.

    Cleopas blurted out, “Whar not our hearts burning within us while he talked and opened the Scriptures to us?”

    This be the power of the Skip’s Covenant Code when revealed by the Holy Spirit of Truth. Our eyes be opened, ears be unstuck, hearts melt. We see the Son as he truly is: the Creator of the heavens and earth in the flesh.

    How slow of heart we be ter believe all the prophets ‘ave spoken. We always got questions, doubts, disputes. Only one thing be necessary: ter trust and believe Skipper’s words.

    If yer heart be slow, open Skip’s Covenant Code and ask his Holy Spirit of Truth ter reveal the Son ter you through all the stories, all the promises, all the commands, all the bloody, rebellious warring. Reading Skip’s Code with his Holy Spirit of Truth as yer teacher ‘ill near ’bout always get yer heart ter beating fast, and if it don’, ask Skip ter massage yer heart till it be tender enough ter his touch ter near ’bout break at the thought that his very Son died so you could live with the Father in Paradise.

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