Our Inseparable Bond with the Gospel

“We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us” (1 Thess. 2:8).

The gospel is more than just the evangelistic message. The gospel begins there, but it doesn’t end there. The gospel of Christ is more than getting us saved and sending us to heaven when we die. The gospel is about walking in that salvation.

I recently edited a small book written by Micahel Kelley called Creating a Discipleship Pathway. Michael points out that, while the concept of a “personal relationship with Christ” is biblical, that phrase appears nowhere in Scripture. Nowhere. Instead, the concept of walking is seen repeatedly.  For example, we walk by faith (2 Cor. 5:7). We are to “walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him” (Col. 1:10).

I was saved by the gospel of Christ, and I walk in the gospel of Christ.

Since we would agree that the gospel is life transforming, that means it is transforming of daily life. How I live moment-by-moment cannot be separated from the gospel that made that transformation possible! The gospel that gave me life continues to give me life. The gospel is about every part of my life.

The gospel is the good news of a life lived daily in the presence of Jesus. It is the good news that He lives in me, He fills me, and He empowers me to live and serve Him.

When I read Paul’s words that they not only shared the gospel with the Thessalonians, but they shared their lives, I imagine Paul could do no less. He could not share the gospel without also sharing his life. The two were inseparable.

And that’s the life I want to lead. God, move me to the point that people cannot look at my life and not see the gospel.  When people see me, let them see Jesus.

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