Secrets of happy christian marriage

Secrets of happy christian marriage

Posted on January 7, 2009 Updated on January 7, 2009


TEXT: 1 John  4:7-8; COL 3:17-22


Love is warm affection, attachment, liking or fondness sacrifices endurance etc. God is love as recorded in John 4:7-8 and He exhibited this love to the world through the sacrificial gift of His only Son Jesus Christ forth salvation of mankind. Jn 3:16-17.


 An instrument designed for inflicting bodily harm e.g. gun bomb sword, spear etc but as Christians our own weapon of war is not carnal but spiritual. One of the spiritual weapons of the Christian warfare is love


Home is the establishment of God. When God created everything they were good by God’s standard but God saw that it was not good for the man to be alone so he created a helpmeet for him and that was name woman .

God bless them that they should be fruitful and multiply. Therefore by God’s standard, a Christian home is a home that is comprised of a man, father of the home, one woman tea mother of the home and the blessing of the man and woman with children. In addition they can have house helps, such as drivers, cleaners, gardeners, and gateman staying with them in that home.


Where love is absent in a home hatred will set ion and it is a dangerous signal that does not end well. The first murdered in the Bible was committed through hatred.  Gen 4:8. Hatred operated between Esau and Jacob and it was fault of their parents and it made Jacob to run out of the home. Gen 27: 41. Hatred took its toil between Joseph and his brothers. Gen 37:3-4. The Bible in prov. 10:12 expose the danger in hatred and the benefits of love.


To achieve victory in the home, the fruit of the Spirit as recorded in Gal 5:22-23 must operate in lives of members of that home. From the text quoted how we can see that love came first. The Bible even frowns at a father that fails in his duty to maintain his home. I Tim 5:8; 1 Corin 13:7-8 stressed how victory be achieved in the home through love because all other gift will fail but love never fails and love is the greatest amongst faith, hope and love.


1.       What is love

2.       Who is love

3.       How did God display His own Love?

4.       Enumerate the principles of a happy home as recorded in Cor 3:17-22

5.       Apart from Love, what are the other fruit of the Spirit needed in a home according to Gal 5:22-23

6.       Why should parents not love child more than the other according to Gen 37:3-4

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged life, Love, marital troubles, marriage, parenting, Relationships, Religion.

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