Plan with God: Think tomorrow, Live Today | HealthWealthVictory

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Today, God reminded me of a simple truth: the past is gone, tomorrow may never come, today is a gift. So always plan with God: think tomorrow, live today.

13 Well now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow, we are off to this or that town; we are going to spend a year there, trading, and make some money.’

14 You never know what will happen tomorrow: you are no more than a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears.

15 Instead of this, you should say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we shall still be alive to do this or that.’

James 4

Plan with God 

I know now why I never made 5-year, 10-year goals or plans. Even 1-year plans. 

Tomorrow is never guaranteed. We can only hope.

I’ve been kinda living day by day.

I want God to show me what He wants me to do and direct my steps as He sees fit every day.

What if I make my plans but God sees differently?

A lot can happen in 24 hours. Things can change in an instant.

That’s why productivity teachings about planning well into the future never resonated with me. 

Plan with God_think tomorroww_live today featured image

What I applied and started doing is the monthly calendar, with a weekly structure, and daily routine.

This is so I can have a clear picture of what I want to happen in my immediate future: the current week and month.

Daily Routine

First, I made a daily schedule and routine of things I needed to do daily to be the person God wants me to be, assigning activities for each hour or minute.

Then because I tend to be so immersed in what I’m doing, I forget the time, I set alarms for each time I need to change my focus and attention and set it on automatic repeat each day as reminders. 

So it’s normal for those around me to hear my phone alarm beeping every now and then which helps me remember what I needed to do at that given time.

Monthly calendar with a weekly focus

In order for me to keep track of doing things for my business and 2 online work daily, I made a blank monthly calendar with a weekly focus.

It has a goal column before every week and a completed column after every week. Then I color-coded each day for my focus for that day, working only on one thing.

My color-coded monthly calendar/content plan with a weekly focus and goals list. Credit: Tata Velasquez, HealthWealthVictory

Except I work on the blog too, on top of everything, daily these days because that’s what God inspired me. I’ll reevaluate until I get to 100 blog posts.

This gives me a structure to work with as a guide for the whole month and for every week.

But the specifics for each day, week, or month are never set in stone. 

Every morning I ask God what do You want me to make or write today?

For instance, today, Wednesday, is my Low Content Books for Amazon Kindle focus. So I ask what book covers He wants me to do. 

But usually, it’s the design for the printable I made for my Shopify on Mondays that I just convert to book covers. So that’s taken care of. Same as with my Print On Demand design focus on Fridays.

Mondays usually set the design direction for the whole week.

Cause my goal is to make available the good news for the week on as many different platforms as I can, to reach God’s people wherever they are.

I find that it keeps me on my toes, alert for the new thing God is planning for me and wants to do through me. 

Think Tomorrow

I don’t make goals at all – yearly goals, even 3 months goals.

I set lifetime intentions.

These are my dreams for the future, the life of my dreams, a future full of hope God has promised me: 

I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.

Jeremiah 29:11 GNBDK

So I set intentions so big that I know God alone can help me accomplish those. 

My Life Intentions

To make it clear, I’ll share my top 3 intentions here:

  • Have fit and firm body with flat 11-abs like a dancer, weighing 50kg and hip: waist ratio of less than 0.80 inches, live at least 120 years like Moses with sight undimmed and vigor abounding
  • Have total time and financial freedom with a business empire and financial dynasty, earning at least $3k – £100B/month in recurring residual profits from multiple passive income streams quickly, easily, and effortlessly doing what I love and enjoy with my friends and family, working whenever I want, giving 90% to causes God cares about.
  • Bless at least a billion people by bringing the Good news to the afflicted and inspiring the dreamers in Christ.

I know. Crazy big, right? But these inspire me, set my life on fire, and get my faith stretching and growing.

I know they’re so big that I don’t set deadlines for their fulfillment. 

I leave that to God too.

I believe God can accomplish them any time He wants: in a year, in a day, my whole lifetime. If He wants me to accomplish them. 

But I know He does because He gave me His Word, so it’s only a matter of when.

My focus is on doing the work. I leave to Him the results.

Do your best and God will do the rest.

I think that has been my motto ever since I can remember.

Live today 

Now that I’ve set my lifetime intentions and my monthly/weekly structure as well as my daily routine that will move me forward towards those intentions, I’m able to freely live in the moment.

To fully live today.

Sometimes I keep to the daily routine, sometimes I don’t. But nothing too drastically different. 

I’m still able to do exactly what I set out to do at the beginning of each week, setting my completed column full of checkmarks.

I’m just into my 3rd week doing this but so far, it has totally freed me up to live each day to the full. 

I still get to read my novels and watch TV too. But I do those within the structure. I don’t let them carry me away with my time as I usually have the tendency to do.

Productive and fully alive

And you know what I discovered? 

The days are slower. I finish a day and I feel like it’s been a week has passed.

These 3 weeks, I’m happy to share I’ve been so fully engaged and so productive.

I’m tired, yes, but I’ve never been so fulfilled, so fully alive.

Each night, I may sleep later or earlier than I’ve scheduled. 

But always I thank God for each day fulfilled and to help me wake up tomorrow refreshed, renewed, and ready to face another day with Him.

And He does wake me up, thank God for that.

14 You never know what will happen tomorrow: you are no more than a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears. 15 Instead of this, you should say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we shall still be alive to do this or that.’ James 4

Now your turn

Do you want to live a fully engaged and productive life every day?

Plan your life with God. Each day, each week, each month. 

You’ll not only be productive, but you’ll also feel fulfilled, renewed, and refreshed, ready to face each day with God. 

healthwealthvictory tips
  • Plan your life with God, each day, week and month
  • Think Tomorrow. Set intentions, big dreams, prayerfully, for your lifetime.
  • Live today. Today is all you have. Today is a gift. Live it fully.
praying hands of a child

Dear Lord,

Help me to plan my life with You, each day, each week, each month. I give you my dreams for the future. Today is Your gift. Help me live it for You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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This is it for now. Till next time.

To our health, wealth, and victory – GODSPEED!

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Tata with guitar

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