Preparing to be a Help Meet

(Lessons from Eve #1)

And the LORD God said, It is not
good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for
Genesis 2:18

When you think about getting married in
the future, what comes to your mind?

 Having someone to love YOU, provide for YOU, give YOU a home…?

Or having someone for YOU to love and be a help and companion to?

Eve was created to be a help and companion to Adam.
A lot of wives today are not much of a help or a companion to their husbands. We are naturally so selfish and focused on ourselves and what we want. When we think about marriage, we don't necessarily think about being a help!

What are some ways you could prepare to
be a helpmeet?

(Even if you never marry, these tips
will still come in handy.)

1) Learn skills

Cooking, driving, gardening/yard work,
looking after children etc.

Cooking is a big one! It's best to
learn as much as possible before you are married, as once you are
married meal planning becomes a big daily responsibility.

You don't want your husband to be like the newly wed guy who said, "My wife really worships me. She puts before me three burnt offerings every day!" 🙂


2) Learn to keep a tidy room/house.

It's one thing to have a bedroom to
keep in order, but it's another thing to have a whole house to look
after. It's good to learn to keep your room clean and tidy and then
it won't be so overwhelming when you have a whole house. Also, I can assure you, your husband will appreciate coming home to a clean orderly house!

3) Keep your heart for your man.

When you are married, you will have to
stay faithful to your man. But if you are used to switching
boyfriends regularly and flirting with anyone, how will you stay true
to your man? God only has one man for you, so why not keep your heart
pure until He shows you the right one?

4) Respect your father and/or any
other authority in your life.

If you don't respect your father now,
you probably won't respect your husband. Your father has much more
experience than your future husband, so if you can't respect your
father for his rules, authority and decisions, you won't respect your
husband with his little experience/wisdom. Even though he isn't
perfect and makes mistakes sometimes, respect him. Your husband won't
be perfect either!

5) Learn to be content and thankful.

If you're not happy and fulfilled as a
single woman, you won't be content as a wife either. You will not
automatically become fulfilled once you are married.

Also, if you learn to be content and not covetous, you will be a big blessing to your husband as you will help save money!

6) Start praying for him.

As a wife, you'll need to pray for your
husband that he will make the right decisions as he leads the family.
Why not get in the habit now? All young guys need a lot of prayer!
Even if you never marry, I don't believe your prayers will be wasted.

7) Make a list of all you want your
husband to be, then learn to be that yourself.

It's easy to have expectations and yet
not come close to meeting them ourselves. If you learn to be what you
want your husband to be, you'll attract the type of husband you want.

8) Learn how guys think.

Males and females think very
differently! If you learn how he thinks and what he needs, then you
will be a better and happier wife!! Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus is a good book
to learn how men think.

9) Study the Bible to see what God says to women.
What does the Bible say about how girls/women should live and act? What does God expect from wives? Why not find out?

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