Remaining Unchangeable IN Changing Times

(Photo: Unsplash)

The world we live in is changing every day. People’s thoughts, opinions and value systems can change similarly to the weather. As we know, the weather is rather inconsistent. Every day there are changes in the weather. When it comes to changes people make, change is good when it is positive change, in the right direction.

One day one person may believes this. The next day they may believe that. Perhaps, it depends on what mood they are in or what their personal desires or ambitions are for the moment. This can be confusing for those who are observing their lifestyle. It is confusion for the person who keeps changing their mind and is unsure what they believe in and stand for. I am encouraged by the fact that when it comes to God and His ways, He does not change.

“The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.” Psalms 33: 11.

I thank God that I know where I stand. I am with and in Christ. I thank God for His immutability.

I thank and praise God that I am able to stick with Him. I am grateful for His empowerment for me to do so. Otherwise, it would be easy to be influenced by all of the worldly influencers and influences out there. For those who are not rooted in God’s truth, this is why they are all over the place with their beliefs and behaviors.

A desire to please fleshly passions influences the belief systems of many people. Their beliefs sometimes change so that they can accommodate their desires. Hardships, the cruel world we live in, loss, disappointment, doubt, fear and more can shake people and their faith in God. I say this with compassion. I have also had doubts and I have stumbled many times. It is God who has helped my unbelief and kept me.

Through all of my doubts and failures, God has remained faithful. He has been my constant source of truth, help and hope. He remains my source of all-around provision.

It is the truth. He provides for me everyday. His Spirit lives in me. I have His word to feast and meditate upon as daily bread. He has blessed me with family and friends. He has provided me continually with my job, finances, food, clothing shelter, and so much more. In all of my weakness, He is my strength.

As the world considers darkness as light, light as darkness, bad as good, good as bad, down as up, up as down, the next idea may be humans are the same as animals and animals are the same as humans.

• There are people claiming to marry trees.

• There are claims that God-given differences such as being male or female are social constructs.

Who knows what else is next? In the minds of some, it appears that almost anything goes. For some, there appears to be a mass exodus from reality.

The Holy Spirit of God which is the Spirit of Truth, is greater than the spirit of confusion and error.

This is why it is so important for the people of God to remain rooted in Him and be light in this dark world. I am grateful for every follower of Jesus Christ who encourages me by their devotion to God. I’m grateful for the godly examples they set.

I am encouraged by fellow writers, bloggers, vloggers and other influencers who shine godly light in how they share the gospel, love, encourage and bless others. The world needs to see more of God’s people truly representing Him in the spirit of love.

Friends, I pray for each and everyone of you who are followers of Jesus Christ, including myself; that we will remain unchangeable in the ways of God in this changing and darkening world.

If bad influence can have such a heavy, widespread impact, what about more righteous influence? “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5: 16.

May we be righteous examples to others by living according to the Word of God and showing the world that we are followers of Jesus Christ by loving others. May God continue to strengthen and keep each of us. Jesus is the only way and God does not change. Therefore, I must remain unchanged in Him. I may stumble, I may falter, but God is my strength.

“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: falter, but God is my strength.” Philippians 1: 6.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.” Hebrews: 13: 8.


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