Mark 16: Soul winning, commandment of Jesus

Mark 16: Soul winning, commandment of Jesus

Posted on November 2, 2016

Mark 16 vs. 15- He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.

  1. The last wish of Jesus before He left the world is that his disciples should embark on soul winning.
  2. It is often said that the last wish of a man must be respected.
  3. Are you respecting the last request of Jesus?
  4. The prayer request of Jesus is for you to evangelize. Instead of answering this simple prayer request, we bombard Jesus with our prayer requests daily NOT knowing Jesus may not answer our request unless we answer his own request.

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GO –   This is a commandment not an optional instruction.

YE –   Jesus is talking to you. The commandment is for you.

INTO – Move. You cannot WIN a soul unless you take a step.

THE – Preach to THE blind, THE lame, THE rich, THE poor, THE young, THE old, THE sinners etc.

WORLD – Go to every nation, every continent, town, city and village. Salvation is for all.

AND – You need to do something.

PREACH – Tell them about the adamic sin inherited by  all men and salvation plan of God through Jesus.

GOSPEL – Your message must be based and rooted on the word of God, which is the Bible.

EVERY – The gospel is for everybody.

CREATURE – God does not discriminate on basis of gender, race, age, on language. Gospel is for everyone.

Babatope Babalobi: + 2348035897435

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This entry was posted in Bible study, Mark and tagged babalobi, Babatope Babalobi, Christian, christian deliverance, deliverance prayers, Evangelism, Jesus, Mark, pastor adeboye's sermons, Prayers, Save the World, soul winning.

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