Let’s Talk About It…The Single Life

The topic on how to live the single life well has always been a hot topic among young adults around the world. So, had to invite the amazing writer Mr Iremide Akinsola to share his views and wisdom on how to navigate this aspect of life for all my fellow young adults.

Check it out and share your thoughts and suggestions!

This week’s topic is on The Single Life

Let's Talk About It (2)

1.What is your relationship status?


2. How have you navigated or are currently navigating your single life ?

I am enjoying this phase! I understand that this is an important season for building a strong foundation for the future. So I’m working and trying to grow in my walk with God, earnestly desiring that Christ is formed in me. Trusting Him to prune and refine me.

My relationship with family and loved ones is a major part of my life. So I try to ensure that they know how much they mean to me. And also that I’m there for them.

My work/ministry is really important to me. I consistently invest in ensuring that I perform excellently in all that God has called me to do in the areas that He has placed me.

Also, I take time to just enjoy myself. Dancing around the house. Laughing. Taking a stroll. Living!


3. What has been your biggest struggle as a single man?

Fixing my eyes so much on tomorrow that I don’t remember to enjoy today. Growing up, I had the problem of being too future-oriented.

I remember that at my secondary school Valedictory Service, I was thinking about how much I would miss my friends. Friends that were still with me at that point in time. Rather than enjoy myself and live in the moment, I focused on what was to come.

I don’t want to make the same mistake and I’m being intentional about it. I’m learning to add spontaneity to the structure of my activities. I’m learning to create and document memories. I’m learning to smell the roses. I’m learning to enjoy where I am! To maximize this season of my life. And indeed every season, as life unfolds.


Also, there’s the constant temptation which comes from media and the society at large. It’s a challenge to stay sane amidst the crazy things that the world brings up.

4. What has been your biggest achievement as a single man?

This is a difficult question for me to answer, because I try to avoid complacency. So I look back mainly to show gratitude to God and also to pick lessons for improvement in what is to come. I don’t want to be comfortable with what was done yesterday. I always believe that my best days are always ahead. Looking at it though, I think that perspective might have some disadvantages. 

Well, to attempt the question…I’m grateful for my blog which has been running for four years. I consider it a privilege to be one of God’s scribes. Also, I’m grateful for Men of Like Passions, and Unveiled, the two books I’ve been privileged to write.


5. How does your faith impact the way you live as a single man in terms of your career, ministry, friendships, relationships etc?

My faith is everything to me. It affects every other thing. I’m work-in-progress and there are a lot of things that God is working on in me. But the foundation and guiding framework for my life is my faith in God. It aids my relationships with family and friends. It propels me to be my best at work and ministry.

The Bible is a guiding light for me. I’m learning that there’s a scripture reference for every situation. Decision making. Finances. Celebrations. Every thing I face, God has a solution already. So I’m learning to maximize this benefit.

 6. What resources have been useful for you during this period of life?

Books have been the major resource for me. The Bible is number one, but asides from it, my  favorite books are Finishing Strong by Steve Farrar and How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton Christensen which is another book that has significantly shaped my perspective. Also, The Mark of the Lion trilogy by Francine Rivers and Blink by Ted Dekker have a place in my heart.

There are others but these are the ones I can remember now.

Movies have also been a helpful resource point. The films by Mount Zion Faith Ministries are a great attraction for me. Generally, I am quite picky when it comes to movies. I work with recommendations. So if someone I trust watches it and likes it, then I’ll check it out  I don’t mind watching a film that I like several times. For example, I’ve seen Black Panther so many times, I can try to recite a few lines.

7. Any parting words of wisdom or thoughts you would like to share for those looking to navigate the single life as a young adult Christian?

I’m also still navigating the single life and life in general, trying to make the best use of the gift that God has given. One major thing I’ll encourage is to cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Not a mechanical, compulsion-oriented walk. But an intimate and interesting relationship with Him.

He’s my best friend and I can’t imagine living without Him. He counsels, corrects and comforts. He guides, protects and teaches. I could go on and on. But really, the taste of the pudding is in the eating. Talk to Him. Fellowship with Him. Spend time with Him.

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”

Psalm 34:8

Thank you Iremide for sharing your thoughts and views!

Iremide Akinsola is a Christian who enjoys reading, writing, listening to music and watching football. He is a Masters degree holder in Economics and a Chartered Accountant. He blogs at iremideakinsola.wordpress.com

He’s the author of ‘Unveiled’ and ‘Men of Like Passions’ which can be purchased online.

He is mainly active on Facebook (Iremide Akinsola) and Twitter (@Iremide)


Mo 🙂

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