“Let His Love Open the Door:” a Guest Post by Mollie Lyon | Dreaming Beneath the Spires

I met Mollie Lyon, a lover of Jesus from Pennsylvania, through her thoughtful blog comments a couple of years ago, and she has been a faithful and supportive blog reader and friend. I was pleased when she offered me a guest post. 

Let His Love Open the Door

I knelt in the dimly lit sanctuary of my church with my prayer group. The quiet atmosphere calms a busy soul. On Monday evenings, we gather to pray for revival in our church, our country and the world. My spirit is stilled as my mind opens to hear as well as talk to God.

A theme often emerges in our prayer time. This particular night, the love Jesus has for us flooded my soul. I kept praying for His followers to experience the love. I prayed that tasks and busyness for God’s Kingdom would take second place to welcoming Jesus’ love.

The verse from Revelation 3:20 flowed into my mind, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.”
Jesus is talking to believers, His followers. This verse is often used in evangelism and I believe Jesus does knock at the door of every heart, but in the original text He is speaking to the church in Laodicea, the church that was neither hot nor cold, the indifferent church.

Has not the Church of today been compared to this? We are rich in the Western Church, are we not? Not just in material wealth, but in educational supplies. Go into any bookstore or online and see the riches of learning about the Christian life.

Yet, we find ourselves indifferent to Jesus Himself.
 Jesus wants to “sup” with us, the verse reveals. Do we not often say, “Let’s do lunch” as a way of securing a friendship? My sisters and I joked, after my father died, that my mother received so many lunch offers at the calling hours, that she could have been out for lunch for a year. Sadly, as is often the case, those offers never materialized because of this world’s busyness. Life gets in the way.

I prayed through this verse. And “Let My Love” that song by Peter Townshend suddenly  surfaced in my mind. Yes, a secular song infiltrated my mind during prayer time. I wanted to sing it, but that didn’t seem spiritual, but I did pray it as the timing amazed me.
 I’m sure Peter Townshend never thought his song would turn up in a Ladies Prayer for Revival hour. I love God’s sense of humor.

I felt Jesus singing to me and to His church, “Let My love open the door; let My love open the door; let My love open the door to your heart.”

As I later listened to the song on Youtube and read the words, I felt they were spoken to the hopeless, the unloved and the lost as well. When tragedy befalls you, don’t let it drag you down.

 This song could very well be sung by Jesus and I heard it that Monday night in a prayer for revival. Zephaniah 3:17 says the Lord sings over you, (and I like the Revised Standard Version) “with loud singing.” One thing that can set you free–that’s Jesus’ love.

So, let His love open the door. Open that door as His love knocks.

Mollie Lyon

Mollie Lyon

Mollie Lyon’s Bio: I love stories and I love writing, but I became a registered nurse out of high school, a dependable source of income. I have been a nurse for thirty one years, and married the same amount of time, graduating, tying the knot and moving to a new state in the same weekend. That plucky spirit of belief in my ability wouldn’t let barriers block my way.

I approach my renewed love of writing that way. I can make this happen. I study everything I can find on writing. The best thing to do, though, is pray and write.

I joke that I was born a Christian and in a cultural sense, I was. My father’s testimony thrilled me, as he lived the life of a born again Christian. I grew to realize that God does not have grandchildren; I needed my own faith. I am thankful for the strong foundation in my upbringing of Christian education, and Christian life, as well.

I have lived in western Pennsylvania for most of my life, except for the five years my husband served in the Navy, when we lived in New England. I have two adult daughters, two cats and a dog. I still practice nursing, but view writing as my vocation. I self- published a novel, Summer Triangle this summer and write a blog Miss Mollie’s Musings at missmolliesmusings.blogspot.com. I plan to publish another novel in January, Main Street.

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