John MacArthur on the Confusion at Christmas

This post was first published during December 2017. –ed.

For most people, Christmas is much more than a day. The word itself represents a wide variety of activities, traditions, and events. Just thinking about Christmas triggers your senses, reminding you of the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes the season represents.

Reading that, you are likely thinking of some of those things right now. But as you scroll down that mental checklist of all the things Christmas means to you, where do you find Christ? Many believers would be ashamed to admit how little the birth of the Lord actually figures in their Christmas celebrations, and what a low priority He receives at this time of year.

How do God’s people keep His Son at the center of their Christmas celebrations? And how do we avoid the worldly temptations and influences that ramp up at this time of the year? We recently asked John MacArthur about these issues; here’s what he had to say.

In the days ahead, we will be doing our part to help you keep your eyes on Christ, His incarnation, and God’s grace and sovereignty displayed through the birth of His Son.

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